Polska Przychodnia Birmingham - Top Medical Clinic

310 reviews

89A Allison St, Birmingham B5 5TH, United Kingdom




Polska Przychodnia Birmingham - Top Medical Clinic is a Dentist located at 89A Allison St, Birmingham B5 5TH, United Kingdom. It has received 310 reviews with an average rating of 4.4 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of Polska Przychodnia Birmingham - Top Medical Clinic: 89A Allison St, Birmingham B5 5TH, United Kingdom

  • Polska Przychodnia Birmingham - Top Medical Clinic has 4.4 stars from 310 reviews

  • Dentist

  • "As you were informed today I'm extremely disappointed with the service received today"

    "Very rushing service"

    "Porażka!!! Nie polecam!!! Nigdy więcej!!! Jedna gwiazdka to o wiele za duzo, ale nie moge zaznaczyc zero"

    "Horrible service"

    "Niestety oceniam wizyte u ginekologa bardzo słabo"


  • George Dimitrov

As you were informed today I'm extremely disappointed with the service received today. First I was invited to go in half an hour later. Then your dentist put my crown back (that came out two days ago) and but it was too high. He considered his job done. It was not as I was not able to close properly my mounh. So I insisted for him to do something. He started taking out of the external top of the crown and had to decrease it at least within about a milimeter of it. That led the crown to not be white on the top anymore. So now it is surounded by the white ceramic but the top part is uncovered metal. Down, at its lower part, the crown does not cover the tooth fully and not contact with the gum. There was no any X-ray done and your consultant was not able to explain me why he did not do it. I'm extremely surprised to face such low quiality of paid service from your practice which was supposed to be professional and respectful. It was not. Now, I'm going to speak to an impartial dental expert and will ask them to provide me with their report. If a new crown has to be made (and / or of this one fall down soon), I would claim all of my further expenses in terms of making a new one (similar type) from you. As you were also informed, this matter is going to be reported to the CQC as well. I know my rights.

  • Mimi Bunari

Very rushing service. it's all about hurry up there. The female doctor was nice and helpful, after I asked her how long does blood results come back as I want to book another appointment for blood test the DOCTOR said to me within 3 days you will have ur results. Because of that information I had, I booked a blood test. After a few days I had to ring the clinic up to ask them about my report she said ohhh sorry doctor she never done ur report yet ill email her now, so basically I went private paid for private and never got the results I had to ring for my report and to chase them for my report if that was the case I would have gone to NHS not private. Then after I spoke to the receptionist and asked her for the blood test she said I can take up to 7 days I said that's not what the doctor said, she said ohhh maybe the doctor got confused well because of her confusion iv book a blood test, then the receptionist said to me well you lost your deposit of £10 lol a bit silly of her no worries I did not ring you for the deposite I did ring to ask you how long it will take for my blood results to come back. Please, please, please don't waste ur money these clinic is no good, tell a lot of lies, and are very rude at reception. Katarzyna Pera Very bad service, avoid it.

  • Anna Ortyl

Porażka!!! Nie polecam!!! Nigdy więcej!!! Jedna gwiazdka to o wiele za duzo, ale nie moge zaznaczyc zero. To byla moja pierwsza i ostatnia wizyta. Pan ginekolog Szymczak ubrany w poplamiony, rozciagniety T-shirt. Gdybym wczesniej nie wiedziala, ze to lekarz, pomyslalabym, ze ten pan naprawia rury od kaloryfera. Niemiły, gbur i prostak. Poprosilam o interpretacje wynikow badan hormonalnych, ktora sprowadzila sie do przeczytania tego co bylo napisane na wydruku. Ja tez potrafie czytac. Zero interpretacji. Zlecil ponowne badania hormonalne za 150 funtow. Na moje pytanie odpowiedzial chamskim tekstem. Za badania podziekuje i z uslug wiecej nie skorzystam. Moja wizyta trwala 10 min. W tym czasie zdazylam miec zrobione badanie ginekologiczne, USG i wywiad. Wszystko szybko, bo za drzwiami na wizyte czekalo kolejne 150 funtow. Typowa maszynka do robienia pieniędzy i zerowania na innych. Zero profesjonalizmu. Sama musialam o wszystko dopytywac zatrzymujac go, bo juz wstawal do wyjscia. Nie powiedzial mi nic czego wczesniej bym nie wiedziala. Moj problem nie zostal rozwiazany. Stracilam czas i pieniadze. Oczekiwalam porady i minimum empatii, ale to pojecie jest mu obce.

