Phenomena Experience

6326 reviews

C/ de St. Antoni Maria Claret, 168, L'Eixample, 08025 Barcelona, Spain



Phenomena Experience is a Movie theater located at C/ de St. Antoni Maria Claret, 168, L'Eixample, 08025 Barcelona, Spain. It has received 6326 reviews with an average rating of 4.5 stars.



Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of Phenomena Experience: C/ de St. Antoni Maria Claret, 168, L'Eixample, 08025 Barcelona, Spain

  • Phenomena Experience has 4.5 stars from 6326 reviews

  • Movie theater

  • "Per l'estètica del cinema i les pel·lícules que hi projecten (estrenes i clàssics) el recomanaria"

    "Only downside is getting there late Since you cant choose seats when buying the tickets fisically or online, if you don't get there 1h before your movie you wont have seats in a centered area"

    "I had an extremely negative experience with the cinema, and I cannot, in good conscience, recommend it to others"

    "Tinc exactament la mateixa opinió que altres resenyes que he llegit: "He gaudit moltíssim en aquesta sala i la indiscutible qualitat tècnica és excepcional però que les entrades no siguin numerades, això ho haurien de canviar urgentment"

    "People who complain that they don’t accept card are missing the whole point"


  • Pedro Elvira Marín

Per l'estètica del cinema i les pel·lícules que hi projecten (estrenes i clàssics) el recomanaria. Li posaria 5 estrelles. Ara bé, la gestió que tenen en quant a la venda d'entrades és un autèntic despropòsit. En primer lloc, si no les compres online (amb el recàrrec corresponent per fer-ho), a taquilla només accepten diners en metàl·lic (igual que al petit bar de dintre per comprar crispetes, beguda etc!! ... ). En segon lloc, les entrades no són en cap cas numerades i ni que per exemple les hagis adquirit online prèviament, tothom ha de fer una cua (llarguíssima segons la pel·lícula) per entrar (incloent els socis que hem pagat el carnet anual del club)... és obviament la manera d'assegurar-se vendre tots els seients incloent llocs de no gaire bona visibilitat que d'altra manera quedarien sense vendre. En tercer lloc, i en conseqüència de tot plegat, t'asseuràs al lloc que quedi segons l'ordre de cua. La meva parella i jo a tall d'exemple som socis nous d'aquest any, vam treure l'entrada online uns dies abans i vam anar a veure Batman i estàvem ja fent cua 30 minuts abans de la projecció...doncs vam haver de veure la pel·lícula separats i a la primera fila. Imagineu... Has d'arribar l'any 2022 una hora abans al cinema per veure una pel·lícula en condicions?? Està clar que globalment darrera de tota aquesta gestió està l'interès d'obtindre el major benefici econòmic possible i malauradament en detriment de la major comoditat de l'espectador i del propi soci del club que ha pagat un abonament anual! que a part de gaudir òbviament d'un petit descompte en el preu de l'entrada no té cap avantatge més. No havia vist mai tota aquesta operativa en un cinema. I no em val l'argument de que el que es vol és reviure l'essència de com abans anàvem al cinema. Si el present ens ofereix objectivament millors possibilitats de gestió per a l'espectador doncs poseu-les en marxa. Tinguin en compte si us plau les queixes que veig que són reiterades i canviin si us plau aquesta dinàmica en benefici dels autèntics protagonistes del cinema, que som els espectadors. Serien llavors sí un cinema 5 estrelles en tots els àmbits. Per cert, normalitzar la presència del català, absolutament absent en el cinema (web, retolació i pel·lícules), crec que també seria molt necessari. Gràcies.

