Consulate of Mexico in Kansas City

429 reviews

1617 Baltimore Ave, Kansas City, MO 64108



Consulate of Mexico in Kansas City is a Foreign consulate located at 1617 Baltimore Ave, Kansas City, MO 64108. It has received 429 reviews with an average rating of 3.4 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of Consulate of Mexico in Kansas City: 1617 Baltimore Ave, Kansas City, MO 64108

  • Consulate of Mexico in Kansas City has 3.4 stars from 429 reviews

  • Foreign consulate

  • "vivo en Missouri y me corresponde el consulado de Kansas city Missouri pero para hacer una cita tienes que llamar a California y cuando hablas ellos no tienen informacion de cuando hay cupo para una cita en mi consulado te dice que cheques el cities web y el cities web te dice que no hay citas la semana siguiente mi pregunta es solo trabaja de acuerdo a lo que quieren hacer o de acuerdo a las necesidades de las personas que necesitan hacer un tramite"

    "*****Updated review******** Acabo de corrobora que su sistema de citas es centralizado"

    "The United States government at its finest"

    "Customer Service here is the worst Had an appointment at 11:00 am was not helped until Noon the"

    "Hacer la cita fue muy fácil,nos atendieron rápido el día agendado,y 3 hrs después obtuve todos mis documentos(En ese tiempo puedes ir a desayunar y volver a la hr indicada)"


  • Gustavo Correa

vivo en Missouri y me corresponde el consulado de Kansas city Missouri pero para hacer una cita tienes que llamar a California y cuando hablas ellos no tienen informacion de cuando hay cupo para una cita en mi consulado te dice que cheques el cities web y el cities web te dice que no hay citas la semana siguiente mi pregunta es solo trabaja de acuerdo a lo que quieren hacer o de acuerdo a las necesidades de las personas que necesitan hacer un tramite. si hay demaciada demanda de citas contraten mas personal que de verdad pueda y quiera trabajar, fui el pasado Lunes al consulado perdi mi dia de trabajo y no habia Mucha gente y no me pudieron atender me dijeron que si ya habia intentado hacer una cita antes y les dije que si y la persona checo mi telefono para mirar las veces que hable y me dijo que si no habia intentado por lo menos 3 veces no me podian atender,me dijo que intentara el dia martes despues de las 6 de la tarde pero intente en la noche y ya estava cerrado hable el miercoles temprano pero todavia no Hadrian en California, hable a Medio dia y me dicen que ya no hay citas y no saben cuando Habra una cita disponible. A que estamos jugando si no pueden o no quieren trabajar contraten mas personal que de verdad pueda hacer el trabajo la gente pierce tiempo y dinero para hacer un tramite en el consulado y no me parece que lo esten haciendo. pero seguire intentando y acumulando evidencia para comprobarles que no estan haciendo bien su trabajo

  • Lino Cruz-Terrones

*****Updated review******** Acabo de corrobora que su sistema de citas es centralizado. El consulado en si, aquí en KCMO, no tiene control sobre las citas en línea o por teléfono. ******************************************** Igual aquí un comentario para la SECRETARIA DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES: Su sistema de programar citas es mediocre: -Solo las abren en un rango de tiempo los martes después de las 6pm y el aviso de ello está súper escondido en el sitio web. -Su sistema de validación de email cuando abres una cuenta para poder programar una cita no siempre funciona. Proporcionas los datos y nunca te llega el correo electrónico de verificación. - Si requieres cambiar la contraseña o se te olvidó, la misma historia. Nunca llega el correo de verificación. Cómo es posible que la página web siga siendo tan mediocre. Es crucial que desarrollen algo más “user friendly”. Mucha gente no sabe ni cómo accesar para programar una cita y todavía el sistema que tienen tiene tantas fallas de desarrollador web.

  • Mike Petzold

The United States government at its finest. As a natural born citizen I'm ashamed of this place and how it's ran. This place doesn't respect the citizens of our country or the Mexican people. 1) they never answer their phones 2) they are rude to everyone who walks in the door 3) They line people up in single file only to not assist you but send you to another line that can't help you either. 4) something as simple as a copy of your information if you don't bring it? ( most people have the proper information but they won't assist) They won't make you a copy. So you have to leave and get one. Then when you get back you have to start the entire process again. Then guess what? They need more information!! So you get to leave and start all over They won't tell you what you need to do They only tell you what you can't do. They need to be more helpful and considerate and buy a few printers and help these people. Streamline this mess it's 2023

  • Maria Valencia

Customer Service here is the worst Had an appointment at 11:00 am was not helped until Noon the. Had to wait in line for another hour and wait on their staff while they went to lunch the girl in the front kept telling people they were behind and slow but give priority to their employees taking a Lunch break instead of helping everyone that had been standing in line for hours very poor service Its not the person’s fault they were running behind and should of prioritized us. I stood there in line for more than an hour while everyone left to the back and the Counsel Lady just sat at her computer not worrying about all the backed up appointments they had. Very poor service I mean we are paying for the service we are requesting the least they can do give priority and respect the scheduled appointment times given to us by them.