  • ciastoczekoladowe

Horrible service. terrible service. not nice receptionist. I asked for help for a friend who does not speak english. I asked if my husband could come in with a friend as a translator. Lady said no because covid.ok I understand. later I asked if a friend can come take the form, and give my husband to fill in and open the loudspeaker on the phone during the consultation with the doctor. here is also a refusal because the receptionist must ask the patient questions. as questions does he have covid? he could have marked it on the form that there is no outrage, she said that if my colleague did not speak English, then that he should go to the hospital for help or for gp because he would not get help without a language in them clinic. The disgusting thing is that when someone needs medical help, they don't get it. I do not recommend.I can’t believe in 21 century the language is that big problem and people because of that can’t have a help. Rubbish

  • Barbara Wójtowicz

Niestety oceniam wizyte u ginekologa bardzo słabo. Nie kwestionuje jego wiedzy i doświadczenia, jednak płacąc ponad £ 200 za wizyte , oczekuje sie większej kultury, otwartości i lepszej komunikatywności z pacjentem . Pan doktor byl bardzo milczący, siedział wklepując dane w komputer natomiast większość informacji musialam wyciągnąć od niego sama.Kilkukrotnie kazal mi poprawiac maseczke na twarzy , choć byla cały czas na twarzy, moze lekko usunięta z gornej części nosa..upominal mnie nawet w trakcie usg. W trakcie takiej wizyty jak moja , każda kobieta oczekuje troszke słów otuchy, porad, informacji..czego tutaj definitywnie zabrakło. ..Pan doktor wspomniał o wizycie kontrolnej za którą podziekuje i na przyszłość wybiorę innego lekarza,ktory wie jak rozmawiać z pacjentem. Otrzymalam zwolnienie lekarskie , dopiero w kasie płacąc za wizyte okazało się że muszę za nie zapłacić £50.

  • Syl Pisces

Throughly unprofessional dental practice! I arrived on time but, as the previous patient had arrived late, I was kept waiting for just over 50 minutes!! I was told the wait might be 15 to 30 minutes after arriving, and that the patient ahead of me would be a quick one. After 50 minutes of waiting, I asked if I would at least get a discount for being kept waiting for so long and at a private practice no less - but this was refused. So instead I asked for a refund on the advance I had paid and left. They should have notified me beforehand by phone that my appointment would be delayed or, better still, kept the late comer waiting. After waiting for so long, I eventually left as I felt that such shoddy service at a private private didn't bode well for the type of dental care I might receive. Deeply disappointed by my experience and how it was all handled.

  • Magdalena Zolynia

Receptionists helpful. Doctor we have a ‚pleasure’ of talking to was very rude during the consultation. When I had several videos prepared of my daughter to show him the pattern of walking development, he stated that his experience will show him more than then videos. There wasnt that much conversation with him and i felt as i was being looked down on. Stated that its impossible for babies to achieve certain milestones this early as it would have to me a ‚miracle’ even after showing him an actual dated video, and the milestone is well within normal development range stated everywhere online which doesnt give me much confidence in his skills. Even argued the month my daughter was born with me as well. I would avoid in the future.

  • Joanna KULA

Najgorsze miejsce jakie odwiedziliśmy do tej pory. Dwa dni temu mąż umówił wizytę do laryngologa ponieważ nasz roczny synek ma chore uszko. Wizyta została potwierdzona. Pytał Panią z którą rozmawiał ile jest do stacji pociagu Ponieważ jesteśmy z Rugby i mamy daleko więc osoba która nas umawiała napewno nas pamięta. Przyjechaliśmy dziś z chorym synkiem. Pani "recepcjonistka" była bardzo niemiła!!!! Wyskoczyła do nasze nie ma nas w systemie i jej to nie obchodzi!!!! Nie chce tu opisywać całej sytuacji bo nie o to w tym chodzi!!! Szanujmy swój czas i swoje pieniądze!!!!! Tym bardziej że napewno nie skorzystało na tym chore roczne dziecko!!!! Wszystkim kogo znam i kogo poznam będę szczerze odradzać to miejsce!!!! Pozdrawiam!!!

