Dr Samuel Hailu, Orthopedic Surgeon, Hip Knee Replacement & Trauma Sub-specialist

94 reviews

Meri Loke, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia




Dr Samuel Hailu, Orthopedic Surgeon, Hip Knee Replacement & Trauma Sub-specialist is a Orthopedic surgeon located at Meri Loke, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It has received 94 reviews with an average rating of 5.0 stars.



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  • The address of Dr Samuel Hailu, Orthopedic Surgeon, Hip Knee Replacement & Trauma Sub-specialist: Meri Loke, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

  • Dr Samuel Hailu, Orthopedic Surgeon, Hip Knee Replacement & Trauma Sub-specialist has 5.0 stars from 94 reviews

  • Orthopedic surgeon

  • "A Brilliant Orthopedic Surgeon - Right care at the right time at the right place! At a young age living in Kenya, I had a knee ligament tear, which had been operated on"

    "ልክ አንድ ዓመት ሆነኝ በጤና ዕክል ምክንያት ሁለቱም እግሮቼ ላይ ከፍተኛ ህመም ተከስቶ ኦፕራሲዮን ካድረኩ:: ሁሌም የሚጠብቀን የእግዚአብሔርን ምህረት እና ቸርነት በዓይኔ አይቼ እንዳጣጥመው ዳግም በህይወቴ ያለፈች ውብ ቀን ይገርማል: የእግዚአብሔር ጥበብ ለሠው ልጅ የሰጠውን ረቂቅ ዕውቀትና ሥራ ቆሜ ሳስታውሰው ደነቀኝ የሐኪሜ የዶ/ር ሣሚ ማስተዋልና ታካሚን አንብቦ መረዳት አጃይብ ከሚያሰኝ የሕክምና ተሠጥዖ ጋር ያውም የሠውን አካል በልቶ ደም ሥርን ከጡንቻ: ጡንቻን ከአጥንት: አጥንትን ከደም አስተሣስሮ ወደ ነበረበት መልሶ ማስተካከል ወይ ጉድ እውነትም ቀዶ ጥገና። ከዶክተር ጋር አብረውት ተጀምሮ አስኪያልቅ ቀዶ ጥገናው ላይ የተሣተፋ የሕክምና አባላት ትህትናን ከብቃት ጋር ይዘው የተሯሯጡት አንደየሞያቸው ተፍ ተፍ ሲሉ እያየሁ አየሠማኋቸው ለአንድ ውጤት ያውም መራመድ ለተሣነው ህመምተኛቸው ጤናው ተመልሶ ዳግም አንዲራመድ ለሚደረግ ሩጫ ሲተጉ በዓይኔ ሣይ ነፍስያዬ አከበረቻቸው። ሆስፒታሉን ከክትትል ጀምሮ እስከ ኦፕሬሽን ብሎም እስከዚህ ጊዜ በረገጥኩ በሄድኩ ቁጥር ከንጽሕና እስከ ተቀናጀ የሕክምና መረጃ ሥርዓት ብሎም የጊዜን ዋጋ በአፈፃፀም በተግባር እስከሚከውን ሠውን ለመርዳት ንቁ እስከሆኑ ሠራተኞች ቤቱን ለታካሚ የሚመች ያደርገዋል። ህመሜ ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ የተሠማኝ ከኦኘሬሽኑ ከአሥር ወር በፊት የተለመደውን የኤሮቢክስ ስፖርት እየሠራሁ ግራ እግሬን ከታፋዬ በላይ ከወገቤ በታች ባለው ክፍል ላይ ነበረ :በወቅቱ ረጃጅም የእግር የተራራ ጉዞ ከማድረጌ ጋር የተፈጠረ ጫና እና ከዕለቱ የስፖርት እንቅስቃሴ ጋር በማያያዝ ነበር ያሠብኩት: በዚህ ሁኔት የቆየው ህመሜ ገፅታውን ለውጦ ሁለተኛውንም የቀኝ እግሬን በመጨመር ጉዳዩ ከባድ መሆኑን ማስጠንቀቂያ ሰጠኝ። በጊዜው ከፍልውኃ እስከ እስፖርት ማሣጅ ወጌሻ ባለሞያ ብሞክርም የህመሙ መጠን እየጨመረ መራመድ እጅግ ስቃይ የተሞላው ወደ መሆን ተሸጋገረ ከነርቨ እስከ ወገብ ዲስክ በመታየት ጥልቅ ወደሆነ የሕክምና ምርመራ መነሻውንና ምንነቱን ለመለየት ብዙ ለፋሁ። በጸበል በእምነት እየታሸሁ ችግሩን በመጨረሻ ባዩኝ የሁሉ እሸት የህክምና ባለሞያ በተለየው መሠረት መፍትሔው ዘመኑ ከደረሠበት የሕክምና ደረጃ አንፃር በአገር ውስጥ እጅግ ውስን ቦታ ቀዶ ጥገናው እንደሚደረግ ካልሆነም በውጭ አገር ያለውን አማራጭ ያም ባይሆን ከህመሙ ጋር ተስማምቶ የት ድረስ መኖር እንደሚቻል መጨረሻውም ምን እንደሆነ ተረዳሁ ።በተጨማሪም በዘመኑ የመረጃ ቋት አነበብኩ። ችግሩን ማወቅ የመፍትሔው ግማሽ መንገድ ይሉት አባባልን በተግባር ተቀብዬ ፊቴን ወደ መፍትሔው አዞርኩ ከአገራዊ እስከ ውጭ ከባድ ነበር። በአንድ በኩል ህመሙ ከጤና መጓደሉ ጋር የሞራል ፈተና በሌላ በኩል የሕክምና አማራጩ ከአቅም ጋራ: ከዛ በዘለለ ከዕለት ኑሮ ትግል ጋር ከፍሲል ደግሞ ነገስ ህይወት በእንዴት ያለ ሁኔታ ይቀጥል ይሆን ከራስ ጋር ግብግብ እናም መፍትሔውን እራስንም ህመሙንም ተቀብሎ ፊት ለፊት መጋፈጥ የግድ ነበረ። በዝርዝር በተረዳሁት መሠረት የማይረሳኝ የማይተወኝ ፈጣሪዬን አስቀድሜ ከአቅምም ካለው አማራጮች በአገር ውስጥም በውጭም በመፃፃፍ አንድ እውነት ላይ ደረስኩ እግዚአብሔርም ረድቶኝ እጅግ በዘርፋ በዓለምዓቀፍ ደረጃ ምስጉን እና በሞያቸው ክቡር በሆኑት ድንቅ ወጣት ትሁት ኢትዮጵያዊ ሐኪም እጅ የመገጣጠሚያ አካል ቀዶ ጥገናዬን ለማድረግ ወሰንኩ። እሳቸውም እንደሐኪም ብቻ ሣይሆን እንደ ጓደኛ አንደ ጓደኛ ብቻ ሣይሆን አንደቅርብ ቤተሠብ አማካሪ ጥንቁቅ ነገርን ማቅለል የተካኑ ናቸው አና ለውሣኔ አልከበደኝም ። ልክ ይህን ማስታወሻ በምጽፍበት አንደኛ አመቴ በዚህች ሠዓት9:50 እምስት ሠዓት የፈጀውን የመገጣጠሚያ የሁለቱንም እግሮቼን ቀዶ ጥገና/bilateral hip joint replacement surger /በተሣካ ሁኔታ መጨረሳቸውን ፈገግ ብለው እያዩኝ ሲያበስሩኝ በግርምት ነበር እያየኋቸው congra ያልኳቸው። የእግዚአብሔር ሥራ ግርም ይላል ሕክምናው በዓለም እጅግ ከባድ በዛው መጠንም ውጤታማ ከሚባሉ የቀዶ ጥገና ቢሆንም በጣት የሚቆጠሩ የአገራችን ውጤታማ ባለሞያዎች አንዱና ዋነኛው ነዎትና ዶ/ር ሣሙኤል እንኳን ደስ አልዎ በባለፈው አንድ ዓመት ቀጥ ብዬ እራመዳለሁ እሮጣለሁ እቆማለሁ። ለኢትዮጵያም ለዓለምም እርሶን የሠጠን ፈጣሪ ስሙ ይመስገን የበለጠ ህዝብዎን የሚያገለግሉበት ዕድሜውን ጤናውን ዕውቀቱንና ጥበቡን አብዝቶ ይስጥልን :እርሶን መሠል የሞያ ልጆች ለብዙሃኑ እንዲሆኑ ቀርፀው እንደሚያወጡ እምነቴ ነው: ከሁሉ ከሁሉ በየትኛውም ሠዓት ለማማከር ለህመም በአካልም በስልክም በሶሻል ሚዲያም የሚገኙበት ዝግጅትዎ ለብዙዎች የሞያ ፍቅር ብቻ ሣይሆን የልብ ቅንነትዎ አርአያ የሚሆን ነውና አመሠገንኮት ከልብ ከሆነ ምስጋና እና አክብሮት ጋር ታካሚዎ እስክንድር ከበደ ❤❤❤፨ I would like to express my gratutude & heartful appreciation for Dr"