  • Alheli Aburto

Hacer la cita fue muy fácil,nos atendieron rápido el día agendado,y 3 hrs después obtuve todos mis documentos(En ese tiempo puedes ir a desayunar y volver a la hr indicada).El INE tarda de 2 a 3 meses en llegar a tu domicilio.Debido a su nueva modalidad para citas,les recomiendo seguir la página del consulado en Facebook,y estar atentos a la hr y día que se abren las citas.Parece que nunca tienen citas,pero es lo contrario,creo que cada día llegan más mexicanos a este país, y toma más tiempo atender a todos.Hoy estaba lleno. Puedes hacer tu cita en línea atraves de su portal en Internet,creas tu cuenta y esperas el día y hr indicados para agendar.,o también puedes llamar el día y hr indicados en su página de Facebook.

  • Ernesto Rodriguez

Pésimo servicio, imposible conseguir cita ni en el sitio web ni por teléfono ya que si hablas te tratan muy mal y solo te dicen no hay disponibilidad de citas y todavía los muy desvergonzados dicen si te pueden ayudar en algo mas. Acudí también personalmente y trate de consultar con el guardia ya que nadie del personal esta dirigiendo a las personas que acudimos y el muy payaso solo hablo según el en inglés. Pero muy bueno para estar pegado en el celular viendo películas. Estos tipejos no deberían representar a un País, dan vergüenza e impotencia por su pésimo servicio y aún más mala actitud. Y el payaso del Marcelo Hebrard y el viejo loco de lopez hablador buenos para mentir que todo marcha bien.

  • Sue Kiker

They were so very kind to us. We actually had the wrong time for our appointment so we didn't show up when expected. They called us to find out if there was a problem, instead of blowing us off and letting us figure it out on our on. This is incredibly kind and proactive on their part. Rather than make us reschedule, they were kind enough to adjust our appointment to the time we originally thought it was: two and a half hours later. Our visa interview was quick and painless. After our interview, we were told to come back for our documents an hour later. When we got back, the docs were ready. Fast, efficient, helpful. It doesn't get much better than that.

  • Saul Martinez

Esto es lo que se llama un lugar, de gente arrogante. El servicio de lo peor y te cortan con su soberbia. Y lo mas triste tiene la Bandera de Mexico, por debajo de la bandera gay. Eso es si, es bender patria. Cada persona se respeta pero a la Bandera de un Pais, es mas que una sola persona. Todo esta mal en México, y ya se metio para aca su mal trato a los demas. Soy Mexicano, pero me da verguenza alguna de su gente como es su manera de tratar a los demas. Si, ahi racismo no es con los de otro Pais. Es el racismo entre noostros mismos. Por eso andamos como huerfanos en paises extrangeros. Por ser bien educaditos.

  • Alex Taylor

Pésimo servicio!!! fui a renovar mi credencial para votar, y lleve la mía expirada con mi pasaporte y mi acta original y el hombre del consulado me dise esta acta no sirve y le pregunto porqué y dise no tiene el nombre tu .papa y le dije como de que no hay esta, estaba buscando cualquier pretexto to para no darmela, después me dise tienes una credencial vigente gracias a Dios soy ciudadano ameri ano también y le mostré mi ID pero que pasaría y si estubiera indocumentado no me daría nada prepotencia y racismo para nuestra misma jente mucho cuidado paisanos!!!

  • A garcia

Horrible experience, I made an appointment to renew my consular and it took more than 3 hours, there was only one window available to serve people and the people were not friendly or helpful at all. I don't know where that should be reported, but they should be more considerate and kind. with people... it is horrible to have to wait months for an appointment and to have these types of experiences. I speak for myself and for the rest of the people who also spoke about the terrible service.