  • Rad Chalubowicz

Dwie odwolane wizyty "bo doktor nie dojechal". Po odwolanej wizycie badania laboratoryjne nie maily sensu. Przy probie odwolabia badan nie oddano depozytu "bo za pozno" (23 godziny a powinno byc 24 lub wiecej). Banda, ktora mysli, ze czlowiek przychodzi bo lubi a nie z powodu problemow zdrowotnych. Nie polecam. Two appointments were cancelled because the doctor didn't show up. Tried to cancel blood test after the cancelled appointment. Didn't get the refund because the cancellation was 'too late' (23 hours rather than 24 or more). Bunch of amateurs who thinks people book appointments because they have nothing better to do. Not recommended avoid at all costs.

  • Sandra Murglin

Pojechałam z wrastającym paznokciem Doktor Rafał , od razu stwierdził , ze trzeba całkowicie usunąć paznokcia bo stan już był zapalny i nie da się nic zrobić. Pomijając , że wizyta trwała 10 min głównie rozmowa , która kosztowała mnie 140 funtów + dodatkowo 135 funtów recepta na antybiotyk. Co się okazało , napisałam do 4 innych chirurgów z POLSKI o dziwo cała ta 4 powiedziała abym w ŻADNYM wypadku nie wyrywała całego paznokcia. Próbowałam się skontaktować z klinika aby odwołać kolejna wizytę niestety bezskutecznie i stracone 40 funtów . Całe szczęście , jestem po operacji w Polsce i nie musiałam usuwać żadnego paznokcia. Nie polecam , ceny to żart.

  • Teodora Alina Vlascu

Sunt foarte mulțumită de serviciile acestei clinici,domnul doctor Cristian a fost singurul care a găsit soluție pentru o problema ce am avut-o la dinți. Eram foarte supărată ca nici un doctor nu ma putea ajuta,dar afland de domnul dr.,mai ales ca este roman si am putut vorbi aceasi limba,m-a înțeles si m-a ajutat. Ceea ce ii mulțumesc enorm si pe aceasta cale. Mi-a dat și sfaturi cum sa îmi protejez dantura pe viitor. Iar personalul clinicii a fost foarte amabil cu mine. RECOMAND CU ÎNCREDERE. FELICITĂRI domnul doctor pentru experienta de care dati dovadă și SUCCES mai departe. Mii de mulțumiri. Sănătate multă la tot personalul de acolo.

  • Peter Czapor

After few completed appointments, I want to express my gratitude for dr Irina who’s one of the best dentists I’ve ever dealt with. Having exceptional interpersonal skills she doesn’t only treat her patient exceptionally, but she also has an extensive knowledge of dental procedures - she managed to answer all my questions during her talk regarding my case before I even asked them (believe me, there were many). She managed to save my tooth through RCT and prepared it for further dental procedure, also offering me different options regarding the tooth recovery. An excellent doctor and an extraordinary human being <3

  • Chedface

This clinic has caused nothing but issues for my partner. Paying £700 for mis-diagnosis, writing prescriptions for out of date medicine and the inability to print off a referral letter after paying money to do so. Their excuse is that the system is down after waiting 2 weeks for referral letter from the doctor who also happened to be on holiday for the week after he promised to send it. It's a joke. I would stay well clear of this clinic if you don't want to waste your time or money. The so called "professionals" are in fact cowboys who are interested in only one thing.. and it's not your health.

