
160 reviews

1000 Wellington St, Montreal, Quebec H3C 1V4, Canada



Pharmaprix is a Pharmacy located at 1000 Wellington St, Montreal, Quebec H3C 1V4, Canada. It has received 160 reviews with an average rating of 2.8 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of Pharmaprix: 1000 Wellington St, Montreal, Quebec H3C 1V4, Canada

  • Pharmaprix has 2.8 stars from 160 reviews

  • Pharmacy

  • "I highly would not suggest this pharmacy if you have a chronic illness or are caring for anyone who needs frequent refills"

    "Personnel assisting here have been generally excellent"

    "When I went here, my intention was to return something from West Elm and pick up Tylenol for my 9 month old"

    "This pharmacy is usually always slow for over the counter prescription"

    "Il serait bon de mettre des personnes qui connaissent leur travail au comptoir de Poste Canada"


  • Caro M

I highly would not suggest this pharmacy if you have a chronic illness or are caring for anyone who needs frequent refills. Not only are the staff Ill equipped to handle normal pharmacy issues like adding insurance to your account or transferring your prescriptions, somehow the staff is also wildly unprofessional and rude as well, while never acknowledging it’s not normal to shut down a customer at 6-7pm on the phone by saying you’re busy and closing soon when it’s peoples prescriptions and medications at stake. The pharmacist who owns it is no help as I’m always being told he’s « stepped out ». I switched pharmacies and they *somehow* got my file lost while lying that they’ve sent it to you pharmacies who have yet to receive anything and have both tried to contact this pharmaprix at length. I’m currently lodging a formal complaint against the pharmacist and the business itself and encourage anyone to not dismiss their health and safety concerns no matter how dismissive this establishment is.

  • Masad Damha

Personnel assisting here have been generally excellent. They are informed, want to help, whether at the section where beauty products are found, or the next aisle where other products (creams) are found. Yesterday, April 26, however, there were two employees i had never seen. I was very disappointed by their service (1 pm). When i asked about getting a cream (e.g. Cerave) they just said "we don't have any more". I had to ask when they the shipment would arrive to know when to come back. When i asked about other products, they simply said "go to the next aisle", when normally they would come with me and help me. I dont want to make a long story here, suffice to say i will wait till former employees (those i have dealt with) come back. Two stars today (normally i would score them 5 stars).

  • Vanessa Gordon

When I went here, my intention was to return something from West Elm and pick up Tylenol for my 9 month old. As I parked I realized that there was someone whose job it is to stand in the parking lot and check to see if you are headed in the Pharmacy. As I went to cross the street, he told me that I couldn't park in the parking lot. He repeated this many times. I told him I'd test my luck (?!), and dropped of my return across the street. As I was walking back, this guy was pacing around my car. I went into the Pharmacy to indicate that this was weird and they said that it's normal because theirs is the only parking lot in Griffintown. The whole experience was just too weird and I was afraid that my car would get towed while I waited in line, so I got my Tylenol from elsewhere.

  • Albert Vu

This pharmacy is usually always slow for over the counter prescription. However I am not writing this review for that. My partner have given birth a week ago and we went to the pharmacy for her prescription, upon waiting for the prescription she felt lightheaded, breath shortness and about to faint. I asked the pharmacist rep. if possible to for a pharmacist or a nurse to just check quickly if she is ok and they answered, that we need to wait take a number and wait until its our turn… I told her it seems to be urgent…and she told me to get to the hospital than. I understand a pharmacist isn’t specialized in urgent care however I find it absolutely absurd that he couldn’t take 2 seconds. We than had to call the ambulance. We are definitely changing pharmacy after this.