    "I am Mikiyas Efram, i am a screenwriter based in Addis Ababa Ethiopia, writing a personal review about my recent Bilateral Total Hip replacement surgery at Samaritan Surgical Center and the surgeon Dr"


    "My name is Lemi Bekele"


  • Mike Gebru

A Brilliant Orthopedic Surgeon - Right care at the right time at the right place! At a young age living in Kenya, I had a knee ligament tear, which had been operated on. Within months, I moved to Seattle, Washington, for 10 years. During this time, I accomplished my daily routine without difficulties until 3 years back when I began feeling pain, hindering my gym activities. In addition, acquaintances and family kept inquiring about my knee. I had frequent business trips between the U.S. and Ethiopia, which had posed multiple opportunities to travel more. So at the time, I wasn't concerned enough to prioritize it. However, with time I had discomfort; 20 years later, working long hours proved strenuous. Stressing, my knee began to bend noticeably while walking. On my flight back to Addis from Christmas in Seattle in Feb. 2022, I came across an article about Dr. Samuel Hailu, Orthopedic Surgeon in Addis. Upon arriving, I promptly set up an appointment online on Dr. Samuel's website. My first visit was impressively welcoming. I was warmly greeted by the young Orthopedic Surgeon, followed by scrupulous history-taking in his examination room followed by an X-ray. He assured me that my diagnosis is operable with a few months estimate till return to a routine. The decision to proceed with my operation was comfortable, so I agreed right in his office. After thoroughly ascertaining the medical checklist, the scheduled surgery day arrived. A few hours after my admission, I was taken to the OR. I met with a well-organized team in scrubs. The Anesthetist briefed me that the surgery process would take 2 hours and how I would be given an injection at my back, numbing me below my waist. Dr. Samuel walked in, and the team welcomed him. He immediately started scrubbing his hands and was gracefully dressed. On cue, everyone started checking the necessary gear for the operation. Dr. Samuel called me by name and assured me that the operation process had already started and called for the team to be ready. They confirmed him back, and the operation was underway. I was fully alert while excitedly listening to the on-goings. It was fun to hear the hammering, and grinding noise echoing around my leg without feeling anything! The operation took precisely two hours, with closing from Dr. Samuel remarking the completion. Finally, as I sighed in relief, the Anesthetist told me to wait a few minutes before he unplugged the wires from my chest and fingers before being transferred back to my room. The next day the Physiotherapist came to my room with a walker directing me to a walk. At first, I thought it was a joke, but after hesitating for a few seconds, I said, " OK, let's go! The moment I stood up supported by a walker, I saw my leg straighten in a long-time gleefully thanking God! After that, we did some stair exercises; walked around repeating the activities the next day, slowly building confidence. After staying three days, I was discharged after being assigned a Physiotherapist to assist me at home three weekly. Now five weeks post- knee replacement surgery, I'm walking crutches free and hoping to go back to the gym soon! My knee is feeling great, and close family members and friends are happy to see I'm no longer dealing with crippling pain. Standing straight and wearing my suits fittingly, I can walk to my office and attend meetings in renewed confidence. I would like to thank Dr. Samuel for his achievements in helping patients by giving the proper care at the right time at the right place! I would like to conclude by highly recommending Dr.Samuel Hailu for his enthusiastic commitment and skillful capacity in treating Hip and Knee joint replacements. He is African Pride Orthopaedic Surgeon, Joint Replacement, and Orthopaedic Trauma Sub-Specialist. My little advice for those who need Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery treatment before they travel overseas is to visit Dr. Samuel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. God bless you all!