  • Lorenzo Bonferroni

Only downside is getting there late Since you cant choose seats when buying the tickets fisically or online, if you don't get there 1h before your movie you wont have seats in a centered area. Due to this there is a neverending queue of people outside the cinema waiting to get in fast, where you and everyone are blocking a parking, a bar and half the block rotating the cinema itself, and I wouldn't mind the queue if it weren't for the fact that they have such big empty spaces inside the establishment that you literally walk trough while making a single person line to go in. The layout of the screening room has to be the weirdest one I've seen worldwide (it might very well be due to the Dolby Atmos functionality but since they don't explain or say anything about it i was just personally left with confusion) the access staircases or "entrance" are located in the middle of the room itself so the actual seating sports are weirdly distributed, because it felt like there were only like 6-10 rows in the front and middle areas (the ones you want to sit in) and the rest (80% of the remaining ones) are scattered trough the remaining of the room. If you do seat on a edge like i did last time You don't get the 360 experience because the speakers are literally over you aimed at the people in the middle, you will get the most bass in the whole room tho, with is cool in its own way but prepare to have your ears covered in some (or most) loud scenes because they get louder than disco speakers. If you do manage to seat in the middle area of the room, the experience of watching movies in this different way makes it worth it, Since the thing they do manage to nail is the immersion by the time you've got to leave, all the bad and strange starting experience are just deleted from your mind and you'd just want to book another session in the same place.

  • Andrey Pudov

I had an extremely negative experience with the cinema, and I cannot, in good conscience, recommend it to others. The issues began with their website, which proved to be prone to errors during the booking process. Furthermore, attempting to contact them by phone proved fruitless as my calls went unanswered for three consecutive days. Similarly, my emails were blatantly disregarded, leaving me feeling ignored and frustrated. Upon visiting the cinema in person, I encountered further problems when the ticketing process encountered a glitch. My QR code link failed to work, leading to a ten-minute delay as I struggled to resolve the issue. Additionally, I discovered that they sold tickets without specific seat assignments, resulting in my friends and me being seated apart from one another. To add to the disappointment, the actual screening time of the movie bore no resemblance to the time stated on the tickets. The film commenced 30 minutes later than scheduled, further exacerbating the overall poor experience. It became evident that their priorities seemed to lean more towards maximizing profits rather than providing satisfactory customer service. In light of these numerous and significant shortcomings, I strongly advise seeking alternative entertainment options that offer a higher level of professionalism and customer care.

  • C. V. Aragó

Tinc exactament la mateixa opinió que altres resenyes que he llegit: "He gaudit moltíssim en aquesta sala i la indiscutible qualitat tècnica és excepcional però que les entrades no siguin numerades, això ho haurien de canviar urgentment. Ni nostàlgia ni hòsties quan sabem que és única i exclusivament per raons econòmiques recaptatòries" . "Que cadascú és lliure de fer el que vulgui, només faltaria, però l'espectador se sent estafat quan paga 14€ per un seient a una cantonada o 1ª filera". Exactament aquesta ha estat la nostra experiència. Dos adults i el nostre fill 3 entrades per a un total de 44€ (14€ per a entrada + 2€ de gestió), vam comprar les entrades online 10 dies abans i vam arribar 20 Min abans de començar la pel·licula. Vam haver de seure a un lateral d'una de les primeres files... Tot i així vam poder gaudir de la pel·licula però és per això que li poso 3 estrelles enlloc de 5. Sóc cinèfila de tota la vida i anem molt a la Filmoteca i a altres sales... Probablement hi tornarem però quan no ens quedi més remei. Ja no em ve de gust fer cua 45-60 min per trobar un bon seient... I menys si he pagat 14,67€ per l'entrada.

  • A Al

People who complain that they don’t accept card are missing the whole point. They don’t accept card to avoid reporting their actual earnings to the tax agency. And that’s at the core of Phenomena: greed before all else. No matter how much people complain or it inconveniences and annoys customers, they won’t accept card. They’ll never let you reserve a seat because then customers will avoid buying and getting stuck with bad seats. Some other things that are awful here: dirty, broken bathrooms. Cold gross popcorn. Stale soda. Stains on the seats. And possibly the worst part is having to interact with the 3 employees that always have a quietly condescending and disrespectful look in their face. I went from loving the idea of this theater to absolutely avoiding it at all costs. I actually go farther away to a different theater now, because there is nothing redeeming here. If you want a taste of the ultimate cinematic experience that you can get at phenomena, read the owner’s replies to negative reviews here: nothing but disdain and contempt.