  • Christophe Thomas

Il serait bon de mettre des personnes qui connaissent leur travail au comptoir de Poste Canada. J'ai indiqué a la préposée que pour un envoi en France au delà de 5$ pour timbrer des envois, il n'y avait pas de taxes. Elle le dit ne pas le savoir et devoir contacter sa superviseur. Je lui dit que ça fait très longtemps que c'est ainsi. Vent de panique pour rejoindre la boss, puis finalement elle a l'information par téléphone. Pas d'excuses bien sûr, mais vue la situation je n'en attendais pas non plus. Je lui dit qu'elle aura appris quelque chose aujourd'hui et de me répondre :" ah mais je le savait, mais je euhhhh.... voulais m'en assurer" Ben voyons donc !!! Service très moyen. La seconde employée ne semblait pas plus motivés !! C'est vrai qu'il était 13h!!

  • Kamel Touaimia

Le gros maillon faible de ce pharmaprix : le service postal. Attente parfois très longue (le personnel n'y est pour rien, ils manquent visiblement de monde, ce qui explique sans doute la "joie de vivre" qui se lit parfois sur leur visage), colis perdus (2 en ce qui me concerne), et lorsqu'ils sont retrouvés, on n'est pas avisé (malgré la promesse de nous rappeler). Révision 3 mois plus tard : nette amélioration. Les points positifs : l'espace du pharmaprix est assez grand et aéré, agréable, propre. Pour finir, LE GROS POINT FORT de ce pharmaprix : l'espace pharmacie, avec un excellent service. Très professionnel, très bon accueil, et mention spéciale pour l'assistante Jessica, qui nous accueille toujours avec courtoisie et un beau sourire en prime.

  • Yegres Urugnak

I know they are understaffed, but that doesn't matter when it comes to deal with clients politely. Just say "sorry, our bad, let us make things right by you". That's it. They'll go on endless tirade inviting you even to go file a complaint to OPC, because they don't care. I don't have time to waste on this, so why all the fuss? Every time there's an overcharge, they'll blame the client or say something such as "well why did you buy it then if the price is wrong?!" I don't complain because at the end of the day, I'm saving money. I also work in customer service, I know it's super tough, but they need to just step back and chill instead of being rude. I hate leaving bad reviews, I'll change it if I see them improving.

  • Louiza Smaili

Une horreur… tellement mal poli j’ai jamais vu ça de ma vie entière.. surtout la blonde je sais pas comment elle s’appelle mais j’ai jamais vu une personne aussi aigrie souriante (c’est pire)… pour une pharmacie qui devrait être bienveillante, on ressent tout le contraire… s’il y avait la possibilité de mettre 0 étoile je l’aurais fait. Juste HORRIBLE. En voyant les autres avis ça me réconforte de savoir que je ne suis pas la seule. … ils te fixent exprès pour vous faire savoir qu’ils s’en foutent.. ils font exprès de pas vous prévenir du temps que ça prendrait exprès pour vous faire poireauter.. de la méchanceté gratuite quoi.. redescendez… l’arrogance est un vilain défaut… votre aigreur vous rend cheum sincèrement

  • Rachel St. Yves

Je fais écho aux autres commentaires en ce qui concerne le service au rayon "pharmacie": le plus minable que j' ai jamais eu de ma vie sur 3 continents. Non seulement, on se comporte comme si on ne vous voit pas arrêtée à attendre que quelqu'un vienne vous assister, vous demandez si vous pouvez poser une question, on vous répond:"dépendamment". Je me demande quel article du Code de déontologie des pharmaciens du Québec dit implicitement qu' on peut répondre "dépendamment" avant d'entendre la question. Si ça ne vous intéresse pas de servir le public ou certains membres de celui-ci, choisissez un autre type de profession!

  • Steve D

Parking Security A Rude Joke! Went to buy some items at Pharmaprix while my partner had a quick look at West Elm. I came out and was confronted by the "parking security" telling me to move my car. I told him I just went into Pharmaprix and was waiting for my partner, he didn't believe me so I pulled out my purchases and said "I am a customer, I'm going to get my partner from West Elm". He just said rudely "You need to move your car, you can't park here!" What disgusting behaviour from the staff of Pharmaprix. You have put me off going to your stores if this is the way you treat paying customers.