  • eska keb

ልክ አንድ ዓመት ሆነኝ በጤና ዕክል ምክንያት ሁለቱም እግሮቼ ላይ ከፍተኛ ህመም ተከስቶ ኦፕራሲዮን ካድረኩ:: ሁሌም የሚጠብቀን የእግዚአብሔርን ምህረት እና ቸርነት በዓይኔ አይቼ እንዳጣጥመው ዳግም በህይወቴ ያለፈች ውብ ቀን ይገርማል: የእግዚአብሔር ጥበብ ለሠው ልጅ የሰጠውን ረቂቅ ዕውቀትና ሥራ ቆሜ ሳስታውሰው ደነቀኝ የሐኪሜ የዶ/ር ሣሚ ማስተዋልና ታካሚን አንብቦ መረዳት አጃይብ ከሚያሰኝ የሕክምና ተሠጥዖ ጋር ያውም የሠውን አካል በልቶ ደም ሥርን ከጡንቻ: ጡንቻን ከአጥንት: አጥንትን ከደም አስተሣስሮ ወደ ነበረበት መልሶ ማስተካከል ወይ ጉድ እውነትም ቀዶ ጥገና። ከዶክተር ጋር አብረውት ተጀምሮ አስኪያልቅ ቀዶ ጥገናው ላይ የተሣተፋ የሕክምና አባላት ትህትናን ከብቃት ጋር ይዘው የተሯሯጡት አንደየሞያቸው ተፍ ተፍ ሲሉ እያየሁ አየሠማኋቸው ለአንድ ውጤት ያውም መራመድ ለተሣነው ህመምተኛቸው ጤናው ተመልሶ ዳግም አንዲራመድ ለሚደረግ ሩጫ ሲተጉ በዓይኔ ሣይ ነፍስያዬ አከበረቻቸው። ሆስፒታሉን ከክትትል ጀምሮ እስከ ኦፕሬሽን ብሎም እስከዚህ ጊዜ በረገጥኩ በሄድኩ ቁጥር ከንጽሕና እስከ ተቀናጀ የሕክምና መረጃ ሥርዓት ብሎም የጊዜን ዋጋ በአፈፃፀም በተግባር እስከሚከውን ሠውን ለመርዳት ንቁ እስከሆኑ ሠራተኞች ቤቱን ለታካሚ የሚመች ያደርገዋል። ህመሜ ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ የተሠማኝ ከኦኘሬሽኑ ከአሥር ወር በፊት የተለመደውን የኤሮቢክስ ስፖርት እየሠራሁ ግራ እግሬን ከታፋዬ በላይ ከወገቤ በታች ባለው ክፍል ላይ ነበረ :በወቅቱ ረጃጅም የእግር የተራራ ጉዞ ከማድረጌ ጋር የተፈጠረ ጫና እና ከዕለቱ የስፖርት እንቅስቃሴ ጋር በማያያዝ ነበር ያሠብኩት: በዚህ ሁኔት የቆየው ህመሜ ገፅታውን ለውጦ ሁለተኛውንም የቀኝ እግሬን በመጨመር ጉዳዩ ከባድ መሆኑን ማስጠንቀቂያ ሰጠኝ። በጊዜው ከፍልውኃ እስከ እስፖርት ማሣጅ ወጌሻ ባለሞያ ብሞክርም የህመሙ መጠን እየጨመረ መራመድ እጅግ ስቃይ የተሞላው ወደ መሆን ተሸጋገረ ከነርቨ እስከ ወገብ ዲስክ በመታየት ጥልቅ ወደሆነ የሕክምና ምርመራ መነሻውንና ምንነቱን ለመለየት ብዙ ለፋሁ። በጸበል በእምነት እየታሸሁ ችግሩን በመጨረሻ ባዩኝ የሁሉ እሸት የህክምና ባለሞያ በተለየው መሠረት መፍትሔው ዘመኑ ከደረሠበት የሕክምና ደረጃ አንፃር በአገር ውስጥ እጅግ ውስን ቦታ ቀዶ ጥገናው እንደሚደረግ ካልሆነም በውጭ አገር ያለውን አማራጭ ያም ባይሆን ከህመሙ ጋር ተስማምቶ የት ድረስ መኖር እንደሚቻል መጨረሻውም ምን እንደሆነ ተረዳሁ ።በተጨማሪም በዘመኑ የመረጃ ቋት አነበብኩ። ችግሩን ማወቅ የመፍትሔው ግማሽ መንገድ ይሉት አባባልን በተግባር ተቀብዬ ፊቴን ወደ መፍትሔው አዞርኩ ከአገራዊ እስከ ውጭ ከባድ ነበር። በአንድ በኩል ህመሙ ከጤና መጓደሉ ጋር የሞራል ፈተና በሌላ በኩል የሕክምና አማራጩ ከአቅም ጋራ: ከዛ በዘለለ ከዕለት ኑሮ ትግል ጋር ከፍሲል ደግሞ ነገስ ህይወት በእንዴት ያለ ሁኔታ ይቀጥል ይሆን ከራስ ጋር ግብግብ እናም መፍትሔውን እራስንም ህመሙንም ተቀብሎ ፊት ለፊት መጋፈጥ የግድ ነበረ። በዝርዝር በተረዳሁት መሠረት የማይረሳኝ የማይተወኝ ፈጣሪዬን አስቀድሜ ከአቅምም ካለው አማራጮች በአገር ውስጥም በውጭም በመፃፃፍ አንድ እውነት ላይ ደረስኩ እግዚአብሔርም ረድቶኝ እጅግ በዘርፋ በዓለምዓቀፍ ደረጃ ምስጉን እና በሞያቸው ክቡር በሆኑት ድንቅ ወጣት ትሁት ኢትዮጵያዊ ሐኪም እጅ የመገጣጠሚያ አካል ቀዶ ጥገናዬን ለማድረግ ወሰንኩ። እሳቸውም እንደሐኪም ብቻ ሣይሆን እንደ ጓደኛ አንደ ጓደኛ ብቻ ሣይሆን አንደቅርብ ቤተሠብ አማካሪ ጥንቁቅ ነገርን ማቅለል የተካኑ ናቸው አና ለውሣኔ አልከበደኝም ። ልክ ይህን ማስታወሻ በምጽፍበት አንደኛ አመቴ በዚህች ሠዓት9:50 እምስት ሠዓት የፈጀውን የመገጣጠሚያ የሁለቱንም እግሮቼን ቀዶ ጥገና/bilateral hip joint replacement surger /በተሣካ ሁኔታ መጨረሳቸውን ፈገግ ብለው እያዩኝ ሲያበስሩኝ በግርምት ነበር እያየኋቸው congra ያልኳቸው። የእግዚአብሔር ሥራ ግርም ይላል ሕክምናው በዓለም እጅግ ከባድ በዛው መጠንም ውጤታማ ከሚባሉ የቀዶ ጥገና ቢሆንም በጣት የሚቆጠሩ የአገራችን ውጤታማ ባለሞያዎች አንዱና ዋነኛው ነዎትና ዶ/ር ሣሙኤል እንኳን ደስ አልዎ በባለፈው አንድ ዓመት ቀጥ ብዬ እራመዳለሁ እሮጣለሁ እቆማለሁ። ለኢትዮጵያም ለዓለምም እርሶን የሠጠን ፈጣሪ ስሙ ይመስገን የበለጠ ህዝብዎን የሚያገለግሉበት ዕድሜውን ጤናውን ዕውቀቱንና ጥበቡን አብዝቶ ይስጥልን :እርሶን መሠል የሞያ ልጆች ለብዙሃኑ እንዲሆኑ ቀርፀው እንደሚያወጡ እምነቴ ነው: ከሁሉ ከሁሉ በየትኛውም ሠዓት ለማማከር ለህመም በአካልም በስልክም በሶሻል ሚዲያም የሚገኙበት ዝግጅትዎ ለብዙዎች የሞያ ፍቅር ብቻ ሣይሆን የልብ ቅንነትዎ አርአያ የሚሆን ነውና አመሠገንኮት ከልብ ከሆነ ምስጋና እና አክብሮት ጋር ታካሚዎ እስክንድር ከበደ ❤❤❤፨ I would like to express my gratutude & heartful appreciation for Dr. Sammi and all the teams because just a year my health related to both legs become solved.  I have been done bilateral total joint hip surgery at  Samaritan Surgery Center . Right now at this time last year the operation was successfully completed , on the same talking i am now fully recovered and become healthy to do walking , running ,sitting and standing here and there Thank God for his blessing orthobedic wisdom of Dr.Sammi . He is a man of  solution , he is so kind  young professional to smooth matters to there end. His friendly approach and smart handling give me more comfort and confidence to think proud and lucky to do operation here in my country near to family and friends. So God Bless you Dr.