  • Igor S.

As a film lover I’ve been to many different movie theaters around the globe, good and bad ones, and Phenomena is probably the weirdest one in a bad way. I like an idea of watching something like Apocalypse Now or Lost in Translation in 2023 on a big screen but this particular theater just doesn’t make the experience worth it. Arrogant staff, terribly uncomfortable seats, they don’t accept credit cards either in the box office or in the bar. The worst part is that they sell tickets not assigned to the seats and you have to stand in queue outside to get a better seat, no matter if it’s hot or if it’s raining. I mean it’s endurable if you really really really want to watch some classics on a big screen. But as for the new films – no, thank you. There’re way too many other, much cheaper movie theaters in Barcelona with VOSE option and high quality screen/audio, to be okay with the way Phenonena treats its audience.

  • Māris Matvejevs

Went to watch Oppenheimer and it was disappointing to say the least. To start there is no organization to seats so it’s first come first serve which I dislike since I had to come 1 hour early just to stand in a line for the hour in the 40c weather. Second thing is the snacks and drinks are overpriced. Third thing is that the seats are extremely uncomfortable and unclean. And to top it off this cinema isn’t even real imax 70mm! It’s digital imax which is not advertised in the site. I URGE you to not visit this cinema. It was a terrible experience altogether. Spending 7€ on a cola, fighting over seats and messing up my back. The screen and audio quality wasn’t even that good. I visited a regular mainstream big cinema last week and it was much better in every way. So don’t bother with this one. 0/10 couldn’t be more disappointed

  • Yien Guo

The cinema itself is good, but there are a few things to note: First, if you don't book a movie ticket online, don't queue up first. You have to go ahead and buy a paper ticket and then queue up. Second, you can't enter the movie theater until fifteen minutes before the movie starts, so you don't have to come early. For example, when I lined up yesterday, the four people in front of me and the one behind me were smoking. I almost suffocated. Third, seats are available on a first-come-first-served basis, as there are many people waiting in line to buy popcorn, so even if you are the last person to enter, you will have a chance to find a good seat. Fourth, in order to enjoy the best sound, you'd better sit in the middle. That's all.

  • Alex Yang Ji

Les pel·lícules es veuen i s’escolten molt bé. Els preus són una mica més alts que els d’altres cinemes però les butaques són còmodes. L’espai entre butaques per files està bé i per columnes també. Les entrades no tenen seient reservat i fa que hagis de fer cua una bona estona per a tenir un lloc bo. Hi ha molt pocs lavabos i les cues que es formen tant per lavabos com per agafar menjar i begudes es fan llargues. Està bé, però, que hi hagi minipantalles per veure el que s’està reproduint dins del cinema (per saber si ha començat la pel·lícula o si estan pels anuncis encara). Les crispetes dolces són de bossa i tampoc tenen gaire oferta en tema de menjar. A més, només accepten efectiu.

  • Vincenzo Politi

This place is pure MAGIC! I've been there only twice, but it's already my favourite cinema in Barcelona. Outside, it looks like a charming old American movie theatre from the 60s. Inside it's huge, furnished with exquisite taste and with the walls full of movie posters. Plus, the carpet is a homage to a famous movie! The screen is a gigantic and the chairs are very comfortable. Even the guy checking the tickets by the entrance is super cool! On the top of all of this, prices are accessible and the program looks unbeatable with its balanced mix of new titles and beloved oldies. Go to Phenomena if you want to go to another world for a couple of hours!

  • sandra rego

He gaudit moltíssim en aquesta sala i la indiscutible qualitat tècnica és excepcional però que les entrades no siguin numerades, això ho haurien de canviar urgentment. Ni nostàlgia ni hòsties quan sabem que és única i exclusivament per raons econòmiques recaptatòries. Que cadascú és lliure de fer el que vulgui, només faltaria, però l'espectador se sent estafat quan paga 14€ per un seient a una cantonada o 1ª filera o veu que la gent, un cop a dins, es dedica a reservar fileres senceres de butaques per als col·legues que arriben més tard. Com a espectadora i cinèfila, ostres, no tot s'hi val, no tot s'ho val.