  • Cindy Gilbert

Pire pharmacie! Pharmacien souvent qu’on ne voit pas, service absent, médicaments commandés en ligne, accepté dans le système, tu te rends à la pharmacie pour récupérer ta commande, on t’apprend qu’ils n’ont pas le médicament. Je renouvelle en ligne une autre fois, j’apprends sur les lieux que le pharmacien ne peut passer ma commande par l’assurance pcq ma demande est trop proche de ma précédente. Je pars en voyage, un peu normal, non? Ça ne lui tentait pas mon pharmacien de m’appeler. Je change de pharmacie c’est certain. Je m’ennuie de mon ancienne pharmacie :(

  • Arthur Vilner

This comment pertains only to the pharmacy - NOT the store. Ever since they changed management about 6 months ago, the service has been horrible. I just waited an HOUR to have my prescription filled. This used to take 10 mins max under the previous management. And it’s 4 or 5 times now that I’ve had to wait over 20 mins, but never this long. It’s just ridiculous. They seem to always be short staffed now. And for the record, I’m not one to typically leave negative reviews but in this case, I really need to get my frustration out. Ok have a great day everyone!

  • Scott R

The pharmacist here is a real piece of work, she refused to give me both medications that my doctor prescribed because she believed she knew better. Forcing me to comeback to get the other medication the doctor wanted me to have. She even offered to call my doctor to ask him but revealed to me she still wouldn't release both if he told her explicitly to do so. Opionated pharmacist who treat their customers like junkies are the worst. The know-it-all attitude is not welcomed either. I would avoid this pharmacy if you can - they know better than you doctor!

  • Stefania Polania

je suis cliente depuis longtemps et aujourd'hui j'ai vécu la pire experience. je suis venue pour imprimer des photos et j'ai demandé l'aide à une employée, une fille (Shanee/ Shianee) est venue et elle m'a dit qu'elle était la gèrent de ce site et qu'elle navais aucune idée de comment la machine fonctionnait, jai demandé si jamais il y avait une autre personne qui pouvais m'aider et elle m'a répété quelle etait la personne en charge et que si elle ne en savait, personne en savait. Quelle frustration!! Je donnerai 0 étoiles si je pouvais!

  • Gabriel Minville

La pharmacien Daniel Mongrain n’offre aucun service-client. J’avais simplement besoin d’un crème pour la peau sans prescription. La jeune mademoiselle exige une consultation avec le pharmacien, me demande de remplir un formulaire, attente pendant plus de 20 mins. Par la suite le pharmacien, derriere son écran d’ordinateur à moins de 10 mètres, refuse de m’adresser la parole et mentionne à son technicien de laboratoire de faire le message d’aller consulter un médecin. Son technicien semblait très inconfortable envers la situation.

  • Jake Miller

The elderly lady in the pharmacy is incredibly rude. I filled a prescription but had to come back the next day to get the remainder, when I paid I was told I had paid for the entire amount and didn't need to pay more. However, I came back and repeated that information the elderly lady accused me of lying, like I was trying to get free medicine. If the information I was given was wrong fine, show me the information and I'll pay, but don't accuse me of being dishonest when all I know is what I was told.

  • M F

La pire Pharmacie, vraiment. Si je pouvais mettre -2 étoile je le ferais… Ils nous appellent pour nous dire que notre médication est prête/ on va la chercher: « On ne la trouve plus ». On nous rappelle pour nous dire qu’ils l’ont trouvé. On y retourne 1 semaine après: Ils l’ont ENCORE perdue !!! Sérieux, c’est innaceptable. En plus, la dame voilée (description en espoir qu’elle se reconnaitra et changera son attitude) riait de nous et était condescendante x1000. On a changé de pharmacie!!!

  • Nadia H

La scène ce soir: deux caissières qui discutent ensemble « relax » aux caisses en buvant leurs cafés glacés, et qui obligent les clients à faire la file aux deux seules caisses libre-service pour payer, en offrant même pas de les aider.... j’avais envie d’abandonner tous mes articles et sortir du magasin. En plus, nous sommes en période de pandémie et les caisses libre-service qu’on nous oblige à utiliser ne sont pas désinfectées entre chaque client....