  • Mikiyas Efram

I am Mikiyas Efram, i am a screenwriter based in Addis Ababa Ethiopia, writing a personal review about my recent Bilateral Total Hip replacement surgery at Samaritan Surgical Center and the surgeon Dr. Samuel Hailu. A Year and half ago i was diagnosed with Stage 4 Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head with Osteoarthritis of both hips. in no time i was unable to walk. Not without a cane/walker and i was incapacitated at home. The pain made my nights painful. The only treatment option to restore my quality of life was a TOTAL HIP REPLACEMENT FOR BOTH HIPS. After checking out i was happy to find out about Dr. Samuel Hailue, a surgeon who specialized in my case that i can really get a Bilateral Total hip replacement surgery in Ethiopia at SEMERITAN Surgical center. Come the time on December 27,2020 i had a successful bilateral total hip replacement surgery in less than 3 hour time. And after a couple of hours i stood up on my feet. In two weeks i started walking with out aid. The second month i was able to walk properly and get back to my normal life. By the 3rd month it all became history. It has been 8 moth now and when i look back, i thank Gog for giving me a second chance, to be able to walk, run and continue my regular life normally - Because of the surgery. And for that i can't thank enough my surgeon Dr. Samuel, he is not only a great surgical doctor but also a great person who treat his patients with a family like great care, kind heart and passion! God bless his hands for his hands has cured me! The same goes to the hospital - Samaritan Surgical Center staffs. During my three day stay before and after my surgery... i never felt i was in a hospital, both the staff who assisted my surgery, the nurses who were there 24/7, as well as everyone who worked at the hospital, they ware all great and professionally speaking I truly felt I received a world class medical treatment in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. once again THANK YOU ALL! I totally advice anyone with a Total Hip Replacement Surgery issue to not waste any time looking for other options when in fact you can get a better surgery with a fair price at Samaritan Surgical Center and the surgeon is Dr. Samuel. Peaceee Mikiyas Efram

  • Bruck Eshete

Dr. Samuel is not only extremely knowledgeable in his craft, but he has what it takes to be a phenomenal orthopedic surgeon. As a Doctor of Chiropractic practicing in the United States since 2002, I have had the privilege of working with several orthopedists over the years. What makes Dr. Hailu unique from all of the ortho surgeons with whom I have worked is that he is extremely personable yet very professional, sincere and bright but not arrogant, and a true healer— someone who has the scientific expertise as well as amazing bed side manners. He took excellent care of my mom after performing a minimally invasive hip replacement surgery after a fall she had, and she is now on her way to recovery…. The staff and his team at Samaritan Surgical Center are amazing, courteous, and just terrific. Everyone referred to my mom while an inpatient as “Mom” and made her feel so loved. The hospital is also extremely clean and maintains high standards. I highly recommend local Ethiopians, Ethiopian Americans or others of Ethiopian decent as well as foreigners visiting Addis to contact Dr. Samuel Hailu and his team at Samaritan Surgical Center for orthopedic related emergencies or even second opinions. As a clinician myself, I am confident in his clinical judgment, expertise, professionalism, and sincere demeanor. Thank you Samuel!!!! Dr. Bruck Eshete Chiropractor Acupuncturist

  • Lemi Bekele

My name is Lemi Bekele. I have suffered from left hip joint bone fracture due to Giant Cell Tumour (GCT) and left on bed for the last six months. After I lost any hope for survival, the hero man Doctor Samuel Hailu (Orthopedic surgeon) come up with the best solution and saved my soul. He supported me by making a total hip joint replacement surgery at Samaritan Surgical center (in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia) on September 23/2021. After he removed out the damaged part of bone and cartilage including the Tumour, he replaced my left hip joint by the material prepared for that purpose. Surprisingly, on the next day I able to stand and walk by using crunches. Hopefully I will move by my own without any material support in the coming few weeks. Dr. Sami is the best of best surgeons in Ethiopia. Beyond his medical profession, He is an appreciative doctor regarding to his care as a family, his relation to a patient as a friend & sociability. Thank you my doctor for your heartful support and effort to to fix my problem. May God bless the work of your hand throughout your life. I wish you long life and full health. I also want to say thank you to all your fast and strong team. Finally, I would like to inform those people who encountered with such problem to contact doctor Sami to relief from their severe pain and get their health. By Lemi Bekele September 28/2021.

  • Addisu Alemayehu

I am Addisu A from Addis Ababa who had left lateral tibia plateau fracture on May 02, 2021, on the date of Ethiopian Easter this year. I did make a visit to Samaritan Surgical Center and lucky to had Dr Samuel Hailu on the same date. On that same date, Dr Samuel was at home celebrating the Easter and was also on the way to leave for the US that same night. He really wasn't hesitant to take care of my case despite the holiday and his trip. I did get my fracture fixed with a surgery that took an hour and half with Dr Samuel leading the procedures. What a dedication and passion to serve the needy at the 11th hour!! Dr Sami, truly you are a blessing to all of us and the nation in general. I was really happy with all of the procedures and I would say was a pain-free environment both psychologically and physically. I am now able to walk straight without crutches since my 12 weeks of non-weight bearing and feeling well from time to time. I was really impressed at the great care, passion and dedication from Dr Sami and his team including the whole admin staff at the hospital. I strongly recommend all concerned to visit this hospital and talk to Dr Samuel Hailu, who is talented and have higher level of expertise in handling such type of cases and others. May God bless Dr Sami and his team Addisu A

  • F.G. Tiche

My mom has been diagnosed with severe degeneration of both hips, causing stiffness, limitations of movement and excruciating pain on her both legs, and radiated pain to both knees. She lived with the condition for more than 40 years and was unable to get a lasting treatment other than anti-inflammatory medication. Her condition worsened over the years, severely restricting her mobility to the extent that she could not leave home. Although we’re told that she needed total hip replacement, it was unavailable in Ethiopia at the time. We then heard about Dr. Sami at Samaritan Health Centre. In December 2020, Dr Sami and his team performed my mom’s total hip replacement surgery. The surgery went exceptionally well, and she is now walking well with no arthritic pain. The success of the surgery and the care and attention given by Dr. Sami and his team are testament to his exceptional skills and professionalism. Everyone at the Samaritan Health Centre – from the phone operators to the nurses and physicians up to Dr Sami himself – has been amazing. They have been always polite, caring, encouraging and patient with my mom. My mom and I would forever be indebted to him. Thank you, Dr Sami!