  • Vasileios Isty

2 stars because the screen is decent. First is the entrance, you need to queue on the street and wait for the door to open to run in the theater as there are no seats booking system. Doirs open last minute and if you want pop corn you run like madness to not lose the move or get the worse seats. Bar is super poor with no variety, no movie merchandise that other cinemas have for big movies, staff moves really slow and queue is really long, costing you the movie start scenes. Also they don't accept card only cash!! In 2023 this is very dissapointing. Not recommended overal. Much better cinemas in Barcelona

  • Jaume Pérez Barrachina

Per mi el millor cinema , potser amb el Texas, de Barcelona. Si esteu farts de programacions clonades, de multisales impersonals i de centres comercials, aquest és el vostre lloc. Cinema de totes les èpoques, clàssics de tota la vida que molta gent no ha vist en pantalla , èxits dels anys 70 i 80 i amb Versió Original. Preus adaptats a les pel.lícules ( les estrenes valen com a tot arreu però les reestrenes són més barates). Pantalla única de grans dimensions i l’única, de BCN, amb possibilitat de projectar en 70mm. Pàrquing al costat pels que veniu de fora.

  • Julius Tomez

Good movie selection but cranky rude staff. Staff kept interrupting the experience, standing on the way front of the screen to speak with people through the movie. They do no accept card to buy popcorn or drinks. Small seats with no leg space on the front, no drink holders, dirty room. If you arrive late or go to the bathroom, be careful with the dark tight stairs, staff will complain to you if you light the stairs with your phone, even with no flashlight. Better stay comfortable at home than watching movies here.

  • Berk Gokcen

Big screen, worst experience. They make you wait for queue outside bc they don’t even assign seats!! First come first served, so they sell front seats. if you don’t arrive an hour before the movie begins, people snatch and occupy good seats by putting their clothes and bags. Oh btw it’s almost impossible to watch from first two rows and the sides so you’re better off watching on the steps… so if you wanna pay 15 bucks to watch a movie sitting on the floor go there. Never again, you guys suck big time!

  • alex b

Tickets are sold unnumbered which means you have to get there significantly earlier if you want good seats since it is first come first serve. This means you may end up with bad seats, even after paying significantly expensive tickets (14€ for Oppenheimer). You also can't pay for popcorn without cash (...yes in 2023 xd). Other than this, audio and image quality is great. Overall it is a movie theater with a lot of potential, however I cannot recommend it until these things are improved upon.

  • Pol Puig

Pagues 9, 10 o fins a 14 euros per una entrada, i ni tan sols saps on t'asseuràs. No té cap mena de sentit. S'ha de fer cua per entrar (i has d'arribar 30 minuts abans si vols un bon seient), però es que sovint també has de fer una bona cua per comprar crispetes (crispetes que no pots pagar amb tarjeta perquè X ). És una llàstima perquè si solucionessin aquestes dues o tres coses series amb diferència el millor cinema de la ciutat. X = Negoci en B. Els cal una bona inspecció.

  • Ferran Clotet

La sensació d’estar en una sala plena de gent que vol disfrutar de la pel•lícula igual que tu…no te preu. És com un viatge al passat on el cinema era una cosa màgica i especial. No li poso 5 estrelles perquè crec que es pot millorar en el tema del bar, s’hauria de poder pagar amb tarjeta de crèdit. I entenc el motiu de fer les entrades no numerades, però haver d’anar 1h 30min abans per fer cua i tenir bons seients és massa…no sempre pots anar tan d’hora.

  • Jordi C.

Avui en dia que és tan fàcil "viure l'experiència del cinema a casa" (NO) cal venir al cinema d'abans per a gaudir de l'experiència completa, el phenomena és sempre garantia de qualitat. És veritat que el so pot estar massa alt per alguns espectadors més sensibles, però és el que et transporta i et fa pagar l'elevat preu del seient avui en dia. Versions originals i un servei de bar prou justet per a que no calguin les innecessàries crispetes.