  • Benjamin Marchand

The new pharmacy staff apart from maybe one or two members are completely incapable. It wasn't like this. There is no accountability. Do not go there for your prescriptions. They are risking lives. Toute la nouvelle équipe de la section pharmacie sauf une ou deux personnes est complètement incapable. Ce n'était pas comme ça avant. Il n'y a aucun suivi. Ne renouvelez pas vos ordonnances à cette établissement. Ils risquent les vies des gens.

  • Cynthia

Booked a make up appointment at this location for an event. I was told the make up artist would be someone experienced. She had no idea what she was doing and was clearly not experienced. Not only was my make up horrible but she did not even have time to finish it! And they expect people to spend 70$+ on this!!! I’ve tried to contact pharmaprix about this many times and never heard back - which is why I resorted to a Google review.

  • Janice Shih

Horrible customer service at Post Canada. There was no line up and my package is already there and the young man didn't want to check it up. He said cuz there were too many packages in the back store and its not done yet. He said he doesn't want to spend 5 hours to looking for an item for nothing. He could check it up and if it's not ready. I would understand it, but he didn't. He was talking with someone instead of doing his job.

  • Estefania Gomez

Le gérant qui remplace aujourd'hui 15/12/2018 a éveillé mon désir de ne plus jamais revenir à ce pharmaprix. Quelle méchante fille ! Quel service à la clientèle pitoyable. Quand je lui ai demandé de l'aide, elle est venue me dire qu'elle ne connaissait pas l'endroit et qu'elle ne pouvait pas m'aider, que je devait revenir le lendemain... heureusement, j'ai trouvé un JEAN COUTU à proximité, avec plus de personnel formé.

  • Richard Lam

One of the few locations that had the equivalent to Tylenol for kids (generic brand). The pharmacist explained that they received a bulk size bottle and they need to pour it into smaller bottles. In total, the medication cost me 26$ of which 6$ was for the medicine and 20$ was how much they charge to pour it into smaller bottles. This is very disappointing as it is child medication and they are price gauging.

  • genevieve raymond

Pharmaciens ( TOUS) vraiment incompétent, en retard, donné un délai et ne le respecte JAMAIS. La dernière fois, on m’a demandé 2 heures de délai , je reviens 4 heures plus tard, rien n’est prêt! Quand Alexandre et son associé faisaient rouler ce Pharmaprix, le service était en or! Les reviews don’t de plus en plus mauvais et encore le service est rude! Je change avec plaisir et donne mon argent ailleurs!

  • Amélie KIJEK

Le pharmacien est infecte, on se demande même pourquoi il a choisi ce métier. J'attendais de l'aide et son conseil et en plus de prendre de haut ses clients, il n'hésite pas à être irrespectueux. Il n'était pas à l'écoute et préfère parler avec ses collègues que répondre à ses clients. Je vous déconseille ce pharmaprix, néanmoins, l'équipe de Jean Coutu Rue Notre Dame à été très serviable.

  • Stéphane Gagné

Je ne suis pas épaté du service au comptoir des ordonnances, j'ai laissé une prescription lundi début PM à la technicienne et elle me mentionne qu'elle s'en occupe, jeudi matin je reçois un appel d'une autre technicienne pour me mentionner qu'elle va s'occuper de mon ordonnance. Nous sommes rendu samedi et je n'ai toujours pas mon ordonnance, vraiment mauvais service.

  • Sergey B

I didn't feel like argue with them about the price misrepresentation, stickers fall down or move on their own as they say, every time they got an excuse. Fortunately filing a consumer protection claim to OPC as as easy as writing a Google review. Let these guys explain you how it works, I don't have energy to waste on you guys..

  • Stephanie Assaad

Shelves are always missing inventory (even before covid) and the service is very poor, especially in the pharmacy/lab tech part. Having a monopoly of a Pharmaprix in Griffintown doesn't make it ok to give a bad customer experience. I'll be going to Jean Coutu on Notre Dame and will encourage my entourage to do the same.