  • Eriberto Pérez López

A pesar de que algunas personas que viven ahí en Kansas City nos dijeron que el trato del personal del consulado era arrogante y déspota, no fue así, a nosotros nos atendieron bien, nada fuera de lo normal. He visitado el consulado de Denver y creo que el personal de los consulados han mejorado bastante en sus actitud para atender a nuestros compatriotas y eso es algo que me alegra muchísimo. Espero que sigan cambiando para mejor la atención a nuestros paisanos.

  • Annel Beltran

One star isn't even low enough to describe the terrible service. I have been here four different times trying to renew my passport that I got at this same place a couple of years ago. First they tell me to bring incorrect documentation and send me home. Then I come and they're closed for a "labor" day or are "not taking people". Extremely bad customer service and work ethic. They are rude and I am ashamed of having this office be located in my city.

  • Yessica Alcala

Fueron eficientes y muy amables asegúrate de ir con cita y llevar la documentación adecuada para que tu proceso sea fácil yo fui a renovación de pasaporte tenía mi cita a las 8:15 y la de mi hija a las 8:45 el trámite fue rápido a las 9 estaba afuera y me los entregaron el mismo día a las 11:30 la seńoritas que me atendieron fueron muy amables y aún se obliga el cubrebocas para que te asegures de llevarlo para que no tengas que salir a conseguir uno

  • Diana Sally

It has already been closed for a while and they don't give appointments at all. How are we supposed to process the papers that we urgently occupy? My family and I have already tried to make an appointment to renew our passport and they tell us that they never have availability since last year I have been dialing and trying to make an appointment online 24/7 and nothing. So what will we do if we have to leave the U.S.A. without a Mexican passport?

  • Ninj

Servicio terrible, estoy intentando agendar una cita desde varios meses sin resultado. Me comunico con el numero que indican pero solo me dicen no hay citas en su area Kansas City disponible. Tambien trato de agendarla por el sitio web y me dice lo mismo. Yo necesito renovar mi pasaporte urgente! No iva poner ninguna estrella pero no me dio opcion para poder dejar mi review tuve que poner por lo menos una estrella.

  • Maddisson McDermott

I've been trying to get an appointment to renew my ID and Passport for 1 year now. They never have appointments available. I've even gone in person and spoke with the security guard who assured me that every Tuesday at noon "citas" would be available and I've tried multiple times on line and over the phone. I still can't get an appointment. All my documents are expired but it doesn't matter to any representatives.

  • Jose cervantes

Pésima experiencia,,, se aprovechan porque es un servicio escencial, súper prepotentes,los precios super elevados,,, personas ( empleados)con la cultura de Mexico en Estados Unidos no concuerda , se deberían de comportar con un nivel superior de servicio al cliente,,, no recomendado pero ,, desafortunadamente, tenemos que pasar por esas experiencias un cero de puntuación para el consulado mexicano

  • Eddie Noriega

My mom needed to make appointment to renew her passport. They told her that there wasn’t any appointments available at all. It’s stupid that you need to set up an appointment. 4 years ago you could walk in to the consulate without an appointment and it was fast and easy. The customer service representative suggested to go to a different consúltate in a different state. How stupid!

  • Candi Nation

This was our first visit to the Consulate of Mexico in Kansas City. What a great experience! Fernando was early for our appointments, and was very informative. As a result, my husband John and I received our Mexico Permanent Resident Visas, thanks to the incredible efforts of Fernando, who walked us through every step here in KC. Thank you again, Fernando!

  • ShyLeo1990

These people never answer the phone and they never have appointments available online. I've called for 1-2 months and tried to get an appointment. My addit stamp will expire with my passport and they do not care. At this point, I want to complain to whoever overseas this place because they are not doing their job. …

  • Paola Ruiz

Yo personalmente eh tenido mala experiencia con el consulado pero porq me atrevi a ir sin cita y nunca me atendieron pero si hacen sus citas los tratan bien y rapido yo tuve que hacer mi cita en la pagina porq por llamada nunca me contestaron y eso que llamaba alas mera 6 los martes jajja pero hagan sus citas

  • Martina Viveros

Muy mal servicio. Era mejor cómo lo hacían antes ir directamente al consulado. Sólo mentiras dicen, ya están las fechas de las citas en la página y según todo el personal no sabe nada!!! Qué mal cómo si los trámites fueran gratis. Qué mal están. Ojalá pudiera el gobierno de México hacer algo con todo esto.

  • B King

Terrible with communication and prioritizing anything customer service related. Even with simple bits of information. Not to mention, we’ve personally been misinformed multiple times at this consulate. It’s easier to contact the consulates in Nevada or Arizona. Which is completely outrageous.