  • Dr. Michael Abdissa Ejeta

My mom was disabled at middle of my residency after road traffic accident. Only fractured right humerus was osteoporetic on control imaging done for cast removal, while all other bones looks normal. Unsual and even operative treatment was hopless at beginning because it was severly osteoporetic. Looking mom with right hand disabled is so painful. And when you have younger siblings, disablity of Mom has additional pain disturbing all family life. It was difficult time, most family responsiblity fall on me on top of difficult residency life. Her Doctor, Dr. Samuel did not lost hope. Rather he decided to follow with supplements and after years the bone density came back atleast for operative treatment. After operative treatment, she started to use her hands after years of disabled hands. Me and all my family remember you every time for what you did for us in our most desperate time. My mom and all family thanks you every time. It was most difficult time and really you helped us. It is because of your contribution that I completed my residency. We thank you really. Let God give you long life with health to help your society more. ‎

  • Zewdu Hailu

My name is Zewdu. I’m 48 years old. Two years ago, I had been suffering from a disease that kept me immobile. Even though I repeatedly went to different clinics for treatment, sign of improvement was nowhere to be seen. When it got worse, I went to Addis to have MRI test whose results, according to doctors at Samaritan Surgical Center, indicated that I had Avascular Necrosis. I was confused and worried as I had never heard of the disease before. I was told, however, there would be a solution once I had bilateral hip replacement surgery. When I talked to prominent specialists in the field here in Ethiopia as well as those in Turkey, I found out that the solution is in the hands of Doctor Samuel Hailu at Samaritan Surgical Center. Having had bilateral hip replacement surgery on my two feet which lasted six weeks (From December 23, 2020 to February 06, 2021), I had a successful recovery. Thanks to the surgery, I can now easily move walking or running. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Doctor Samuel Hailu and his colleagues for literally saving my life.

  • Maz Trading

I want to say thank you so much!! To Dr Samuel Hailu Because my Mom fractured her hip six month or so ago. My mom is Dinkinesh Kifle and she is 73. She had an accident coming down the stairs, at the time I was very worried about my mom and I brought her here to Dr Samuel by advice of my friend Habtamu Mamo. After Dr Samuel examined her he come to me and we discussed his recommendations. He told me that we have two option, he said there was no problem and told me to relax. One option was with out Surgery she can recover in four month and she could be able to walk. The other option was to do the surgery and speed up the recovery to less than two month and she can be on her feet quick. On top of this he advised me not to rush to surgery because of her age and some health complications. Finally we respect his professional advice and she is now very well without going through a surgery and can now walk with out any support. I thank you so much for your professionalism and ethics. With best regards!!! Mazengia Demma ( Maz )

  • Romi Teka

I would love to thank you so much Dr Samuel Hailu such an incredible and very generous orthopedic surgeon in Ethiopia. My husband has been suffering from pelvic fractures both side his hip for the past eight months and We have tried many places to treat it and visited several Orto Drs but other orthopedic surgeon can’t do both leg in one time. Only they can do one leg and do the other in six months, but Dr Samuel Hailu did both successfully. I can’t find a way of thanking you enough because you My husband still breathing well. He has no sleeping for the past eight months. But from the day one surgery he had started sleeping you’re an Angel sent from God to save him .May God bless your medicine hand!! Once again I thank you and your all crew for the incredible hospitality, respect, always smiling carrying treating my husband like king❤️❤️ thank you all God bless all much love

  • Agape Sak Media አጋፔ ሳቅ ሚዲያ (Kitaw)

ዶ/ር ሳሙኤል ሐይሉ ባለቤቴ ለስድስት አመታት የእግሮቿ ጉልበት ታጥፈው ከቤት መውጣት ሳትችል ተስፋ ቆርጠን በነበረበት ግዜ ሁለቱንም እግሮቿን ቀዶ ጥገና በመስራት ከጎኔ እንድትቆም በማድረግ ቤታችንን በሐሴት የሞላው ሲሆን ትዝብቴን እነሆ:- :- ዶ/ር ሳሚ ህክምናውን ከሚከተታልለት ሠው ጋር ከመቅፅበት ጓደኛ የቅርብ አማካሪ አልያም ቤተሠብ መሆኑ አይቀሬ ነው ። :- ቀንና ሠአት እንዲሁም ቦታ ሳይገድበው ሙያዊ እርዳታው ባስፈለገ ግዜ የሚገኝ ግዜውን እንዴት እንደሚያብቃቃ ግራ የሚያጋባኝ ሐኪም ነው /በአካል ፣ በድምፅ ፣ በምስል ፣ በፅሁፍ .../ ፦ በነፃ ሕክምናቸውን ከመስጠቱ በተጨማሪ መድሀኒቶችን ያለምንም ክፍያ ቤት ድረስ አምጥቶ መስጠቱ :- ቤት ድረስ እየመጣ የሚያገለግለን ፊዝዮቴራፒስት ሙሉ ክፍያውን ከግል ኪሱ ዶ/ር ሳሚ ነው የከፈለልን ። ፦ ሕክምና ቦታው በተመላለስንበት ግዜ ሁሉ እነኝህን እና ለዛሬ ያልዘነዘርኳቸውን አገልግሎቶች ለሁሉም ተገልጋዮች እኩል ስለሚሠጥ እንግዳ ማረፊያ ውስጥ ካገኘሁት ማንኛውንም ደንበኛ ጋር ስለ ሳሚ ማውራት ፖዘቲቭ ሐይል ይሞላኝ ነበር። ፦ ዶ/ር ሳሚ ድርጊቶቹ በሙሉ ለሶስተኛ ወገን እንዲታዩ የማይጥር አብዛኞቹ መልካም ተግባሮቹ በእሱና በተገልጋዮቹ ብቻ ተወስኖ እንዲቀር የሚያደርግ ቢሆንም ለብዙዎች አርአያ ስለሚሆን በገሀድ ለመፃፍ ተገደድኩ። ይህን ከላይ የፃፍኩትን የሚቃወም አልያም ተቃራኒ ሐሳብ ያለው አንድ የዶ/ር ሳሚ ታካሚ በጠራራ ፀሐይ በባትሪ ቢፈለግ እንደማይገኝ ስናገር ደረቴን ነፍቼ በልበሙሉነት ነው አራት ነጥብ

  • Hayad Abdi

Full support and recommendations. I would like to thank orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Samuel Haile and his team for the partial hip surgery of my father, and after surgery follow up with care and generosity he has delivered. He and his team took the time to ensure that my father had the best care with positive attitude. We experienced wonderful ethics, honesty and a big heart. He was above average to deliver his commitment and guarantee that my father had a successful surgery with speedy recovery. He was always on standby whenever my father needed help and advice. This shows that Dr Samuel has great ethics, passion and dedication for his job. I strongly recommend this talented and kind doctor and his team to those that are in need. Thank you and God bless. From Saleban and Amal

  • Yabsera T.