  • Kamil Kibała

Jak dla mnie to mają brak klientów i jak już się taki klient trafi, to chcą go wycyckać do zera. Jeden doktor powiedział mi że moja 6' nie wymaga leczenia kanałowego, wystarczy plomba i koszt takiej imprezy około 180-210£. 2 tyg później w tej samej klinice, inny doktor stwierdza na podstawie tego samego zdjęcia, że musi być leczenie kanałowe, mimio iż nawet nerw nie został naruszony i nie zaszły żadne zmiany przez ten czas. Bez kanałowego leczenia się nie obędzie i doktor zaprasza do wspólnej zabawy. 2 sesje po 255£ co daje razem 510£. Tak więc ceny szybko rosną, przez 2 tyg około 300£

  • Gareth Griffiths

The assessment that was performed, and the resultant diagnosis, categorically sped up a process for my fiancé that led to a lifesaving emergency operation. The time saved by using the clinic was invaluable. She was also provided with a variety of additional helpful information that she can use in her life going forward, and importantly was treated with the upmost care. I cannot express the extent of my gratitude, but I will say that the instinct of Dr Inga Peryt was a credit to the business, as was the approach and attitude of the rest of the team - admins and so on. Thank you.

  • Justyna Sudecka

Went there with my mother,we were driving more than an hour and had to leave my car on the car parking .Went with her inside to help her fill the questionarrie and wanted to wait for her in case she needs any help,but I was rudly informed by one of the receptionists that I have to leave cause there is too many people inside it was 4 people in the waiting room which is quite big anyway and we were wearing masks..Also I am heavily pregnant and telling me to leave and wait outside I'm such a cold weather it inappropriate behaviour! Definitely will not rush to come back here.

  • Monia

Totalne rozczarowanie i strata pieniędzy po wizycie u pani Endokrynolog Dr Magdalena Pogwizd 180 £ wizyta plus USG. Wyższość pani doktor odrazu dała się wyczuć, ogólnie traktuje pacjenta jak przygłupa, niemiła, arogancka. Kompletna ignorancja i wrażenie, że szybko, szybko bo ona już nie ma czasu, kolejny pacjent czeka. Porażka, nic się nie dowiedziałam jak poprawić sobie życie z Hashimoto. Brać lewotyroksynę do konca życia, tyle usłyszałam. Zreszta czego można sie spodziewać po uczniach szkoły rokefelera . Jod oczywiście szkodzi, nie można. Porażka!!! Nie polecam!!!

  • Razvan Kras

Waste of time and money! I was booked for full count blood test last week. They said I will receive my result in 5-7 days. Today instead of my result, I got a phone call saying that they couldn't done it, because the driver was late with the blood to laboratory. So they wait 5 days to tell me that.I asked for a tomorrow appointment, but they don't have nobody to done it till Saturday. This is a joke! Now I must redo my blood test somewhere else, spend more money and time. Hopefully they will refund my payment! Only a silly sorry for all the situation!

  • Dream Nights

Only 2 stars due to rude, horrible customer service received from one of the receptionist. If you’re planning to ruin your day just speak to her. Few sentences and you’re done. She doesn’t understand that she’s there to help and provide all necessary information to patients and not to make childish conclusions. Unfortunately I didn’t pick up her name but I hope the owners will realise that she is not the best asset for their company. Other receptionist and doctors are warm and friendly with the great attitude.

  • Aldona Nawrocka

I had a really great experience using Topmedica clinic in March 2023, starting from reception service (really nice staff, very helpful and informative, willing to help - I had unusual request regarding sending my medical records to my GP and there was no problem with sorting it out), ending on appointment I had with dr Magdalena Pogwizd. Dr Magdalena listenied to my concerns with patience and respect. She seemed to me down to earth, going to the point and I found her very helpful. Really recommend her service

  • Monika Scott

I am very disappointed with the visit to Dr. M. Podgwizd. This is my second visit and where I thought that after the first one will something change But it wasn’t. Complete ignorance on her part I suffer from hashimoto where I did not get any advice on how to proceed in relation to the disease. She was rude, not a nice approach to the patient. If you pay for a visit, you expects specific explanation and advice, and I did not pay for arrogance. p.s ladies from reception very kind and helpful.

  • Claire

Bylam w kilku inych polskich osrodkach zdrowia gdzie spotkalam sie z brakiem profesjonalizmu i lekcewazeniem pacjenta. W Medical Clinic nie zaistniala do tej pory ani razu podobna sytuacja. Jest tu najlepszy dentysta pod sloncem pani Renata Noori,ktora uratowala w krytycznym stanie mojego zeba. Polecam z calego serca pania doktor ginekolog Kindah Mo Akoel, profesjonalna i przemila osoba.Znalazla przyczyne boli choc bylam juz u trzech innych ginekologow i nic z tych wizyt nie wynikalo.