  • Yessica Lazos

It's a pain to get a seat and when they finally give it you arrive at the place and there's no one who asks you why you're coming, there's someone who has to go around asking and getting things right and they're bleeding a lot of reborujo among Mexicans, the treatment is worse …

  • Gerardo Ozaeta

Horrible service I called this morning l had a question the first person that answered hang up on me the second one was very. Very rude won't answer my question told me that was not her department and I had to call again I am very disappointed bad service no help at all rude people

  • Ross Pereyra

Pésimo servicio. Nunca puedes conseguir cita ni por teléfono ni en línea. En mi estado te venden la cita! Ojalá alguien haga algo al respecto. Pregunté donde podía reportar a los que venden las citas y me mandaron a una cajita que estaba vacía. Pésimo!

  • James Hinds

Mr. Fernando Vega interviewed my wife and me. It was a seamless operation and went very smoothly. I thought Mr. Vega was very helpful and thorough. A very professional and welcoming man. Everyone there was friendly and we got both Visas quickly.

  • Emily Ortega

My parents spent their whole morning till 4:30 pm to get a passport. People were still waiting from 8 am. Employees slacking off, making conversation, and not organized. Had plans to go visit a university and couldn’t because how long it took.

  • EE “Eli” CC

Well, it's impossible to get an appointment. They don't agree with you or tell you when they will offer appointments again. There simply isn't any, you wait and don't complain. When you get to talk to someone at Mexitel, they only read a

  • Agustin Barajas

They don't even deserve a star, I've been trying to get an appointment for about a year and there is never any availability, it doesn't matter if you try to do it online or by calling the Mexitel number, I don't understand how there are

  • Evelyn Gomez

A service with little experience and education needs to train their employees, we made an appointment, they canceled it but they were not polite to call and notify us and we drove 4 hours. I don't know if they only get to sleep at work


Terrible service... apart from the fact that you pay for documents, they treat you very badly... they don't even have a bathroom for children... they should pay the people here. That's the bad thing about having them working for free.

  • Rosvel Flores

A consulate is an office of the Mexican government abroad whose main mission is to protect your rights and interests. And most of them, like the one in Kansas City, sell the tapes starting at $100. This has already become a business.

  • Sheri Castro

Been calling for weeks and no answer. I need formation about getting a Mexican passport for my husband being this is where we need to go. Plus we have to travel. Hate to see if there was a real emergency and need them.

  • #PinkMohawkDog

Excelente servicio. Rápido y efectivo. El lugar es profesional y bien organizado. Viva México! Kudos al Consul! Kudos a la seguridad, a la señorita Lic ayudante del cónsul. Se siente el espíritu Mexicano aquí. Besotes!

  • Angelica Gomez

I don't know what happened to them, very bad service They no longer treat people with respect or courtesy, but above all, kindness and humanity have been lost. Although they charge you for doing the service they

  • Aquilino resendiz lucas

la ver da no me gustó el servicio de verían poner gente más capacitada para empezar la persona quee atendo oy la siento con mucha prepotencia todavía no terminan de atenderla gente y ya casi te corren

  • Thomas Pierce

found out that they have an art exibit upstairs and every first friday (first friday of the month) they allow visitors. you should check it out. go to there web site and check for available times.

  • Carlos Seoane

Staff is friendly, helpful, and good at their job. All appointments were handled quickly and efficiently. We were not aware that we needed an appointment, but the staff was still able to help us.

  • Juan R. Garcia

de lo peor, si no puedes sacar tus propios documentos en el propio consulado de tu país no puedo entender donde más vas a poder sacarlos!! Si pudiera dar 0 estrellas eso les daba, coman mier$@&&

  • Benito Cagal organista

Pésimo servicio consulado móvil Kansas en san Louis. 8 horas para pasaporte y matrícula. Eso que es con cita y para agendarla el mismo peregrinar. Esperemos pronto brinden un mejor servicio.

  • Jamie Chavez

I have called every single business day for the past three weeks and they never answer their phones, nor do they respond to voicemails. I'm extremely frustrated. This is ridiculous.

  • Diaz V Jesus


  • Rbk Okland

Horrible place very very unprofessional service at the front desk. Instead of helping they make harder for other people. When you call no one answers the it goes to voicemail.