  • Juan Montaner Llorens

Malgrat disposar de projector de 70 mm., molt promocionat almenys durant alguns anys, ja fa bastant temps que en el Phenomena no projecten películes antigues rodades en aquest format i amb el qual es van projectar en el seu moment a Barcelona. Un exemple (però ni han molts anteriors) és el cas d'aquesta "My fair lady" que anuncien en una propera projecció EN DIGITAL. Per aixó vaig a la Filmoteca que veig el mateix i mes econòmic.

  • Menna Llinàs

Vaig anar-hi per primer cop i l'experiència va ser inoblidable. La qualitat de les pel·lícules és en 4k, es sol projectar en versió original subtitulada en castellà i la sala gran és un gran aspecte a destacar. La cartellera sempre és molt diversa, anant des de clàssics de Hollywood fins a films actuals. Una cosa a advertir és que, si no es compren les entrades per internet, a taquilla només accepten efectiu. Hi tornaré

  • Jonathan Kelly

Reading the reviews and jeez, people love to complain! What a shame. And what a cinema. Probably the best cinema I have ever been to, and certainly the only I have cared to leave a review for. From the screen, the seats and the sound, the choice of films they choose to show, right down to the details of the interior decor. Truly independant and passionate about cinema. Perfect cinematic experience if you ask me. Five stars.

  • Adrian Aranda

I've tried many times to buy online and it always fails (I can't believe in 2023 a cinema doesn't accept credit cards in person). Then I come two hours before the movie to buy them in person but nobody's because it's closed. I think it's okay but then I check the website again and it's sold out. How? The payment method didn't work and now I come for no reason because the cinema is closed. Horrible experience.

  • Daniel Quijada

Great audio and the video is amazing. My only problems with the place (and they're just inconveniences): they don't accept card payments, tickets aren't numbered so you have to go early to get decent seats and the seats don't have cupholders or a lot of space in general. Still, this is my go-to cinema in the area, so I do recommend it if those inconveniences aren't important to you

  • Fergal

By far my favourite cinema in Barcelona. They show a wide variety of excellent classic films as well as new releases. Really fantastic screen quality and audio. Comfortable and with a nice aesthetic throughout. They only take cash however, this caught me out once or twice when I first started going and had forgotten to take any with me. Not a major issue though.

  • Marta G

El millor cine de Barcelona, ja sigui per la pantalla i la seva qualitat com el so. Pel.licules en VOS. El cine no es gaire gran en quan butaques però la pantalla es enorme. L’unica pega que podria trobarli es que els seients no estiguin numerats i tinguis que fer cua per agafar lloc, sobretot en estrenes com Star Wars. També posen grans clàssics

  • JR Armadàs

Cinema que manté l’estètica i tradició dels grans cinemes d’abans. Programació que combina estrenes amb clàssics i reposicions. El so i imatge té una qualitat espectacular. Com a nota negativa no es pot comprar entrenades amb seient reservat i s’ha de fer cua per entrar. Les butaques tampoc tenen una gran separació entre elles. Els de 1,90 patim.

  • Ricard Ballesté Vila

It was my first time there and the experience overcame what I expected. The screen is quite large and the sound is reproduced all around the room. The movie in the original version is what motivated me to try this cinema but the atmosphere of the room makes the movie more enjoyable and epic. I'm looking forward to coming back as soon as possible.

  • Isaac Bordas

Com a cine, en equip de so i pantalla, no hi ha comparació: és el millor de Barcelona, és fantàstic. Però... coses que tothom pensa i no canvien mai: -No accepten targetes, només efectiu. -Les entrades no son numerades, pel que has de fer cua (en estrenes sol ser llarga) per entrar. -L'estat dels lavabos (almenys el d'homes) és molt millorable

  • Carles Ag

Una sala de cinema fora del que és habitual. Una pantalla enorme i un so espectacular fan que les pel·lícules tinguin una altra dimensió. A més, ofereixen la possibilitat de tornar a veure clàssics del cine en pantalla gegant. Y el preu és més que raonable. Això sí, cal fer cua si vols una bona butaca, les entrades no són numerades.