  • charlie morency

Avez-vous déjà attendu 1h30 au comptoir pour recevoir une prescription même quand la pharmacie est vide? Si vous voulez tentez l’expérience d’une attente complètement ridicule je vous recommande cette pharmacie! PS - je suis encore en train d’attendre (quant à moi à ce point-ci c’est purement de l’incompétence) -_-

  • Rachel Harris

The pharmacy staff at this location are outstanding. They are always extremely pleasant, kind, and super helpful. They really do go above and beyond. Honestly, it's one of the best pharmacies I have ever dealt with. The staff at this location who don't work in the pharmacy are also pleasant and friendly.

  • Marieh Bee

Service pourri ... On vient pour une consultation prevetablie par rvqs le pharmacien ne prend pas la peine de nous écouter fais son show devant ses clients en nous humiliant au passage avec son arrogance. Si il n est pas capable d écouter je doute de ses compétences a servir sa clientèle adéquatement.

  • Gl Sai

Very rude cashier for the cosmetic section, while i was paying at the general cashier came took my products and brought me to her checkout to pay there , although my products were not from the luxury part. And when i said i didn’t know that I had to pay here , she responded back saying: now you know!

  • anjna kumar

Some of the staff members here check on you if you spend more time in an alley. I wonder why! (This is coming from a not so well dressed brown girl, so it can be just me.) Other than that, this pharmaprix and the postoffice are open for longer hours which is very helpful. Pretty neat and organized.

  • Andria Carosielli

I do not recommend this pharmacy, especially if you are type 1 diabetic. The new owners do not carry enough stock for “budgeting purposes”. The pharmacists also neglected to follow up on an urgent order for vital medication (insulin) and equipment needed. Very disappointing and worrisome.

  • rasa jahromizadeh

I waited for about an hour and after they told me they don’t have my medication and I have to come back. Also I needed remboursement but, after 1 hour they told me I have to go back and they could not reach my insurance company and I had to pay for the medications. Really bad experience.

  • 11 W.J.

Pros: 1) Close to downtown. 2) It has wide selection of items and food that you need. 3) It is a decent store in a nice area. Cons: 1) Needs to restock on certain items. 2) Needs more employees. 3) Better signage and way finding. All in all it’s good that there’s a Pharmaprix here.

  • Tara Paulose

I called and asked if they take passport photos of babies, and they said yes. Walked 30 minutes with baby in stroller to the location, and they said they don't have the equipment. The staff was semi- rude. The cashier was nice. Train your customer service to know what's available.

  • Sean Masfrand

Worst pharmacy. We needed things for the baby during covid+high temperatures warning to be delivered. We were told it wasnt profitable enough for them, that we needed to renew meds at least and even then they told the meds weren’t profitable enough. Worst professional ever

  • Hussain Saleem

Pharmacy staff is great. Help me get a prescription refill from Toronto location despite the Toronto shoppers being stupid and not being helpful. The doctors here went above and beyond. Thank you for the both young pharmacists who worked the Sunday 2:30pm shift on Sep 16th

  • Marc Kraichati

Extremely overpriced, poor quality items, no diversity of brands and most importantly you can never find anything and I mean anything there. Basic necessities kleenex, water, bottled water and gallons. Pure mediocrity like the best of this miserable province ‍♂️ …

  • guillermo parra

Today, when we came to print some photos, a girl Shaleen, I think it's her name, made us spend an unpleasant moment to me and my family. This girl showed her incompetence to be manager of a pharmacy. Unfortunately, there are those who were not born to offer good service.

  • Danusa Kelly

Farmácia com variedade de produtos, desde perfumes importados, produtos de skin care, até leite, frutas, verduras e produtos para casa. As vezes tem promoção e alguns itens ficam com preços muito bons, mas num geral, a farmácia é um tanto careira. Padrão farmácia mesmo.

  • Jessica Pinto

I went to get toothpaste that was on sale only on Saturday and Sunday. I got there and the lady told me that only certain stores have it. That I have to call and see if they carry an item that is on special. I find that false advertising and inconvenient.

