238 reviews

3QP6+8JX, Gulele 19/20/21, Intoto Street, አዲስ አበባ, Ethiopia


ENTOTO PARK MAIN ENTRANCE is a Park located at 3QP6+8JX, Gulele 19/20/21, Intoto Street, አዲስ አበባ, Ethiopia. It has received 238 reviews with an average rating of 4.6 stars.



Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of ENTOTO PARK MAIN ENTRANCE: 3QP6+8JX, Gulele 19/20/21, Intoto Street, አዲስ አበባ, Ethiopia

  • ENTOTO PARK MAIN ENTRANCE has 4.6 stars from 238 reviews

  • Park

  • "What a great place to visit!! It's very difficult to rate this huge place because I only spent about 3 hours in the park"

    "زرت المكان لأكثر من مرة"

    "Entoto Natural Park is a unique place to discover the most breathtaking ancient mountain nature, with streams flowing from clear springs and waterfalls"

    "A great place to spend the whole day"

    "This is definitely a crown jewel for the city"


  • Teshome Wakene

What a great place to visit!! It's very difficult to rate this huge place because I only spent about 3 hours in the park. However I want to express my thought to the management to consider little public transport inside the park. It's very difficult to move around in thus huge park for people have little kids, old people, and disabilities. The other thing I want add is that the park has lack of information for people. For example we wasted some hours to find out the main entrance. We also have no quite information regarding the contents of each gates. We just blindly walked around in the park with no information. I think the park can create some "information desk"for public information and better charge the entrance fee and can cover the cost of the employees. Also having a a brochures, maps & such information information are very helpful for a visitors. Overall great place to visit and I will come back to spend more hours in the other gates. Thank you for reserving the environment and thank you for building such great park.


زرت المكان لأكثر من مرة.. حتى قبل ما يتطور ويتم إنشاء المتنرة.. في كل رحلات ألى أثيوبيا يجب أن أزور المكان.. ولكن الآن أصبح المكان مهيأ وممتع وجميل... تقييم للمتنزة.. ١- جبل أنطوطو مكان يستحق الزيارة ويعتبر أعلى قمة في العاصمة أديس والذي من خلاله يمكنك رؤية المدينة من الأعلى.. ٢- المناظر جميلة ومكان يستحق الزيارة ٣- يمكنك زيارته مع عائلة فهو مكان مرتب ونظيف وأمن ٤- الكافيهات يوجد واحد ورائع ٥- المطعم لم أجربه واعتقد انه جيد ٦- المتنزة كبير ويربط بين متنزهات متعددة ٧- الأنشطة متنوعة منها المشي في المتنزة وانشطة متنوعة هناك.. السلبيات:- ١- دورات المياة عطلانة ولا يوجد صيانة لها ٢- يحتاج إلى إضافة أنشطة ومحلات متنوعة ٣- يوجد اماكن في أنطوطو بها شلالات وعيون لم تضم إلى المتنزة..


Entoto Natural Park is a unique place to discover the most breathtaking ancient mountain nature, with streams flowing from clear springs and waterfalls. Enclosed by Junipers' fragrance, the view of the Capital opens up in delight through dizzying ravines and waterfalls. Winding streams gently curl and are then hidden mysteriously in high stone arches. Surprises are regular, with exciting places for relaxation and fantastic water activities. Experience the Park with its ability to produce a genuine and powerful creative joy where many families can reunite and rejoice in being free from stress and regaining health while creating irresistible inspiration.

  • Dori Travels

A great place to spend the whole day. Either you walk or cicle on paved roads through the park (routes up to 10km) and enjoy the eucalyptus forest, you can have fun at climbing forest, zip lining, trampoline Park or archery or you only relax and enjoy yourself in one of a few restaurants. Perfect to spend a whole day with the family. Entrence is free, additional costs for fun activities and restaurants. Plastic bottles are not allowed to bring. Inside of the park an many small shops where you can buy drinks and snacks.

  • Henok Koira

This is definitely a crown jewel for the city. The forest and city view were breathtaking. There were plenty of things to do such as walking, horse back ride, shooting, arch games, cable walks, moreover there are amazing SPA, restaurant, art gallery, rooms and other recreational activities. Different events occur throughout the year and i witness "a picture-taking" wedding ceremony event, which was beautiful & colourful. The park is clean, safe, and it is truly a first class place for all visitors should visit.