  • Hasmukh Kerai

Makes you fall in love with cinema again. Unfortunately, didn't have the best time. Sound issues for Oppenheimer meant the session had to be suspended. Was the Saturday 5pm show on opening weekend. It had been running since Thursday, so just had luck on our side. Felt bad for the staff who had to break the news to a sold out cinema

  • Pau Roig

Una sort tenir un cine on poder veure pelis com Oppenheimer en 70mm. Cert que hi ha coses que es podrien millorar (compra numerada de seients o pagaments en targeta acceptats), però si l'espectador s'informa prèviament d'allà on va, doncs va amb antelació suficient i porta efectiu. A nivell visual i sonor, una experiència molt bona

  • Carla

Pagues el doble que molts cinemes, 14€, i no tens seient, cal arribar fins a 45 minuts abans si vols tenir un seient mínimament digne. Les crispetes només es poden pagar en efectiu, quina broma és aquesta? Vaig anar a veure Oppenheimer i es va tallar el so tres cops. Pagant el que hem pagat, és una vergonya.

  • Toni Munné

Entrades no numerades, cues llarguissimes fins a 1 hora abans projecció. I a l any 2023 no accepten targetes de crédit per comprar begudes o crispetes. Les entrades només les pots comprar online o en efectiu a la guixeta. Llàstima que format gran en VoSe per Oppenhaimer només ho fagin en aquest cinema.

  • nicbruna . tv

A great movie theatre, made by people with a real passion for movies and its technologies. Only 1 screen but a super wide curved one, 4K and 70mm screenings, great programmation with a touch of "cinéphilie". Luxury choice. Ps: no aceptan tarjeta de crédito, solo efectivo o compra online con 0.70 de comisión

  • Noah

Best screen (featuring a lot of 70mm films and also 4K movies) excellent sound system (Dolby Atmos) and showing classics and new realeases. But always find it annoying that you can't pay with card and the staff isn't friendly, despite that it's still my first choice for going to to the movies in Barcelona.

  • Ross Parker

We went to see Oppenheimer at Phenomena. We found that the sound system, while impressive for sound effects (bombs going off, etc.), made it challenging to make out the dialogue, due to the high volume and high level of vibration/bass. Personally, I wouldn't pay a premium price to repeat this experience.

  • Conrad Williams

Great cinema that shows selected new films and classic films.. great sound (Atmos)!! Only one screen so you have to check their schedule online. It's a cinema for people who love cinema with a classic feel. The Shining carpet is a must see. Films are in the original version with subtitles in Spanish.

  • Joan Guisado i Gámez

Best cinema in Barcelona. It has this old feeling, like not accepting cards but only cash, not being able to book a seat, and maybe they're not the most comfy in town but it has a spectacular sound system and a huge screen. Most of their films are in their original language with Spanish subtitles.

  • Laia Alemany

Una pantalla gegant, so increïble (sense arribar a ser desproporcionadament alt), decoració del cinema super inmersiva d'un cinema antic. L'entrada em va costar 10.70€ un diumenge, una mica cara, però no gaire diferent de preu a la resta de cinemes on no t'ofereixen l'experiència decorativa.

  • Lucas Estêvão

They don't sell numbered tickets so you have to arrive God knows how long earlier to pick a sit. Then people arrive and start blocking seats or entire rows for their friends who'd arrive 5min before the movie starts. That's ridiculous. It's 2023, just sell numbered tickets.

  • Guillem Usach

Potser la entrada de 70 mm la veig una mica alta de preu. Dues coses. La projecció molt bona, sense anuncis i super puntual . Distància entre files de butaques millorable. Em vaig sentir com en una llauna de sardines (aquesta última sensació és totalment subjectiva) …

  • Sergio Gasquez Arcos

Very particular cinema, tickets are pretty expensive and they don't come with a seat,you have to get there early to take a good spot. If you want to order some food or drinks,they only take cash. Quality wise it's pretty decent though, video and audio are good.