  • yanet lopez

Pésimo servicio ,se les olvida que tienen trabajo "aquí" gracias a todos los que estamos luchando en este país, pero ellos son una piedra de tropieso de verdad que si. …

  • Edgar Vargas

Mal muy mal no puedo conseguir ninguna cita y no tiene servicio al cliente , las llamadas no las contestan pésimo ,no se para que existen si no solucionan el problema

  • Angela Lopez Fuentes

Their website don't work and they never answer the phones. I've been calling for 5 days already and nothing. Are you all on vacation that nobody answers

  • el Miguelon Cruz

Muy mal organizado te hacen esperar todo el día en vez de decir que regreses en 3 o 4 horas entras te citan alas 8am y te dan tu matricula asta las 4 pm

  • Raymond Martinez

Great people I took my workers to get there passport and ID card and they was treated with respect and got there paperwork give to them …

  • Antonio Ramírez

Buenas tardes Quiero tramitar mi credencial ya que lo perdí No cuento con ninguna resivo Más que me acta original que más puedo hacer

  • S H

I had an excellent experience. Fernando, thank you for all of your hard work and helping me with my visa! Muchisimas gracias!

  • Tay 8

This time I have a good experience. Last time I notice the guy needed some more patience with some people. I'm glad this time

  • Maria Gomez

horrible nunca pueden agendar una cita. llamo todos los días y me dicen que siga intentando llevo un mes y nada ???

  • veronica wicker

I have tried to call so many times and it is either busy or it rings for a long time and then sounds busy.

  • Wendy Lopez

Good service, just one bad thing, It has a horrible smell, as soon as you walk in smells like a dead dog .

  • Angelica Rivera

Everything is fine. Thank God, there is good attention from the people who serve there and they also help

  • Luz Castaneda

The whole process was very fast, they attended to me quickly and the information provided was very good.


The best service of Kansas city they are so nice people I went yesterday and very nice people 100%

  • ************

Good place. They deliver exactly what they commit. I haven't seen anything negative to point out.

  • Delma Hernandez

Trying to make an apoitment for months and been imposible. They never have appiments available.

  • Carmelita Cardenas

They were courteous and helpful. Got our business done professionally and in good time.

  • Miguel Reyes

The attention was great nothing what I heard before personally it was great service

  • Ernest Rodriguez

Very professional and friendly staff. Thank you Fernando for your help and efforts!

  • Nick Perez

Muy buena atención al cliente pero la forma en solucionar problemas deficiente

  • Maria Aleman

very awful place to get information and very rude ee's on the phone as well.

  • Gustavo Delgadillo

There is NEVER an appointment opening no matter how much, when, or try.


Me sorprendieron muy buena atencion amables y rapitos en los tramites

  • Hernandez Sergio

It was really good and fast service and they really care for others.

  • Emmanuel Campos

How expensive can it be to hire a person to answer the phone?

  • erika Gutierrez

Why we have to pay for an appointment for passport? …

  • Brenda Ortiz

never answer the phone, makes me feel like in mexico …

  • Francisco

Great service. No waiting time. Nice clean environment.

  • Estefany Gutierrez

Very disrespectful. Hang up when you ask a question.

  • Gustavo Camarena

Professional attention to public, great experience.

  • Darlene Hernandez

Excelente servicio Muy fácil agendar una cita

  • Thomas Koby

Easy access, helpful staff & clean facility.

  • Wendy Moreno

Excelente servicio, el personal es amable.!!

  • sara norena

Very helpful and answered all my questions

  • Gabriela Moreno

Pésimo servicio, Nunca contestan Telefono.

  • Manuel C

Bad service, NEVER answer phone calls.

  • Mike Wood

They don't open until 9:00. NOT 8:00.

  • Lucas Diego

Good service and professional people

  • Reyna Torres

Can never get an appointment !!!

  • Filiberto Sanchez

Muy contento como me atendieron.

  • Liliana Morales

So efficient and very friendly!

  • Olivia Heffron

Very helpful and caring staff!

  • Aracely Sanchez

never answer the phone !!!!!!!

  • Kendel Brady

Very helpful and professional.

  • Florencia Gomez


  • Sky Becerra

Never answered the phone...

  • Sergio Moyer

never picks up

  • Michael luce (Tine)

Lovely staff.

  • Nidelvia Peraza

Great …

  • Blanca Glaese

Nice people

  • Chloe Baca

bad service

  • Trevor luna

Bad service

  • manuel ruiz876


  • Hector Molina

Not bad

  • Salvador Guzman


  • Aniceto Hernandez


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