Dr. Samuel is one of the most brilliant orthopedic surgeons in Ethiopia. 5 months ago, I had an accident where I broke my leg (both my Tiba and Fibula) with a misstep while walking on a normal surface. After he got a chance to see my x-ray, he told me the options I had and also suggested his professional opinion on which route I should take. So, after my surgery, I am now able to walk. If you ask me what makes Dr. Samuel different from other doctors in our country now, I would tell you that he consults his patients with all their alternative solutions, does his job to perfection, and recommends other specialists if the case is not in his power wheel. Thank you for everything you have done for me, and I would say that I am living proof of his work.

  • michael andarge

Dr.Samuel is an amazing doctor with extra professionalism. After a car accident on a Sunday evening he went out of the way to make himself available and take care of my mother that was struck with a vehicle and had multiple fractures. Under his care myself and my family ruled out the thought of traveling overseas to seek immediate medical treatment. He went beyond and above the call of duty even after long surgeries to make sure everything was ok during our month long stay at the hospital and always with very positive outlook.his positivity helped my mother get thru one of the most challenging times. One of the best doctors I have had the pleasure of dealing with including doctors when I lived in the U.S.

  • Mesky Brhane

Dr Samuel is a truly exceptional orthopedic surgeon. He successfully operated my dad’s fractured hip about 6 weeks ago. Thanks to the high quality medical care he received at the hands of Dr Sammy, he is now walking again. Dr Sammy applies the most advanced treatment methods one would find anywhere in the world and was grateful to have it right here in Addis. The compassion, kindness and patience with which he interacted with us as a family during a challenging period gave us much needed reassurance and comfort. Dr Sammy was easily accessible via Telegram to answer our many questions following the surgery. THANK YOU, Dr Sammy! We are eternally grateful!!

  • hassan mohmed

Dear Dr Samuel Hailu, On behalf of my family i want to express how was the surgery you did on 30july 2021 for my father. Thank you for your excellent work at time surgery on my father .Realy your hands are skilled and profitional , by the time you were fixing his broken hips .I will be recommending you to every one i know who also as that condition. I never forgot how was your Nurses and doctors ,they were smell every time and kindness, good caring , petaint and so on.. Thank you so much and say hi your kindness Nurses. NB .it was Samaritan Surgical Center Regards Hassan Shire From Hargeisa

  • Legawork assefa

While God keeps the power of healing in his hands , he also works through wonderful buman beings . I saw this awesome human being called Dr. Samuel Hailu who made my mother believe in a new beginning at 89 after a very successful Hip Replacement . Today she walks well and keeps saying 'God, bless his hands and give him long life with health .' Doctor Samuel , thanks for being so personable and humble . In my view , you are not only a remarkable professional but also a symbol of surgeons that are not so conceited . Thank you so much and stay blessed !

  • berhanu hailu

Dr.Samuel you gave an incredibly good care of my mother while treating for her Ankle surgery. I really appreciate what you did to her and we are forever very grateful for your great service. you are one of the best doctors in your field in Ethiopia. I now knew that you do it not only because it is your job but because you like to care and help people. you are open in your communication and caring. I greatly recommend you to all my family and fellow Ethiopians. Thank you so much & Gob bless you . Berhanu H.

  • Bisrat Mulugeta

I have witnessed my best friend's Mam, aged around 70, standing straight and walking comfortably after a successful hip replacement surgery Dr. Sami performed to her both legs. Besides the incredible professional expertise, the close follow up and friendly approach of Dr. Sami and his team help paintents feel at home and easily share their feelings to get the right medical intervention during the recovery process. Thank you very much, Dr Sami and the whole team at Samaritan, for your great services.

  • Samrawit Kassa Migora

My dad's full hip replacement Surgey was performed by Dr. Samuel, who did an absolutely outstanding job.His hospital is excellent. Everything about my dad's surgery the personnel, the procedure, the technology, and the outcomes was perfect. He is incredibly professional and wonderful. We were astonished by how simple the pre- and postoperative periods were. We have complete faith in the medical staff at Samaritan Surgical Centre and heartily endorse Dr. Samuel and his staffs.

  • Abeba Kassa

Dear Dr. Sami, You are the best Orthopaedic surgeon in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Outstanding, compassionate and caring senior physician whom I have worked with. I feel lucky and I am really happy to work with you. Your skills, care and commitments are not only a healing for your patients, but also a true example for everyone of us. Ethiopia is very lucky and proud to have you. And I hope your great contribution will reach to the whole Africa and to the world soon. Thank you!

  • Yeshity Tad

My Dad 85 years of age had an accident and his Hip was broken and He had a hip surgery with Dr. Sami (Half Hip Replacement without cutting the mussels ) and to everybodys amusment After 5 hours from surgery he started walking then in one month of time he can walk without support fully recovered. And Above all His personal Humble, carring and very professional behavior makes us build our confidence before the sugary. Thank you Dr. For all the support

  • Bezi Mido

Dear Dr. Samuel Hailu, I do not forget what you did for my brother Lemi Bekele. You saved him and made him alive again. I have been amazed by your work after surgery. It was the successful total hip joint replacement without resulting in any complications. Dear Dr. Samuel we need more Doctors like you who save the lives of the people. Continue doing the right thing like this. I also want to express my deep gratitude to your team. From Zerihun Huluka

  • Tangut Electronics

Dear Dr. Samuel, we are indebted for your outstanding skill you posses as an orthopedic surgeant. It was quite a satisfaction for me and my family to render your service. Your hospitality and level of humbleness speaks of your knowledge, understanding and respect you have for your career. As a fellow Ethiopian you've done us proud. After all there is a light at the end of the tunnel for my people. Keep shining the light of hope.

  • Mohammed Alemu

I really appreciate the quality of care I received by Dr.Samuel's team to fix my bilateral wrist fractures (distal radial fracture with extension to the wrist joints). As a surgeon, it was a frustrating experience or even a moment of considering task-shifting to have such fractures. Now, I can perform all activities ( of course, including doing surgeries) I used to do with no limitations or any degree of pain. Thank you Dr.Samuel

  • Y D

Dear Dr Sami, Congratulations on your receiving "Humanitarian Scholar Award" at the 37th Orthopedic Trauma Association Annual Meeting in Texas! You deserve it. I am sure that many more successes are waiting for you ahead. I truly admire your exceptional professional skills, patient approach and compassion; a blessing... I also appreciate the digital platform integrated to the services to reach you. Yared

  • M E

Thank you Dr. Samuel for a great service and care to my mother! You provided our family the medical expertise and customer care with urgency at a time of need. Even with the time difference between Addis and the US I appreciated your willingness and availability to join a conference call to discuss the medical need. Congratulations Dr. Samuel to you and your team for a job well done!

  • Thomas Tesfaye

Had surgery done for a Smith fracture on my wrist three years ago by the honorable Dr. Samuel Hailu. His treatment from the outset was examplery. After the surgery I went to Bangkok hospital for a crosscheck. The Doctors there were pretty much impressed by the work done. My wrist's functionality returned to 100% in no time. Thank you Dr Samuel for your hospitality and dedication!!