  • Abdullah Al Rana Farhad

Well, this is the best place to me so far in Addis. From here the best horizon view of Addis can be seen. This is a perfect place for nature lovers. Hiking is allowed so far I heard and obviously it is a great place to hike. If someone wants to see the Addis through binocular, better to bring Coin. But the coin is available to the Photographer and they charge 30 Birr per coin. There are restaurant and coffee shops as well.

  • jyoti soni

ይህ ቦታ ከ3000 ጫማ ርቀት ላይ የአዲስ አበባን ፓኖራሚክ እይታ ያቀርባል። የአየር ሁኔታን ስጎበኝ በጣም ጥሩ ነበር። እስከ እንጦጦ መናፈሻ ድረስ እየነዱ ብዙ አረንጓዴ ቦታዎችን ማየት በጣም ያምራል። አብዛኞቹ አትሌቶች በጠዋት ወደ ማቆሚያ መንገድ ሲሮጡ ታገኛላችሁ። እርስዎም እንዲሁ በእግር መሄድ ይችላሉ እና እርግጠኛ ነኝ እዚያ በእግር መሄድ በጣም ጥሩ ነው። አንድ ሰው አዲስን በባይኖኩላር ማየት ከፈለገ ይገኛል ግን ለእሱ ሳንቲም ያስፈልግዎታል። ፎቶግራፍ አንሺ እዚያ ላይ ሳንቲሞችን ያስቀምጣል እና በአንድ ሳንቲም 30 ብር ያስከፍላሉ. ትክክለኛ ቡና የሚያቀርቡ ሬስቶራንቶች እና ቡና ቤቶች አሉ።

  • Andrew Tompsett

Amazing walking and biking trails in Entoto Park. Truly a place to escape. Definitely worth a visit. You can either walk up the mountain from the city (I parked near the US Embassy) or you can drive to and park near the main entrance. Great views of the city from numerous vantage points.

  • wanson luk

The securities at the main gate are troublesome. One second they want to see your passport another they want you pay for camera fee. The place was alright as a view point of Addis but no regret if I don’t visit here. Good to stop for an ice cream or coffee though

  • Sss

هنا الجمال . اذا تبغو تمشوا بالغابه ومكان آمن فهاذا المكان المناسب الاجواء حلوه وممتعه طبعاً جهه اليسار تشوف منها الاطلاله على اديس ابابا بالكامل وبعدها تروح الممشى . ممشى طويل اعتقد انه 5 كيلوا بين الاشجار الطريق مرصوفه مكان للمشي والراحه لازم تزوروه انصح فيه

  • Ziad Negresh

من على هذه القمه يمكن الاستمتاع في رؤية المناظر الطبيعيه الجميله جدا ومشاهدة مدينه أديس أبابا بشكل كامل والجلوس في الاستراحات الموجوده واحتساء القهوه الاثيوبيه رائعة المذاق جمال الاشجار ونظافة المكان ولطف المواطنين والاطلالة الرائعه كل هذا وأكثر تجده في انتوتو

  • Addis Mengistu

A very attractive, heavenly beautiful hiking site with a maximum safety. The park has enough and safe places to have a funny hiking experience with a very beautiful city and high altitude around 2,800. There are too many refreshment points in between.

  • Abrish D

ለመጎብኘት እንዴት ያለ ግሩም ቦታ ነው! በፓርኩ ውስጥ ከሦስት ሰዓታት በላይ ስላሳለፍኩ፣ ይህን የመሰለ ትልቅ ቦታ ደረጃ መስጠት በጣም ፈታኝ ነው። ነገርግን አስተዳደሩ በፓርኩ ውስጥ ያለውን ውስን የህዝብ ማመላለሻ ትራንስፖርት ግምት ውስጥ ያስገባ እንዲሆን ሀሳብ አቀርባለሁ። ትንንሽ ልጆች፣ አዛውንቶች እና አካል ጉዳተኞች በዚህ ትልቅ ፓርክ ውስጥ መንቀሳቀስ በሚያስገርም ሁኔታ … ተጨማሪ

This is a pleasant park for long walks. Quiet but starting to get some beggers. Restaurants are reasonable. I'd not go alone, while there are police stationed throughout the park there are a number of acces gates and long stretches of isolation.