  • Geneviève Arboit

Bon service en général : même si je n’ai finalement pas trouvé l’item que je cherchais, on m’a bien répondu. Ils ont aussi un service de prise de photo pour documents officiels (ex. passeport), en demandant aux caisses. Deux photos coûtent environ 25 $.

  • Franco J

The worst pharmacy I’ve ever dealt with. They’ve somehow “lost” my refilled prescriptions 3-4 times, which results in me having to wait in store for quite a long period of time. The staff look completely overwhelmed. The previous ownership was fine.

  • Frédérique D

I am very lucky that this is the closest pharmacy next to my place, as the service is always outstanding, especially in the cosmetic section. Big thank you to Susan who is always giving an excellent customer service by going the extra mile.

  • Salma H

La seule chose a changer c'est les caissiers pas accueillant et souvent au téléphone où entrain de parler entre eux laissant le client. Ils veulent pas travailler si tu paie avec la carte ils t'obligent à payer à la caisse rapide.

  • Hristine BR

N’ont été d’aucune aide pour m’aider à disposer sécuritairement d’une seringue trouvée dans une rue adjacente. Selon eux, ce serait une perte d’utiliser un contenant stérile pour une seule seringue. Heureusement, Jean Coutu ont …

  • Marie J

Fix your self check-out machines! No one should have to answer 10 questions just to get their receipt. Also stop asking customers for donations you are a million dollar corporation, people are struggling to survive. Do Better!!!

  • Bobby Ritvisay

Ever since they switched owner to Daniel Mongrain, the lab service has been terrible. Slow service, they never call to inform you that your prescription is ready, unavailable drugs, constant rotation of temporary pharmacists.

  • John Tessier

When I visited, there was a worker standing behind the counter but refused to check items. They are forcing you to use self-checkout, so I walked out. I already have a job, I don't need to go to the store and cashier also.

  • Jean Samson

Several of the staff from the closing shift on November 21, 2023 were extremely rude and unprofessional towards me. I would suggest that the pharmacy management check the cameras and speak to the staff from that night.

  • Behnam Mashari

This branch not only may be the worst branch of Pharmaprix but it is the worst store I have ever seen. Stuck do not hold stickers of real prices and the majority of staff have unpleasant attitude towards customers.

  • Eric

Pharmacy staff is the best I've ever seen. The Pharmacist goes out of his way to help you, and doesn't make you feel rushed. Too many Doctors rush their time with you, you can see that he really loves his job.

  • Steve Hammett

It's a normal run if the mill Pharmaprix. Not very big but in a new building, it's very clean. Great for basic pharmacy stuff. If you need something a bit out of the ordinary maybe best to go to a bigger one

  • Bastien Chong

Convenient location but since the change of ownership a few month ago, they look understaff, overwhelmed and service is slow. I had to wait 10 min for someone to come to me just to pick up a prescription.

  • Barbara Latour

Cashier was really friendly and she really made up for the poor customer service I received. (stockers seemed to not even to be acknowledging me, even tho I made eye contact with two of them... )

  • David Chadwick

The pharmacy at this location is very helpful and It has always been a pleasure dealing with them. I have had prescriptions transferred here from SDM in Toronto with little delays whatsoever.

  • Nima Shahi

As a pharmacy, which sells essential items, it’s unacceptable for the lazy employees shut down the store five minutes before closing time, especially when one is racing against the curfew.

  • Rania Ajakane

Since the owner changed they have unreasonable wait times to get a prescription. Wanted to give it another chance today but it was sad to see that after more than a year nothing improved.

  • Michael Monaghan

I have a lot of respect for pharmacy workers but most of their staff are rude. Pharmacy is so disorganized since management changed. Better communication and kindness would go a long way.

  • A. A.

Service très très long, les employés sont très désagréables et ne regardent même pas dans les yeux ! Ont l’air tous déprimés ou ne pas aimer leur boulot . Je change de pharmacie.