  • Birhanu mekebeb

ብርሃኑ መክብብ እባላለሁ ዶ/ር ሳሚ ታካሚነኚ ሁለቱም እግሮቸ ለብዙ ወራት በህመም ስሰቃይ ቆይቻለሁ በተለይ ቀኚ እግሬ እየጠናብኚ በመምጣቱ ከቤት እንዳልወጣ አደረገኚ ከዚ ሳማሪታን የመገጣጠሚያ ማአከል በመሄድ ዶ/ር ሳሚን አገኘሁ እሱን ካገኘሁ በኋላ የቀኘ እግሬን ሂፕ / Hip / ቅየራ ሰራልኝ ግራ እግሬን ደግሞ ብረት ሳያስፈልገው ሞያውን ተጠቅሞ በመስራት አሁን ሁለቱም እግሮቸ በትክክል በመንቀሳቀስ ላይ እገኛለሁ እድሜና ጤና ለዶ/ር ሳሚ ሁለት ወር /2/ ሁኖኛል እናም ከፈጣሪ በታች ለዋልክልኝ ወለታ እጁግ በጣም አመሰግናለሁ እግዚአብሔር እድሜና ጤና ከነቤተሰቦችህ እግዚአብሔር ይጠብቅህ አመሰግናለሁ

  • Hussen Ahmed

ሁሴን አህመድ እባላለሁ፡፡ የዶ/ር ሳሚ ታካሚ ነኝ፡፡ እኔ የቀኝ እግር ሂፕ ቅየራ ከተሰራልኝ ዛሬ 13ኛ ቀኔ ነው በመሆኑም አሁን ያለሁበት ሁኔታ ለመግለፅ ያህል ልክ እንደገና እንደመፈጠር አይነት ስሜት ነው ያለው፡፡ እጅግ በጣም በስቃይ ውስጥ ነበር ሳልፍ የነበረው ሆኖም አሁን ከፈጣሪ በታች በዶ/ር ሳሚ ጥረትና በቃት ሁለቱም እግሮቼ በእኩል ደረጃ ሆነውልኝ እገኛለሁ እናም ዶ/ር ሳሚ እጅግ በጣም አመሰግናለሁ እድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ ከዚህ በላይ ልልህ የምችለው ነገር የለኝም ፈጣሪ ያክብርህ አንተንና ቤተሰብህን ፈጣሪ ይጠብቅልህ፡

  • frezer damte

Dr. Sami you save my life next To God i can walk again,You and Dr. Azarias did great care for me during my surgery and all follow up. When i tell my surgery for ppls even the doctors nobody believe my surgery is done by Ethiopian Doctors. Best Doctor in Ethiopia Keep doing good work Dr. Sami Thanks a lot and am luck being ur patient

  • Million Mathewos Official (Milli)

I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to Dr. Samuel Hailu and all of his staff for showing the utmost care in treating me over the past 1 year. You all made my operation and stay in the hospital a reasonable pleasant experience. Special Thanks to Dr. Samuel. You're so humble, well experienced and easily accessible.

  • Tesh T

Dr. Samuel is an amazing mentor, a skillful and compassionate surgeon I know. His passion and dedication for Orthopedic is beyond words. It is a privilage for Ethiopia to have magnificent surgeon like you. You teach me the highest standard of care for patients. It is a pleasure to be your resident and fellow. God bless you

  • zelalem Haile

I wonder dr samy's talent starting from my examination date till the surgery time he advised me properly. After the surgery also within the week my progress is very accelerated and finally as he said I I dropped my cranch and walk.i appreciate his professional career.My almighty God blesses DR. Samy and his family.

  • Hana Kebebew

My name is Hana Kebebew and I have had Total hip replacement at samaritan surgical center. I have now recovered fully and can function well and pain free. Thank you Dr Samuel and his team for the effort and for the new life I am now living....wish you all the best and God bless you

  • habtamu tesfaye

ዶክተር መድሀኒአለም እድሜና ጤናውን ያብዛልህ ዘርህ የተባረከ ይሁን 2ዓመት ሆነኝ hip dislocation and fraction በመኪና አደጋ ምክንያት ተከስቶ ከሰራህልኝ እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን እንደ በፊቱ ሙሉ ጤነኛ ነኝ ዶክተር ለእኛ የተሰጠህ ልዩ ስጦታ ነህ የእኔን መሰል ችግር የገጠማቸው ብዙ ሰወች እደዳኑ አውቃለሁ ለታካሚዎች ያለህን ክብር የስነ ልቦና ግንባታህ በቃ ሁሉ ነገርህ ልዮ ነው ዶ/ር የሰውነት ምልክት ነህ ዘመንህ ይባረክ ።

  • Tedla Fanuel

An amazing experience we have with Dr. Samuel! We had lost hope and was suffering for 6 months until he operated on our aunt. She is able to walk now. Great to know we have professionals who can do miracles. I am proud to have known him. Thank you for everything Dr. Sami!

  • Eyob

Dr. Samuel is the most energetic and positive surgion i have ever had the privilage to be treated by. I thank him the most for my surgery that actually put back my arms back to where they were. No word would express my gratitude. Thanks Doctor for everything.

  • Zena Tadesse

My mother had an accident and broke her arm about 3 months ago. Dr. Samuel has done an amazing job fixing the complex fracture without a single glitch unlike most of orthopedic surgeons in the country. Thumbs up for the amazing and flawless job …

  • Solomon aynalem

Dr sami I am so glad with ur jop. My brother suffered with hip bone for 3 years he was not walk now he is heal from that suffer and it is big difference from the previous.thank Dr samuel GOD bless u .Dr sami i suggests my next door and she is on the way .

  • Yemakeda Abebe

We are pleased to work with you doc! To see your hard work and operate on a very complicated cases and finally u have the way to fix it and made everything work.you should be proud to be blessed with your work because God is working through your hands.

  • Romi Teka

Thank you so much Dr Samuel Hailu Because of you, my husband still breathing fine and ready to go back to our family after such a critical surgery. You are an angel sent from God to save him because we've been tried several way but nothing … ተጨማሪ

  • S T

Dr. Samuel and his team is a blessing !!, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving my mom’s life back. It has now been 7 months since her knee replacement surgery and she is now 100% recovered and back to her usual … ተጨማሪ

  • Tiobesta Shiferaw

Dr. Samuel is by far one of the best surgeons I've ever had the privilege of working with. He is meticulous, brilliant and the respect he has to his patients and to his profession is inspiring. He is the best orthopedic surgeon in the country!

  • marta abebe

My brother has been suffering from hip pain for more than a year. After searching for hospitals that give such kind of service for a long time, luckily we got Samaritan hospitals. One year ago, he got a hip replacement and now he is … ተጨማሪ

  • Azeb Belete

My dad could not walk and stop working due to his knee pain but after the operation my dad had a total knee replacement before 3 months, now he walks very well. Thanks to Dr. Samuel Hailu and his team professionalism, skill and ethics.

  • Mimi Mekonene

Thank you Dr Samuel, you are such a good doctor. The total knee replacement surgery you did on my sister was success full. Her knee is back as normal. Thank you for your medical support. I hope you will have a wonderful year.