  • Timirtcom

በአዲስ አበባ ዳርቻ ላይ ሌላ የሚያምር ቦታ። ከአንዳንድ ሬስቶራንቶች እና የቡና ቦታዎች እና ሌሎች የመዝናኛ ቦታዎች ጋር በእግር ለመራመድ እና ለብስክሌት መንዳት በጣም ትልቅ፣ ክፍት እና ንጹህ ቦታ ያለው ንጹህ አየር። ብቸኛው ነገር በጣም ትልቅ ቦታ ስለሆነ ከምሽቱ 2 ሰአት በፊት በተሻለ ሁኔታ መሄድ ይሻላል እና ከምሽቱ 6:30 በፊት ቦታውን ለቀው መውጣታቸውን ያረጋግጡ … ተጨማሪ

  • Mulugeta G.

What a spectacular panaromic view of Addis Ababa. Clean air, if you love walking ‍♂️‍♀️‍♂️, gaming, horse riding, reading, meditation, camping and many more its a great park. One thing I recommende is if you enter in any entrance …

  • Samy Ahmar

A really excellent walking (and hiking if you're adventurous enough to cut through the woods) experience just on the outskirts of Addis. The park is very big, super well maintained, clean, with walking and cycling paths all over, and dotted …

  • Vasyalifestyle

The Entoto park is a heart of Addis Ababa in terms of local and tourist destination. First of all a park entrance fee is free . No need to pay for the entrance . Secondly there is a plenty things to do in the park , such as… horse riding , …

  • Alemayehu Bekele

"Entoto Park is a true gem! The park offers breathtaking views of the city, nestled atop the historic Entoto Hill. With lush greenery, well-maintained trails, and serene surroundings, it's a perfect spot for nature lovers and hikers. The …

  • منوعات مجنونة Crazy misc

ልምዴ አስደሳች እና አስደናቂ ነበር ነገር ግን ቦታው በጣም ሰፊ እና የመጓጓዣ መንገድ ይፈልጋል።እንዲሁም አስጎብኚዎች እንደሚኖሩ ተስፋ አደርጋለሁ እናም ቦታውን የሚጎበኝ ሰው እንዳይደክም ምቹ ቦት ጫማ እንዲለብስ እመክራለሁ።ሁሉንም እመክራለሁ። ሁሉንም ጨዋታዎችን ለመሞከር አስደሳች ናቸው እንዲሁም ለጀብዱ ልዩ ቦታ ከፈለጉ በሆቴላቸው ውስጥ ለማስያዝ መሞከር አለብዎት ቆንጆ

  • Nehemiah Shiferaw

The nature is amazing! A place for a long walk almost feels like a hike. You can enjoy the views the park has as a potential. Whether you go alone or in groups, it definitely helps to really connect.

  • Ammar Hamdelneel

جبل انطوطو يعكس روعة الطبيعة بارتفاعه الضخم وتضاريسه الفريدة. يتألق بسحر الطبيعة وجمالها والصخور، ملهمًا لروح المغامرة والإعجاب بعظمة الخالق. من الأماكن السياحية المتميزة في أديس أبابا

  • Robel Alemayehu

ከዋናው መግቢያ ወደዚህ ቦታ ከገቡ እና ዚፕ መስመሮች ወዳለበት ቦታ እና ሌሎች እንቅስቃሴዎች ለመጓዝ ከወሰኑ ብዙ ለመራመድ ይዘጋጁ!! መራመዱ ብዙ ነበር (4 ማይል ገደማ) እና ህመም (ለእኔ ፍጹም ቅርፅ ስላልሆንኩ) ነገር ግን ገጽታው ሁሉንም ዋጋ ያለው … ተጨማሪ

  • Silvan Aemisegger

spectacular view, impressive eucalyptus-forests and refreshing air. entoto park is an amazing place to escape the city. various activities can be found for all ages.