  • Paul Bradley

The professionalism and friendliness of the whole team is outstanding. The dentist (Christian) is extremely nice and informative in his approach to solutions. He has provided an excellent service for all my dental needs so far. (Which are on-going) I would Highly recommend Christian Boitos and his team in Birmingham. Super hi-tech and innovative approach to dentistry. The best dental care I have ever experienced in a very long time. I couldn't be happier … Thank you Christian

  • Aneta Markowska

Jestem rozczarowana z usług lekarza "specjalisty" ortopedy. Cztery wizyty(2 lata) i w kółko monotonnie powtarzane te same regułki, brak efektów leczenia. W tym roku została podniesiona cena za wizytę z 70£ na 100£, żadnej wcześniej informacji. Zostałam o tym poinformowana przy płaceniu, gdzie potwierdzeń o wizycie było mnóstwo: na maila, sms-a, więc tak trudno było dopisać informacje o płatności Ogromne rozczarowana!

  • Wioletta Kochalska

Mialysmy z siostra zabieg skleroterapi ,po kilku tygodniach pojawily sie male problemy .Po wyslaniu emaila do kliniki bardzo szybko skontaktowaly sie z nami panie z recepcji obie otrzymalysmy bezplatna konsultacje z Dr Rafalem Wichmanem .Teraz zostalo czekac na rezultaty ale obie jestesmy zadowolone z podejscia do pacjenta przez Panie z recepcji i Pana Dr . Szybka reakcja i fachowa pomoc Dziekujemy

  • Janusz Danielewski

To już moja druga opinia na temat tej przychodni, i wyobraźcie sobie będzie również pozytywną. Dopiero teraz, pisząc to, uświadomiłem sobie, że poprzednim razem także pani doktor Renata Noori zajmowała się moim uzębieniem. Trochę wstyd ale na obronę dodam, że mam kłopoty z zapamiętywaniem twarzy. Ale jedno wiem, że tak jak poprzednio, tak i teraz była to miła i profesjonalna usługa. Polecam ją każdemu.

  • /-\LL ! NN

My Name is Andreea and I just had to session at Dental Przychodnia Birmingham with Doctor Cristian Boitos and everything went smooth . I m still in going with my treatment looking forward to go back in 2 weeks. Reception team very friendly and helpful, nurse very kind, doctor very very good, top range equipment and overall Very happy with my experience so far hardly recommend to everyone.

  • Denitsa Ivanova

It is a place where you feel important and special because of the professionals and staff. The booking process was very easy and quick, the receptionists were very supportive and polite. Dr Kindah Mo Akoel is an absolute professional who knows how to treat patients and explain the problem in a positive way. I will highly recommend this clinic and I can't wait to visit it again. Thank you.

  • Adam Fletcher

With Dr Cristian Boitos I had an emergency appointment with a toothache, he was very kind and understanding, he helped a lot. He is a doctor by profession, he does his job professionally, at a high level. I am very glad that I met him that day and from now on he is my dentist. I recommend especially to those who are afraid to go to the dentist.

  • Mitma Mitma

W sumie spoko klinika. Uratowala mnie nie raz. Natomiast 1 gwiazdke musialem obciac za muzyke ktora jest jak bicie kotleta, gorszego kanalu nie mozna bylo wybrac. Jak jest opoznienie I trzeba czekac to naprawde tylko sluchawki albo stopery trzeba miec. Sama klinika przychodzi z pomoca, nie trzeba czekac tak dlugo jak w Londynie. Good work.

  • Klaudia G

Szczerze polecam ! Korzystałam z pomocy różnych lekarzy w tej klinice od dentysty przez ginekologa po lekarza rodzinnego i jestem bardzo zadowolona z usług. Lekarze kompetentni mili i zawsze pomocni. Wizyty odbywają się na czas. Nie zdarzyło mi się jeszcze odwołanej czy przesuniętej wizyty. Panie w rejestracji bardzo miłe. Super !

  • Raitis Rorbahs

A part of having to see professionals who knows what they are talking about very important to mention - best service by receptionists team. Always comes back on queries and helps to organise bookings around my as well as doctors availability needs. Very unusual to receive perfect comms by healthcare services in UK.

  • Bogdan Pericica

Very professional team with a very clean environment. The doctor and the nurse are very kindly and advised me what to do. They use a safe equipment and the top medical qualities required you'll meet here. I strongly recommend this clinic and I am happy with the treatment received. Thank you Top Medical Clinic.

  • Natalia Pucz

Super przychodnia, brak jakichkolwiek zastrzeżeń. Serdecznie polecam dr Kindah, ginekolog z powołaniem, dzięki tej Pani, moje problemy ze zdrowiem ginekologicznym, które wcześniej u innych lekarzy były bagatelizowane odeszły w niepamięć. Polecam każdemu kto boryka się z takimi problemami :)

  • Barbara Dacyl

Jestem pacjentka ortopedy- dr Jerzego Kucharskiego.Zastosowana terapia osoczem bogatoplytkowym dala bardzo pozytywne efekty.Polecam zarowno terapie osoczem jak i swietnego specjaliste jakim jest dr Kucharski.Dziekuje doktorze!!.Pozdrawiam serdecznie sympatyczny personel Top Medical Clinic.

  • Kasia Zakrzewska

Lekarz dentysta wykonał swoją pracę bardzo dobrze ratując mojego zęba przed wyrwaniem przez wykonanie kanałowego leczenia ( poprawiając poprzednie nieprawidłowo wykonane przez lekarza NHS). Panie w recepcji - profesjonalne, kompetentne. Jestem bardzo zadowolona z usług Top Medical.

  • Elena Saraef

I had a great experience with Dr Irina. I was very anxious for my tooth extraction but Irina did a great job. She always makes it pain free and easy. She made me feel comfortable and anxiety free! Extremely clean clinic, friendly and helpful staff. Highly recommend them to anyone.

  • Ofelia Lionakis

I'm glad I found you, Dr. Cristia Boitos is EXTRAORDINARY, he removed a mass without any problem and I didn't feel any pain after the anesthesia wore off, the indications were perfect, I will recommend him with great pleasure and I will come back with love. Thanks.Ophelia Lionakis

  • Renata Potancokova

Very happy with Dr Renata. I've been coming back to her for some time now and she always explains everything to me so I understand what she is doing. She and her asistent are really nice and very happy and warm people. Very much recommending! If dentist - then this clinic.

  • Xxx Xx

Highly recommend Dr Renata Noori and her assistant. Thank you so much for the excellent dental care you've always given me and for taking such good care of me during my recent discomfort. The team was very professional examining and providing with solutions by priority.

  • Vlad

Great people, great quality of services. Went in for a clean-up and a consultation: Dr Boitos was very professional. The reception personnel is also great showing flexibility with rescheduling the appointments. Will definitely go back for the 6 months check up.

  • magda zatorska

wszystko ok , nie mam zastrzezen. Dziewczyny z recepcji pomocne i wesole. Dr Ewa dermatolog rowniez cierpliwa i pomocna , rowniez dziekuje Dr Magdzie endokrynolog za cierpliwosc do mnie pelna profesjonalizmu i ciepla osoba …

  • Karina Wieczorek

Nie polecam wizyty u ginekologa w tej klinice.Wizyta za ponad 160f, sprzet nie jest najnowszy, od konsultacji wymagałoby się również zdecydowanie więcej. W tej samej cenie Victoria clinic w nieco w innym kierunku ale zapewnia wysoki standard usług.

  • Natalia Benea

I am very pleased and satisfied with the dentist service you have and especially with Doctor Irina Stelianov.She is one of the best Dentists ave had in my life.Feeling blessed. Didn't had the opportunity to try other your services but I'm

  • Patrycja Blaszczyk

I had appointment with urogynaecology physiotherapist- Karolina Kolaczynska-Oledzka after major gynecological surgery and I couldn’t recommend her enough. Karolina asked me a lot of various questions to see what problems I had and how

  • Elzbieta Imianowska

Bardzo miłe podejście do pacjętów profesionalna opieka .nie pomogło nam gp gdzie odprowadzamy składki nawet nie można zamówić wizyty jesteśmy zmuszeni leczyć sie prywatnie jeśli ktoś potrzebuje pomoc polecamy Elżbieta i Adam Imianowscy

  • P Rach

Dr Renata Noori is the best dentist that I’ve ever met, she really knows what she is doing. I am really pleased that I decided to start my treatment with her. I can highly recommend Top Medical Clinic to everyone!

  • Dmitrij Gajev

Many thanks to the clinic ! You guys are amazing ! Reception was very efficient, friendly and polite, dr Christian B very professional and calm couldn't wish for another ones Thanks again and meet you soon …

  • L R

Professional medical care, easy to book an appointment, good availability. However, the building is located in clear air zone, so you may be charged for driving. Also, the price for appointment was expensive.

  • Elizabeth Hall

Excellent service ,easy to make appointment at short notice , very good communication, receptionists friendly, helpful and giving a sound advice. Dr Żak is incredible, professional and very caring. Thank you

  • Aleksandra Kowalska

Bardzo polecam konsultacje u fizjoterapeuty uroginekologicznego - pani Karoliny Kołaczyńskiej w Top Medical Clinic. Profesjonalnie i w sympatycznej atmosferze - aż chce się wracać na kolejną wizytę! …

  • Zele Batica

Excellent clinic with very friendly and helpful staff. Doctors and clinicians are excellent and provide the highest level of service, keeping you informed about all procedures or required treatments

  • Gosia Usakiewicz

I had appointment to dr Szymczak and service I received was superb. Doctor was very helpful and proffesional explained everything very nicely. I would highly recommend to visit this clinic.

  • Magdalena Lena

Profesjonalna obsługa i świetne podejście do pacjenta. Będę polecać tę przychodnię! Zarówno panie na recepcji jak i Pan doctor Szymczak to profesjonaliści. Jestem bardzo zadowolona.

  • Balanica Alexandra

a wonderful doctor who gave us a correct diagnosis after so many searches. we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we will come back with great love. very kind staff

  • Eva

The visit took place on time. Mrs. Karolina talked very interestingly and performed the acupuncture very thoroughly. I recommend it and can't wait for my next visit.

  • Bartlomiej Szczyglowski

Bardzo serdecznie polecam Dr Skoczylas , super podejście do mojego synka, na spokojnie Doktor wszystko wytłumaczyła. Dziewczyny na recepcji bardzo przyjemne. Polecam

  • garbiela12

We recently see Dr. Magdalena Skoczylas with our baby Very nice lady , good with kids , she’s very professional and answers all our questions, we recommend highly!

  • Μαρινελα Χατζιου

I do not recommend it at all rude reception and the gynecologist! My problem was not solved and I paid so much money for nothing. Do not make the mistake and go !!

  • Monika Nowacka

Very nice ladies at the reception who will explain everything. Doctor Szymczak full of understanding and very polite. Full professionalism. I highly recommend

  • Paul Goodwin

Friendly and professional staff, very informative about which blood test you need and why. In depth diagnosis from the doctor too. Beats waiting for NHS!

  • Blueberry

Polecam Doctor Kindah Ginekolog .Pani Doctor jest bardzo miła i i potrafi pomóc ma dużą wiedzę medyczną .Bardzo mi pomogła z diagnozą najlepsza .

  • Rasselok

Świetna stomatolog dr.Noori wyleczyła wszystko co nawyczyniał mój lokalny dentysta z Redditch. Panie z recepcji miłe i profesjonalne . Polecam

  • Adina Gorgan

Perfect team...all problems with my teef are resolved!!!!I will come back...m b cusni the best hospital in Birmingham!congratulations …

  • Theresa Wesol

Absolutely amazing service. ..the doctors are know what they are doing and I've never have been disappointed ..I RECOMMEND . THANK YOU …

  • Anna Sokołowska

Renata Nori stomatolog,bardzo miła i przy tym bardzo profesjonalna,polecam ją każdemu z całego serca!!! Moja ulubiona dentystka! …

  • Anastasiia Lala

Nice private clinic, nice doctor otolaryngologist. Easy, informative, educated. Admin is also nice lady, chatty, informative. Recommend

  • Aga B

I'm very happy there is such a place in Birmingham, especialy now during the pandemic. Reception staff is very friendly and helpful.