  • Yonas Melese

ዶ/ር ሳሚ እጅግ በጣም የተወደደ እና ጎበዝ የአጥንት እና የመገጣጠሚያ ሰብ እስፔሻሊስት ሀኪም ነው። የባለቤቴ አባት ለረጅም አመታት በመገጣጠሚያ ችግር ሲሰቃዪ ቆይተው በጣም በሚያስገርም ህክምና አውን በጥሩ ጤንነት ላይ ይገኛሉ ። ይህን ህክምና ያደረገላቸው ደግሞ ዶክተር ሳሚ ነው። እግዚአብሔር ዘመንህን ይባርክ። አንተ ለሀገራችን የተሰጠክ ስጦታችን ነክ።

  • Tedros Abbai Teferra

I just want to thank Dr samuel for being the mirracle under God's blessing for treating my six years old son. I have no words to express my gratitude. Thanks you Doctor. The best orthopedic Doctor in Addis. Thanks again.

  • sara Mersha

ዶክተር ሳሙኤል ኋይሉ አንተን አለማመስገን ከባድ ነው ። በተለይ እኔ ለስድስት ዓመት መራመድ ባለመቻሌ ። በጣም አዝኜ እና ተስፋ አጥቼ የነበርኩትን እኔን ከእግዚአብሔር በታች ቆሜ እንድሄድ አረከኝ ። ከህክምና አሰጣጥህ ባሻገር የተለያዩ ወጪዎቼን በመሸፈን ከጎኔ ስላለከኝ በጣም አመሰግናለሁ ። እግዚአብሔር ጥበብህን ያብዛልህ ።

  • Lukas Nega

Dr samuel is one of the best doctor i meet .i have surgery befor 7 weeks and hi give me excellent care with his lintier Crowe befor and after the surgery. I would like to thank Dr samuel with all my heart.

  • Maya Solomon

Dr. Samuel is hands down the best orthopaedic surgeon in the country. His care for patients and technical skill is also impeccable. I will always recommend him. It's a pleasure to work along side him.

  • Wondyifraw Tefera

My Name Is Biniyam Tadesse And I've Completed Bilateral Hip Replacement at samaritan surgical ceneter by Dr. Samuel Hailu. And The Overall Procedure Was Fantastic. Thank You Dr. Samuel Hailu.

  • haleluya Teferra

First of all, I want to thank you for everything. you have inspired me to be like you. Thank you for your good work and services. May God bless your time and hands. Hallelujah tefera(student)

  • Abduali Tesema

ቅድሚያ ፈጣሪየን ከፈጣሪ በታች ሠበብ ላደርገልኘ ዶክተር ሣሙኤል ምን እደምል አላቅም ብቻ በዚህ ምድር ላይ ያለኘን ብቸኛውን ወድሜን እደዚህ አድርገህ ሥለሠራህልኘ እጅግ በጣም በጣም ደሥታየ ወደር የለውም በቃ ቃላት ያጥርኛል ከተ ከሠወች ሁሉ ትለያለህ ትህትናህ አደበትህ ጭራሽ ህክምናህ ዋው ነው

  • abraham girma

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the warmth with which you treated my father for hip Replacement ( you gives a leg for my father). May God bless you, doctor !!

  • Azeb Dagnew

Dr.Samuel is the best Orthopedic Surgeon. I really appreciate his deep care for his patients as well as his enthusiasm for his work. I wish him all the best in his life!

  • Addis Alemayehu

My mom was having a bilateral hip replacement meaning both her pelvis are replaced,it was so good nowadays she has a gradual change we want a thank D.R Samuel Hailu!!!

  • Yordi Tesfay

I want to thank you for the warmth with which you treated my mother for hip Replacement. We really appreciate you, doctor !! Thank you so much bless you

  • Asma Maxamed

Waxan kalakulmay shaqo wanaag dhakhaatiir fiican kalkaalisooyin aad ufiican gabi ahaanba dhakhrkaa dhakh lamida.maan arag my dr samuel hailu nice dr

  • Kidist Hailemariam

Dr Samuel is a great doctor who helped my mother out so much.He was very polite and I’m grateful we have an amazing surgeon in Ethiopia.

  • Getachew CHEKOL

I were having an elbow fracture and have got a good medication with Dr Samuel, am feeling good now. Would like to thank u next to God.

  • Tilahun Kebede

Thank you for the surgery you have done for I feel like I have given a new life and you are my role model. Loza tilahun 16 years old

  • Rahel Teshome

ዶ/ር ሳሙኤል እናቴ እግርዋን በጣም ታማ ትሰቃይ ስለነበረ ተስፋ በመቁረጥ ከቤት መውጣት ጠልታ መኝታ ታበዛ ነበረ። አሁን ግን እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን ለውጥ አግኝታለች በጣም እናመሠግናለን ።

  • Mahlet Mengesha

I've seen God's mercy in the hands of Dr. Samuel. I was in a car accident and broke a pubic bone. Now, am good as new.

  • Sara Muche

Thank you for saving my Mom. And thank you for being the dedicated, compassionate and thoughtful doctor that you are!

  • Robel Mazengia

Great service, didn't rush my grandma to surgery like other hospitals after she had an accident and was injured

  • Kume Wolensu

Dr Samuel Hailu is one of the best orthopedic surgeon in Ethiopia with best patient care and outcome.

  • Abiy Tesfu

Thanks for everything that you did to my father, it really feels like u give a new leg to my father.

  • biruk melkamu

It's a good pleasure and experience working with you. Such an outstanding professional performance.

  • Ephrah Ebrahim

Dr Sami is very smart & kind to help patient. Really I want to appreciate & say thank you.

  • haymanot tesfaye

Mestengido ena hiking acetate became tired new bezihu kettllu egziabher yibarkih Dr sami

  • Mela Emiru

One of best orthopaedic surgeon in Ethiopian but not only Ethiopian including African

  • Daniel Abdissa

We really appreciated the doctors' devotion to provide quality servive to us.

  • Mulualem Sitot

Dr.Samuel Hailu is the best orthopedic and Arhroplasty surgeon in Ethiopia!

  • Zemam Befekadu

Dr Samuel is very professional, humble and takes good care of his patients.

  • Brhane Gebrekidan

As a patient I had the most pleasant and kind experience with this surgeon.

  • Haimi Yohan

እግዚያብሄር ዘመንህን ይባርክ. ጉልበቴን ቀዶጥገና አድርጎልኛል በሚገርም ሁኔታ እንደድሮው ማጠፍ መዘርጋት ችያለሁ።


Dr Sami is the best Orthopedic Surgeon in Addis Ababa , Ethiopia.

  • abdi aziz Mohamed

Only work for 2 days. Not enough for people who are in need.

  • Sara Teshome

you are the best orthopaedics surgeon በዉነት ምንም ቃል የለኝም

  • fitsum yohannes

Great work.

  • Zelalem G
  • Ephrem Akalewold
  • Temesgen Liyew
  • Tewabech Debebe
  • Kale'ab Tesfaye
  • Alemadu alemadu
  • Lidya Kumssa

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