  • Andrea Garcia

The cinema was great. The sound was awesome. We saw Top Gun Maverick here and was a really great experience. The only thing is that you have to take some cash because the popcorn and treats they sell are cash only. I would definitely go back again!

  • Josep Ribas

Feia temps que no anava a un cinema amb uma pantalla tan gran. L’experiència em retorna als antics cinemes. Qui es queda a casa a veure pelis amb la pantalla de l’ordinador?? No hi ha color!! A mes els seients son comodisims. Lunica pega es … Més

  • Joan Montaner Llorens

Sovintejava aquest cinema.Tenen una gran pantalla, uns equips de projecció i so molt bons, i si està molt còmode. El fet que les entrades (mes cares que la majoria dels altres cinemes) no siguin numerades, ni quan les compres per Internet, … Més

  • Guillem Oliva

La qualitat de la projecció és molt bona, però les entrades no numerades suposen un greu contratemps en fer cua i trobar butaca. Si vas sol i vols crispetes, et quedaràs sense seient "bo" perquè quan arribis a la sala després de la cua del … Més

  • Marta M.

Després de molts anys sense anar-hi (jo vaig veure com el cine Nàpols de dues sales es convertia en Phenomena) hi vaig tornar l’altre dia i he recordat perquè vaig deixar d’anar. Cues per entrar, cues per comprar crispetes i no pots pagar … Més

  • Jordi Garriga

Vam anar a veure l'estrena de "The Batman", i vaig sortir una mica decepcionat. Imatge i so increíbles, però no em sembla que hi hagi diferència d'altres sales (sobretot els cines de l'Splau o els Cinesa de Diagonal Mar). Les butaques … Més

  • Daniel V Jensen

Amazing cinema with great atmosphere, great picture, and great sound. The best cinema in Barcelona. Bring cash and remember the seats are without numbers. However, the experience is great no matter where you are seated. Highly recommended!

  • Jari Kuisma

Beautiful movie theater with great finishes and the the screen and audio technology were updated. Went to see surprice horror movie screening and the theter was packed with people which created great and exciting atmosphere.

  • Cristina Gil

el millor cine de Barcelona! la única cosa que diria es que trobo a faltar no poder reservar cadira, entenc que és complicat tenint només una sala però el dia que no pots anar amb massa temps a fer cua va una mica nerviós

  • David P

Nice classic movie theater. They put classic among with premiere movies. It only has a single room, but with a very big screen and nice sound system. I do not give 5 stars because the popcorn stand only accepts cash.

  • Angel Alarcon

El Cinema Genial , pero el personal que el porta es el mes professional i apassionat !! A sobre son molt honrats !! Si algun dia per alguna cosa al cinema no tens que patir , te la tornaran !! …

  • veronika rudez

Best cinema in the city. Classic red velvet look to set the atmosphere, carpet from The Shining, clean, comfy, great sound system, tasty popcorn and wine! And they have an amazing selection of old and new movies.

  • Athanasia Iliopoulou

Brings back childhood memories. Very friendly and convenient, excellent audio and visual. Great tributes to distinguish directors or genres. Feels like the cinema of the past we all love but miss so much!

  • Fiona Gallofre

Quin lloc més màgic i cuidat. Detalls preciosos, fusta, cortines vermelles, butaques antigues i un personal de sala molt professional. Serveis nets i espaiosos,servei de bar sense pagament amb targeta.

  • Ghazal M

We had a great experience here. Although the cinema and the chairs themselves are super old, but sound system was really good and screen was big. Restroom was clean. Staff can speak English. … Més

  • ivan torras

Decepcionant i indignat. He volgut anar amb la meva filla a veure Interstellar avui. Fa una setmana vaig trucar preguntant si era necesari comprar les entrades amb amb antelació, i la … Més

  • D L

Why intentionally sell food that makes lots of noise? My experience was terrible. Half of the movie people were smashing chips right next to me. Also no cards? What is this? Middle age?