  • Sławomir Tranczewski

Jestem bardzo zadowolona z pomocy jaką otrzymałam w przychodni, Profesjonalna obsługa, fantastyczny lekarz ortopeda bardzo dziękuję.

  • Ula Milosz

Very nice and friendly receptionists and what's important very good doctor's which take really care about patient.Very recommended.

  • Georgiana Nazaret

Best place I’ve ever been, nice staff and incredibly professional and caring doctor. I definitely recommend to everyone.

  • Karolina Kowalska

Very professional service ,Gynecologist very helpful and pleasant i was out on 20 mins,definitely recommend this place.

  • Agnieszka Furgała

Przemiłe panie w reception. Profesjonalna diagnoza i leczenie. Pani DR Kopeć cudowna osoba i wspaniały specialista.

  • Pawelbk1 Strojek

Pan Jerzy Kucharski jest bardzo dobrym lekarzem ortopedą i pomogł wygrać mi z bolem pleców i rwą udową.Pozdrawiam.

  • Agnieszka Zakrzewska

Serdecznie polecam ortodonte dr Dominikę Przygocką. Pełen profesiojalizm. I Pania Anie asystentke rownież …

  • Katarzyna Wawer

Super Panie na recepcji po każdej wizycie wychodzę zadowolona i z poczuciem zadbania o pacjenta …

  • Anna Michalska

Highly recommend this clinic. Doctors are kind and professional, receptionist are nice and always helpful.

  • Rada Mihaela Kovaci

I am very satisfied with the services of Top Medical, I went to the dentist, fast and painless service !!

  • Marcelina Agata Nowak

Reception team are very helpful and polite, excellent experience. The service I received was superb :)

  • klaudia niewazne

Very good clinic nice ladies on desc pleasant experience with doctor Recommending for everybody

  • Kasia Grinska

Very nice pani doktor bardzo mila i uprzejma wszystko wytlumaczyla i wyjasnila leczenie polecam

  • Małgorzata Burczynska

Bardzo profesjonalna obsuga, na recepcji Panie bardzo mile i pomocne , polecam dr Szymczaka

  • Grzegorz

Wonderful staff ,always smiling.Professional doctors. Wonderful atmosphere.❤️ …

  • Jadwiga Kozuch

Very helpfull staff especially Patricia ❤️. The doctors at the clinic are profesionals.

  • Barbara Zdeb

Pani Dorota i Ania, niezwykle uprzejme i profesjonalne. Ogromne podziękowania za pomoc

  • Elephantkiller23

Much much better than Medical - Dent , West Bromwich . Highly recommended. Thank You.

  • Gatis Jurkans

Had a tooth extracted and the service provided by Dr Noori were great. Thank You!

  • Ludmila Loskunina

Very helpful stuff, good doctor. Everything explained to me I am very appreciate

  • Daku rusta RUSTA

a wonderful service with loving and very caring people,, very good experience

  • Agnieszka Rybak

Polecam z całego serca dr Kindah Mo Akoel. Bardzo mądra i miła pani doktor.

  • Dariusz Drozdziel

Kind and competent service. Small minus hard to park the car, no car park.

  • Delphine Mwewa

I had good service in January, my tooth needed cleaning and filling.

  • Valdas Petkevicius

I've been welcomed warmly. The staff was very attentive and helpful.

  • cristina niculae

Best dentist experience, Dr Irina Stelianov it's very professional.

  • Octavian Onet

Wonderful staff ' verry satisfied how i was treated .thankfully

  • Agnieszka Wojtowicz

Professional, helpful and friendly staff. Definitely recommend.

  • Pat

The doctor was very helpful and the staff very friendly !!

  • Pepa Tosheva

Great service, very kind and professional staff 5*

  • Anna Hliwiak

very nice service. the visit was on time

  • J Chowaniec

Very friendly and professional service

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