  • Beko Love

I can't explain how I felt about being at the place. It is very peaceful and comfortable. Every one in Addis must visit Entoto park every weekend

  • Eyoha

ከመግቢያው እሰከ አርት ጋለሪው እና ካፌዎቹ ድረስ ያለው መንገድ 6 ኪሎ ሜትር በላይ ሲሆን መኪና መግባት ስለማይፈቀድ በግር መሄድ ግድ ነው። በጣም አድካሚ ዳገት የተቀላቀለው መንገድ ስለሆነ አቅም ለሌለው አይታሰብም።

  • Munzir Mustafa

Most people only get to the first restaurant and stop. I strongly recommend to continue walking till you find the resorts. AMAZING

  • Leul Wondayehu

sooo fun and amazing because of the zip line go carts and all the other amazing things the walk is quite tiring but worth it

  • Fikir Yared

It was a refreshing place with a lot of games and gallery to enjoy. The and the fresh air gives you satisfaction. …

  • Steven Clarke

Very nice place for the kids if you like walking without the hustle and bustle perfect place to go at times it’s very quiet

  • E Stewart

Yes, visit here!! They have great views of the city and restaurants. Lots of people walking around even on cold days.

  • Yonas Getachew

It's good but, u better have enough water and food in ur hands otherwise u will be starving and tired.

  • Letera Asfaw

በአዲስ አበባ ካሉኝ ተወዳጅ ቦታዎች አንዱ የሆነው እንጦጦ ቅዳሜና እሁድ ወደዚያ እመጣለሁ እና ከጓደኞቼ ጋር ጥሩ ጊዜ አሳልፋለሁ። የእኔ የሕክምና ቦታ ነው.

  • Goh Asrat

Wonderful park the only issue is that the internal loop isn't finished but once it's done perfect

  • Koksal Cengiz

Nice park inside a forest. Good for hiking. You get good views of the entire city from there.

  • Beresa Abebe (roobaanuuf)

ENTOTO PARK is the perfect place to take a break from the hustle and bustle of city life.

  • Mahmut AK

Manzara çok güzel Hava tertemiz Okaliptüs ormanı eşsiz bir oksijen zenginliği veriyor

  • Hatem Al-reyashi

Beautiful place and wonderful view I would like to go there again …

  • Thomas Engida

If you are in Addis or passing by, don't miss a chance to see this amazing place

  • Praveen Kumar

Beautiful and pleasant park situated on the hill top. Pleasant weather.

  • Elwak Tariku

Great place to chill with friends, but don't get lost or else...

  • Ed Barney

+ በከተማው ላይ እይታ ያለው ጥሩ ቦታ + ንጹህ አየር + በጥሩ ሁኔታ የተያዙ መንገዶች … ተጨማሪ

  • Gashaw Fetene

Excellent place to see Addis Ababa and hiking with fresh air.

  • Eric Junior Wagobera

Beautiful views of Addis Ababa skyline... Lovely weather.

  • Zelalem Fisseha

Beautiful Entoto park located in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

  • johannes jo

This place is so cool with fresh wind and cold air

  • mr effect pro

አዲስ አበባን ጥሩ ይመስላል በተፈጥሮ ውበት ይደሰቱ …

  • 서나

산책하기도 좋고, 짚라인도 있고 사우나도 있다.천천히 산책하며 둘러보면 더 좋을듯.

  • Chandra Kanth Reddy

Great view and good place for pictures

  • Abenezer Esayas

በጠቅላይ ሚኒስቴራችን ለበጎ ስራው በእውነት እንኮራለን።

  • Waleed Kalfood

Best place to relax in Addis Ababa.

  • Abdulrhman .alzuwayyid

رووعه المكان والمنظر يستحق الزياره

  • abenezer endale

ይህ ለቱሪዝም ዘርፉ ትልቅ ስራ ነው። አመስግኑት!

  • محمد حيدر

مكان جميل جدا ⛰️ …

  • Anna Maria Spina

የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ውብ እይታ

  • ابو سلطان الوصابي

جمال الطبيعة الخلاب

  • Guillaume

Nice view!

  • አሸናፊ አዲሱ


  • andu barza baykata


  • Ashenafi Adisu


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አምባሳደር መናፈሻ

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2Q93+8X4, አዲስ አበባ, ኢትዮጵያ

Addis Ababa park

25 reviews

2Q87+57M, Menelik II Ave, አዲስ አበባ, ኢትዮጵያ

Addis Ababa park

25 reviews

2Q87+57M, Menelik II Ave, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Addis Park

24 reviews

2QF6+C9Q, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


23 reviews

2Q68+R35, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia