Blossom School

79 reviews

Jl. Raya Citra Garden 3 No.1 Ext. Blok F2, RT.5/RW.13, Tegal Alur, Kec. Kalideres, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11830, Indonesia



Blossom School is a Primary school located at Jl. Raya Citra Garden 3 No.1 Ext. Blok F2, RT.5/RW.13, Tegal Alur, Kec. Kalideres, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11830, Indonesia. It has received 79 reviews with an average rating of 4.9 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of Blossom School: Jl. Raya Citra Garden 3 No.1 Ext. Blok F2, RT.5/RW.13, Tegal Alur, Kec. Kalideres, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11830, Indonesia

  • Blossom School has 4.9 stars from 79 reviews

  • Primary school

  • "I have been teaching in Blossom School for more than 2 years now and had been experiencing to teach in other schools, too"

    "Blossom School Citra Garden"

    "My children used to go to a Cambridge School and they only moved to Blossom School this academic year"

    "Alasan saya memilih blossom school adalah #ini ga melebih2kan ya, ini fakta# 1"

    "Saya hikmah Badriyah,saya adalah team Leader janitor di Blossom School"


  • c'iie

I have been teaching in Blossom School for more than 2 years now and had been experiencing to teach in other schools, too. The other schools are great, but Blossom School is greater for some reasons. This school has vision, mission, and core values which are great. I totally agree with all of them. The school pursues the greatness within one child at a time. Everybody is unique and genius. We focus on the development and progress of each student. The school teaches the students to have their own goals, makes action plans to reach their goals, and tracks their actions to see how much effort they put in achieving their goals. The school also guides the students to evaluate the result consistently. This is one of the things that you will not find it happens in other schools. The school is also a part of "The Leader in Me" school. It provides the students and the teachers to become a leader daily and through events. The students take great parts in every event that is held by the school. Age is not a problem at all. Even though they are kindergarten students or elementary students, they are great enough to lead and learn. I am proud to be the one who can involve and contribute in this school. During this home learning time, I can tell that the school staffs, the teachers, the students, and the parents are cooperating really well so this home learning really runs well. Home learning is what it is to be. The students really learn and they really have a weekly timetable, adjustment tests and projects, and adjustment for leadership roles. The school runs well even though it is online. I think the school handles the home learning very well. I am so proud, for sure.

  • Stephanie R.

Blossom School Citra Garden.. FUNtastic! Setelah pergumulan panjang untuk memindahkan si koko dr sekolah asal dan juga mengajak si cici juga ke Blossom School... adalah memang keputusan yg tepat (terlebih supaya mereka bersaudara bisa memiliki visi yg tepat untuk masa depan mereka). Sedihnya, sekolah baru dimulai di era Pandemi Covid Tapi, walaupun online sharian : si koko cukup nyaman dan cepat berinteraksi dengan guru2 & teman2 barunya.. cara pembelajaran dan metode online nya cukup update dan baik. Si cici yg baru mulai sekolahpun akhirnya bisa mengikuti. awalnya kita agak worry krn ajak anak umur 2,5thn utk di depan laptop slama 1,5jam itu tantangan banget yaa.. untung guru2nya super sabar dan baik.. Program pengembangan diri 7 HABITS - THE LEADER IN ME = bagus banget ! Dari owner, principals, teachers, staffs bahkan sampai securities pun kompak dan kooperatif.. ramah dan sabar.. Seperti keluarga besar banget di Blossom School. Tidak terasa sudah bagi rapor Term 1.. kita bagi rapor dan bisa tatap muka dgn semua pengajar.. baru kali ini Besar harapan kami, dgn menyekolahkan koko dan cici di Blossom, benar2 membentuk karakter mereka ke arah yg terbaik.. karena peran sekolah juga sangat penting untuk mendidik anak2, memberikan contoh2 dan pengajaran baik secara nyata terlepas dari hal2 yang diberikan di lingkungan keluarga. Tidak sabar banget supaya Pandemi Covid nya cepat selesai, supaya anak2 bisa sekolah langsung dan interaksi beneran

  • Josephine Juwana Budiman

My children used to go to a Cambridge School and they only moved to Blossom School this academic year. Nahla is now in Grade 6 and Jacob is in Grade 4. In less than one year, they have shown tremendous growth and development in their critical thinking and self-expression. They really enjoy UOI sessions with various topics being discussed in their classes. They are able to articulate a comparison of their previous experience in Cambridge School to IB Curriculum in Blossom School. They shared that previously, they had too many assignments and it "made them not interested in learning because they only had to complete assignments after assignments". Nahla (Grade 6) shared that during the last UOI, they explored about Market Place and now she understands about trading system better and she can say that "it is NOT something she wants to do in the future because she prefers activities that are artistic". Jacob (Grade 4) said he now "understands better how the world works through UOI activities because he and his classmates get to cooperate with others and see things from other people's perspective". Such BIG WORDS, aren't they? Both of them are now opinionated in a very good way, they have sharpen their analytical thinking and are able to articulate their thoughts clearly. Their social skills have improved immensely and most importantly, they have discovered THE JOY OF LEARNING with BLOSSOM SCHOOL!!! Thank you, Blossom School!!!!!

  • ellen ong

Alasan saya memilih blossom school adalah #ini ga melebih2kan ya, ini fakta# 1. Sekolah dengan bahasa english sebagai pengantar 2. Staffs dan guru2 yg sangat friendly terhadap murid2nya ..mereka semangat sekali pd saat greet students every morning. Ini super sih menurut sy..jarang ada sekolah yg begini 3. Ruang kelas yg minimalis dan tdk terlalu besar . Knapa?? Sy lbh prefer dengan sekolah yg lebih bs fokus ke anak2. drpd skolah dengan murid yg super banyak tp ga fokus di kelas.. 4. Tidak ada swimming pool!! Yeay!why?? Bahayaa...maybe bs di blg paranoid tp ya.. Sy lbh suka skolah yg aman2 saja 5. Blossom school jg mengajarkan anak2 agar lbh lebih expressive, dan tdk tkt utk mengeluarkan opinion 6. Guru guru Blossom jg guru2 yg care dan mau mendengarkan anak Inilah alasan sy kenapa sy bs memilih blossom school (^^)V Thank you!! ❤❤

  • Hikmah Badriyah

Saya hikmah Badriyah,saya adalah team Leader janitor di Blossom School. Saya Sudah Bekerja selama kurang lebih 8tahun,dan selama ini yang saya rasakan para murid mempunyai sopan santun,mereka bisa saling menghargai kami selama kami kerja disini, merekapun terkadang menawarkan bantuan apabila mereka melihat kami kesulitan melakukan sesuatu. Murid-murid disini fasih berbahasa Inggris Sampai akhirnya kami pun belajar,mengerti dan kami bisa bahasa Inggris sedikit-sedikit. Kebersihan di area sekolah pun sangat terjaga ,kami berusaha semampu kami untuk membuat area sekolah menjadi Nyaman.. Guru-guru pun bekerjasama dengan baik, mengkomunikasikan segala sesuatu dengan baik... Maju terus untuk Blossom school.

  • Tricia Sophie

Blossom School - I would rate it as a 5 ⭐ Blossom creates a safe, caring, and rich learning environment for your kids to thrive. The entire staff- from the office team, teachers, support staff, to the principal are kind, caring, and invested in your child's learning. My daughter moved to this school in the beginning of 2th grade and the "long-time" students were kind and inclusive toward her. I love the character education and Leader In Me that the kids are highly involved in. There is a lot of parent involvement and many opportunities to "plug-in" to support the school. Overall, I can't say enough positive things about Blossom!

  • Devy Wu

Blossom adalah salah satu sekolah yang mengajarkan the leader in me dan 7 habits. Anak di ajarkan untuk mengerti prioritas dan disiplin untuk mengerjakan mana yang lebih penting dahulu, baru boleh main. Hasilnya nilai akademis anak menjadi bagus dan masih banyak waktu untuk aktif di kegiatan lain. Anak menjadi berani dalam memimpin karena disini semua anak diberi kesempatan untuk menjadi pemimpin, dan mampu menjadi pemimpin yg bertanggung jawab dan melakukan hal yg benar. Sekolah tidak hanya fokus membentuk siswa siswi menjadi pemimpin yg mengaplikasikan 7 habits didalam kegiatan sekolah, tetapi jg dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.

  • Yunis Evasari

I am a proud Blossomer. Blossom School is very dedicated in nurturing the students, teachers as well as our student parents. It is a great place to learn and to lead with a holistic approach to health and well-being. I have been working in Blossom School for 13 years now and the school has nurtured me in a way that no other school can. It has given me the opportunity to provide my students with a loving and joyful education, to explore my own creativity and to experience new challenges with a family that is always ready to support. Come and visit us! The school culture, the students and the energy will speak for itself.

  • Joyce Howell

Blossom adalah sekolah yang mementingkan perkembangan akademik seiring dengan perkembangan karakter dengan program Leader in Me. yang paling mengesankan saya sekolah blossom adalah sekolah yang memiliki guideline jelas tentang arah, tujuan serta bagaimana caranya membentuk karakter anak2, serta implementasi yang berkelanjutan dengan konsistensi yang bagus. Selama masa Homelearning juga sekolah merespon dengan cepat beradaptasi dengan homeschool sehingga dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Guru2 juga mengajar dengan sangat baik dan materi dapat tersampaikan dengan lancar

  • Andin agil

Saya mba tina, saya sudah bekerja di blossom kurang lebih 4thn, saya dari tim kebersihan, menurut saya blossom school sekolah yang sangat bagus, siswanya baik, ramah, sopan, gurunya pun juga baik, guru dan siswa baik terhadap tim kebersihan sekolah,demikian juga dalam segi kebersihan, para murid pun bisa membantu kami menjaga kebersihan lingkungan sekolah, dalam kedisiplinan waktu juga sangat bagus, antara guru dan siswa seperti teman sehinga mereka tidak takut untuk bertanya apabila tidak mengerti di dalam pelajaran, Terima kasih blossom school.

  • Syhirvana Candra

I am a proud parent with 2 Blossomers ! Blossom School with the Leader in Me program, no, for me, its not a program, it is a philosophy of how to live life. We cannot properly model it, share it, teach it – until we live it. Here, in this school, everybody (teachers, students, parents) is learning, made vast improvements and working on improving, and doing so much to pursue the greatness in every student, and to make leadership as a culture within home, school, and community. Loved it :D

  • Ria Patricia Reindita

This is my second year of teaching in Blossom School. Blossom School is an amazing learning community. The school teaches 7 Habits and The Leader in Me. The Leader In Me is not meant to be a curriculum or simply an add-on to what a school already does. Instead, it is meant to transform the culture of a school community, including students, teachers, staff, and parents. Our aim is for all the Blossomers to realize that they have the ability to be a leader right now.

  • my pini

Bagi saya Blossom School adalah Sekolah yang mengajarkan tentang disiplin diri,pembentukan / pembelajaran tentang karakter,etika,moralitas dan juga kepribadian yang benar.agar kelak di masa depan setiap insan dari Blossom School menjadi pribadi-pribadi yang berkarakter kepemimpinan yang kuat,tangguh,ulet,gigih,bermental tidak gampang menyerah dalam menghadapi setia tantangan yang dialami, serta mempunyai etika,moralitas yang baik sesuai dengan norma yang berlaku.

  • Near Efie

To be parted in Blossom School during this eight years, I have not just witnessed my students academic improvements. I also see that my students growing and improve with their own unique. They are not just study to reach their academic value but they also developed their leadership spirit. This matter only can be achieved with active support from parents that acting as mutual partner to their own children. Keep on Learning, keep on Leading and let's Grow as One.

  • Andiral Purnomo

Blossom school had been implementing Leader in Me since 2013. As The Leader in Me consultant I had a lot of opportunities to visit LIM schools around Indonesia and around the world. I can say that Blossom school is one of the best Leader in Me school in Aligned Academic aspect and physical leadership environment. Academic Alignment is one of three LIM transformation components which area Teaching Leadership, Creating Leadership Culture and Align Academic.

  • Charlene Angelique

Blossom School is like no other schools I've ever known. The teachers are like friends , they are super friendly . The school also teaches about The Leader In Me which really helps the students to realize that they are leaders and that they should speak for themselves ,don't be shy. For me it is really helpful for introverted students to know that they have the same power like everybody else. That's why I give this school a 5 rating

  • Muchtar Anugrah

Being a teacher isnt just a job to make some money.. It means so much more than that.. Being a teacher means being the second parents for the kids.. It means to build relationships with them.. It means put them as the first priority.. Educate them more that what textbook could do.. Having fun with them every single day !!! I found it in Blossom School and I never regret being a teacher in this school :D

  • domikha channel

already searched 20 more schools in west jakarta and tangerang..and only blossom who gives the best price with good facility..don’t expect a fancy building or many expats but the teachers are all speaking good english with correct tenses and the kids are happy to have school there..recommended international school if you are living in west jakarta..5 stars for Blossom School

  • Ijat Amin

Saya Pak Ijat, Saya petugas keamanan sekolah, Saya sudah bekerja di Blossom School selama 8 tahun, selama ini Alhamdulillah banyak sekali pelajaran yang saya ambil. Dari siswa yang selalu menyapa dipagi hari, begitupun dengan karyawan dan guru-guru. Guru-guru disini sangat ramah terhadap orang tua siswa, Saya sangat senang sekali menjadi bagian dari keluarga Blossom School.

  • ayu pew

Blossom School is a place where everyone is given an opportunity to grow and to lead. Everyone, including the students, teachers and the staffs, is seen as a leader who is responsible for their own growth and learning. Everyone is given a chance to seek for the better within. A friendly and nurturing atmosphere is one of the best traits that this school offers to you.

  • sharmy sharmy

Working at Blossom School has been amazing. The school has become my second home, the staff especially the students have become my extended family now. Teachers and staff here do really care about the students as unique and special individuals. The school teaches 7 Habits and Leader In Me and the phylosophy has empowered us all with the leadership and life skills.

  • Donna

When I first came to Blossom School, I was really welcomed! All the staffs were friendly and helpful. At that time, Ms. Shelly had more time to pay attention to everything and know each student personally. We can come to her anytime we need her. Nowadays she’s busier because there are more students, and she doesn’t have enough time for all of us.

  • Nuryanah Nuryanah

Selama saya menjadi bagian keluarga dari Blossom,banyak hal baru,pengalaman baru yang menurut saya itu menyenangkan sekali.ditambah dengan anak2 yang baik lucu pintar dan juga rekan kerja yg baik yg sangat akrab kebersamaan nya.pokonya saya bersyukur bisa bekerja sama di blossom sukses selalu yaa buat kita semua.salam Nana ( resepsionis )

  • Ivonny Vhenny

Di tengah pandemi ini saya mendapat kabar bahwa sekolah anak saya tutup , setelah mencari kesana kemari saya memutuskan di Blossom School , karena staff dan guru sangat ramah sekali mau mendengarkan kita dan respon nya cepat ditambah dengan gedung nya juga bersih. Tanpa pikir panjang langsung suka sekolah Blossom School.

  • Diajeng Findusia AA

Blossom School is a great place to learn for everyone, not only the students but also the teachers and staffs. As our cooperation code, we Learn, Lead and Grow as One. Blossom school believes that each of us is a leader and has potential. Blossom School provides opportunities and encourages us to develop our own potential.

  • Agus K Chandra

Menurut saya setelah trial di beberapa sekolah buat anak saya, sekolah ini adalah yg terbaik. Sekolah ini mengajarkan tentang 7 habits yg dimana dr kecil sudah diajarkan bagaimana punya kebiasaan berpikir dan bertindak benar. Anak sy bernama Vin Jensen Chandra dan sy bersyukur krn dia sdh dididik ditempat yg benar.


This is the first place where I realized that being a teacher is not just about teaching and transferring knowledge... it is about being the great inspiration for the students... Ms Shelly Tannis is truly a great leader.. I wish more success for Blossom School... Together we LEGO... Learn,Lead and Grow as One..

  • Tania Finella

What I like the most about Blossom School is they uphold the value of punctuality. Not only the students learn to be punctual but also their parents. Blossom prepares the future leaders academically but most importantly in character development and moral integrity. You wont regret to send your kids to Blossom!

  • Juni Chen

Anak saya sekolah di blossom dari k1 ampe sekarang sudah P2. Anak saya sangat senang sekolah di blossom. Saya salut sama pendiri blossom guru atau pun satpam nya semua sangat membantu anak saya di sekolah. Bukan hanya anak saya tetapi semua anak. Jangan ragu lagi lah kalau mau ksh anak sekolah di blossom.

  • Linawati Linawati

Semua yg terlibat di Blosom School, sigap komunikasi 2 arah baik, kekeluargaan. Siap saat home learning ini..jd tidak ada kendala sama sekali seperti belajar saat normal. Bravo Blossom. Semoga menjadi sekolah teladan dan favorit dengan menelurkan siswa teladan pula baik akademik maupun karakter.

  • tjong meicen

Semua teacher and staff diblossom ...sudah seperti family.. anak” diajar bgmana untuk displin dan tanggung jwb. Saling care satu sama lain..karakter peminpin anak” yg dibentuk dr usia dini...dan hasilnya terbukti...the best for blossomerTuhan berkati all …

  • Vera Suhali

A lot of schools provide a range of quality programs, practices and resources but Blossom School goes beyond this by also focusing on developing the student's character. Blossom school facilitates the development of the student's SENSE OF SELF and being RESPONSIBLE MEMBERS of community.