  • Manuel

Yesterday I watched the „Oppenheimer“ movie at 20:10pm. I was not sure if the theatre was the right choice as the reviews are quite „wild“, so here are my thoughts: … Més

  • Siona Marlin

Beautiful theater with original language showings (subbed in Spanish). Huge screen, great sound, comfortable chairs and lots of seating choice. 100% recommended!

  • Daria Morgendorffer

Best movie theater in Barcelona, sound is just mind blowing. There are always big lines to see premiers so it's recomended to come earlier to get better sit.

  • Ela Jurko

Absolutely love this cinema. Very friendly staff and great experience, love the selection of movies they screen, the seats are comfy. They only accept cash

  • Fil Ra

Truly a hidden gem which combines old theater vibes with astounding screen size, top notch sound quality and lovely decoration. Best cinema in town indeed

  • Gemma Benítez

Es un cinema preciós, amb un gran carisme i a la vegada de qualitat. Recomano anar-hi aviat per agafar un bon lloc, ja que no té reserva de seient.

  • Sara Durán Prieto

Beautiful theatre, we loved everything about it except the long queue and subsequent delay. We hope they can sort it out, because we will be back.

  • TOTART Emmarcats Bcn.

Una fantàstica experiència. La super pantalla i l'ambient dels setanta que trobareu en la decoració de la sala és una meravella. Bona programació.

  • Manel Murez Perera

El millor cinema de Barcelona, sessions de cinema clàssic en VO, l'acústica de la sala es boníssima, seients còmodes i moltes curiositats al hall.

  • david arteche

El millor cinema que els diners permeten veure, imprescindible pels cinèfils. Aixó si, tant de bo es pogués pagar les crispetes amb targeta.

  • Monika

Great cinema experience, huge screen, comfortable seats. There should be more cinemas like that one, instead of the shopping centre ones..

  • Alba Foz

L'experiència val la pena, però el fet de que les entrades no siguin numerades fa que hagis de fer molta cua si vols una bona ubicació

  • Monsieur Dax _

Una autèntica maravilla para todo aquel que haga del cine una parte fundamental de su vida. Cine adaptado a un cinéfilo del siglo XX.

  • Elena Diana

There is nothing better than Phenomena, is just one of those life experiences you NEED to have before you die. 1000% recommend it

  • Marc Piedrafita

Experiència fenomenal. Un cinema com els d'abans. 100% recomanable per a gaudir de les millors pel·lícules en versió original.

  • Nadine Bogner

Wonderful experience! Takes you back in time. The interior made with style. Staff very friendly. The ideal cinema experience!

  • ludo lin

Best cinema in Barcelona !!! Great screen quality and New cutting edge sound system !!! Watch all my movies over there !!!

  • Didac Meya

Genial. El cinema d'abans amb la màxima qualitat sonora i visual. La verdadera experiència cinematogràfica. … Més

  • Jordi Guilera

So i imatge molt bons, seients molt còmodes, bones pelicules, la entrada molt xula, una molt bona experiència.

  • tong hu

Wonderful cinema would love to come over again. The movies they played really have the spirits.

  • Ming Wai Tay

It's an old style cinema but with a great sound system. Worth to come here to enjoy a movie.

  • Xavi de la Rica

Cine amb molt encant, com els d'abans. És pot respirar tota la màgia de les pelicules

  • miguel van Der wijst

Best cinema in bcn. From the service to the look all the way to the movies on show.

  • Gloria Ferrer

Cinema com els d'abans. Pantalla gran. Em sorprén que no deixin pagar amb targeta.

  • Albert Salas

Haurieu de deixar comprar entrades amb targetes que no siguin espanyoles. Salut!

  • Josep Maria Alejandre Salat

Cinema del barri de Gràcia, amb projecció de pel.licules en versió original.

  • Sufiane

It's a great place to see old school classics and the latest movies

  • Imma Miras

L'unic problema es que nomes es pot pagar a taquilla en Cash.

  • Sabina Mc

No funciona cap dels telèfons que tenen al web o al Google.

  • Marc Tello Martinez

Cinema de veritat ambient de festival de Sitges. …

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