  • Natia dubé

Staff is always friendly, though wait time at the pharmacy can be long sometimes for the most simple of prescriptions. Wish their selection of cruelty free makeup was bigger.

  • Marco Marone

Great location for a pharmacy in this area. The neighbourhood was indeed in the need of one. The young staff is also fun and vibrant, making every visit worthwhile.

  • Marie-Eve Peltier

Je suis infirmière en communauté, et je suis agréablement surprise a quel point vous êtes une équipe flexible. Il y en a très peu comme vous. Bravo!

  • Tony Henderson

Rude service, bad attitude and pharmacy techs who can't be bothered to help you. Do yourself a favor and go to another Pharmacy horrendous service.

  • France Fournier

Opening hours on google and on the website are wrong. Have some respect for your customers and provide the right info on your platforms!

  • Isabelle Du cours

Personnel au comptoir postal totalement anti service à la clientèle … la poste canadienne est bien mal représentée dans cette enseigne !

  • je me Souviens

Pas section parfums a 19.99$ au debut la section exciste mais a disparu brusquement ce que m'oblige a voir d'autres pharmaprix.

  • diana saidova

My neighbourhood pharmacy. Service is good and fast. Avoid getting prescriptions in the evening as they are super busy.

  • Eleftheria Tzanidis

I don’t go there for their customer service, I’ll go if I need anything from the pharmacy and always get what I need.

  • Chadi Alameddine

Best customer service and best makeup and skin scare staff! The selections are rather small but enough for the area!

  • Suzy suzy

Je change de pharmacie, sont trop incompétent, de plus le même produit j'ai trouvé 50$ moins chère chez jean coutu

  • JS S.

Terrible service at the post office. Lineup of 20 people and no one at the counter. Would not recommend at all.

  • DJ Giant

Ces le meillieur pharmaprix au niveau du service à la clientèle et on se sent toujours accueilli 10/10

  • Mike B

Pharmacists are always willing to help you. Parking is free. Opening hours are decent. I recommend!

  • Amir Am

Does this place has a printer? Everywhere is closed. Can't even find a place to print my documents.

  • jayseb

All in all good, but lookout for the milk section, many times I fell on a passed date product...

  • Nabil Aneudy Peralta Martinez

The post office staff seems has always been etficient, all the times I've been there.

  • Philippe Couture

Worst customer service experience I've ever had in a Shoppers Drug Mart "Pharmaprix"

  • Miki

Couldnt find my prescription doctor sent 2 days ago had to wait forever avoid avoid

  • MeF Stream

Staffs were late, opened late, people were literally lining up in front. Not cool.

  • Nu Dub (indipride)

worst customer service at the prescription counter no customer service available

  • Kaolinite

The sale items on the flyer are always not available. Never understand why.

  • Marc-André Désaulniers

Pire service à la clientèle ever. Les pharmaciens sont très incompétents

  • Jihane T

Service horrible à la pharmacie par la technicienne. Très désagréable.

  • Jean Guichard

Service de qualité grand professionnalisme et en plus parking gratuit

  • zase as

Small and don't have all stuff, the biggest part is the beauty shop

  • Sherlin montas

I’ve called the store like 3 times, No one ever answers the phone.

  • Danielle Mcpherson

The store is always well stocked and the staff are really polite.

  • Julia Vo

Worst service ever, employees are trained poorly and are rude.

  • Manon Duboeuf

Toujours souriants malgré mon sac qui sonne à chaque fois.

  • Quinn Barnes

Like every other Pharmaprix, low on stock at all times.

  • Philippe Dion

About 11 persons in line for poste canada... 1 worker.

  • Sandra F.L

Les gens et le service du poste Canada sont efficaces.

  • Michel Côte

Grand, facile d'accès, stationnement, comptoir postal

  • Abboud Hachichou

Stop hiring young workers. Its not professional.

  • Jean-Paul Violette

J'aime mes pharmaciens ils sont attentionnés ...

  • Etienne Cote

Grossly overpriced like every other Pharmaprix.

  • myhome pc

Very organized, friendly staff, fully stocked.

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