  • Tina Tin

Pilihan yang tepat buat anak anak sekolah di Blossom School citra garden. Anak saya baru bergabung di kelas K2, Dia sangat excited dan senang sekolah di sini karena gurunya sangat humble dan care dengan anak anak. thank you Blossom School.

  • nilam popo

Being part of blossom school's family is very a great thing. This school gives me so many learning everytime i visit there. Students, teachers, even parents do it..Keep being inspirational school for blossom..Learn Today Lead Today..

  • Rio Renaldi

Sekolah yang tidak hanya mengutamakan pelajaran tetapi juga membangun karakter anak dari dalam, membuat anak lebih percaya diri dan mengajarkan kepemimpinan yang baik. Saya bangga anak perempuan saya sekolah disini... :)

  • Esther Widjaja

It's been 5 wonderful years for me, since the first day I joined Blossom School. Blossom School is not only a place to work, but also my second home where I can learn, lead and grow together with the others.

  • nov yanti

Blossom school adalah sekolah international yg mengutamakan perkembangan SDM nya. Rasa kekeluargaan baik staff, murid, orang tua sangat terasa di sekolah ini. Maju terus Blossom School

  • Yuly Zhang

Saya baru bekerja di blossom school. Di sini SDM nya sangat di utamakan. Di sini sy bukan hanya bekerja, tetapi juga belajar. Ada kelas Yoga dan ada juga kelas inggris yang saya sukai.

  • Melisa Lie

Blossom school believes that everyone is a leader and everyone has genius. As an educator, we inspire the students with fun learning and also motivate them to lead their own learning.

  • Dwi Norhadi

Blossom school is a place to learn, not only for students, but also for teachers and staffs. We are thirsty for knowledge. Every single day is a learning journey for everyone.

  • Happy Teacher

Blossom school teaches me the living value. And 7 habits that Blossom applies have been helping me grow in many aspect of my life. Thank you Blossom School …

  • Richard Yaphanatha

Everyone is a Leader, Everyone is Genius. Nurturing the greatness within, ONE child at a time is our Mission. Serving here open my eyes, I learn many new things.

  • Edelyne Felicia Darmawan

I am proud to be a blossomers. In here, we are thought to be discipline and we are also thought about 7 habits. 7 habits is actually important in our daily life

  • Heri Ramdani

Blossom itu adalah keluarga buat saya. Kenapa? Karena guru guru dan karyawan lainya saling merangkul satu sama lain untuk mencapai tujuan yang lebih baik lagi.

  • pin pin

This school thought about The 7 Habits and about Leadership. Every student can be a great leader. They are in this school to explore and discover new things.

  • ling ling

My child likes Huahua School very much. Excuse me, my English is not good. Does the school want it? The child will be in fifth grade next term.

  • Esther Meiliani

It's been my 4th years in Blossom School, and I'm proud to be a Blossomers! Learn, Lead, and Grow togethet as one!

  • Valencia Iona

I Like Blossom School. Because I learn about 7 habits that bring positive influence in my daily life

  • Puri Hepy

Reccoment banget sekolah di blossom,guru2 nya respon nya baik sekali. Anak2 jg mengerti dan paham..

  • aulia fransiska

Blossom School is one of the best schools in West Jakarta with good teaching and fun for children

  • steven lee

Blossom School is a good school i am so proud being in this school.The friends are kind and nice

  • Hendra Yani

Selamat pagi. Bisakah saya bergabung menjadi tenaga pendidik di sekolah ini.. ??

  • daniel boy

Apakah blossom school memakai kurikulum international/cambridge thanks

  • Faiza Imma

School with good culture and teach good moral values

  • letna erling

Nice location, great facilities, and nice teachers

  • Okt Riyo

Kalau sekilas, tidak terlihat seperti sekolahan .

  • marius ferdinand Turambi

One or two years in operation for this building

  • Nas tech


  • Kintan Sung


  • E Chely
  • Izall Saputra
  • Irma Vivo
  • Evy Poh
  • Yudha Karim
  • chi
  • Chandra Erlangga
  • Wahyu H
  • Hillary
  • Alung Lee
  • Agus Priyanto
  • Jen Arif
  • Karen Nicole
  • Lixia Gao
  • Linda Linda
  • Esther Novela
  • Wulan Beslar
  • Mery Chanaka
  • melinda leonasari

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