McClure Middle School

48 reviews

1915 1st Ave W, Seattle, WA 98119



McClure Middle School is a Middle school located at 1915 1st Ave W, Seattle, WA 98119. It has received 48 reviews with an average rating of 2.0 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of McClure Middle School: 1915 1st Ave W, Seattle, WA 98119

  • McClure Middle School has 2.0 stars from 48 reviews

  • Middle school

  • "This school does not know how to manage their money"

    "If something goes wrong instead of fixing the problem they think banning whatever caused it is the salutation"

    "McClure is a horrible school"

    "This school sucks it couldn't be any worst they are bad at handling problems the have racist and bias this a horrible school to go to, lunch sucks it might not be real"

    "My daughter enjoys attending McClure"


  • Ella Hutchinson

This school does not know how to manage their money. When they raise money from fundraisers , the people putting money in believe that it will be used for a good and productive cause. But no when they are given money they us it to buy televisions for the teachers lounge instead of something that would benefit the students.

  • GinGe

If something goes wrong instead of fixing the problem they think banning whatever caused it is the salutation. Also teachers are nothing close to supportive. One said my mom does my homework for me (witch isn't true). Most classrooms are in horrible condition. One teacher I have isn't even qualified for what he's teaching.

  • libby acquavella

McClure is a horrible school. the teachers and staff handle situations horribly. All the students are mean and there used to be rats everywhere. The Spanish teacher doesn't know anything. The principal is more focused on dress codes than the rat situation and the quality of the education.

  • mykhal williams

This school sucks it couldn't be any worst they are bad at handling problems the have racist and bias this a horrible school to go to, lunch sucks it might not be real. they fired most of the good teachers and replaced them with more bias teachers.

  • Johnny Ray

My daughter enjoys attending McClure. Our experience has been overwhelming positive with the teachers and staff. The academics are challenging and students have an opportunity to take advanced classes, which will help them succeed later in life.

  • Samantha B

McClure is a good school, I think that most students who say that they dislike it for whatever reason probably have personal feelings about it, that doesn't mean that the school is a bad place, because its not. Sure the teachers are a bit

  • Jonathan Hendrix

words, in the physical form, almost cannot describe the incompetency and absolutely disgusting Geo-political, economic, social, and structural state of this horrid mess at Worth McClure middle school. The man did not depart from his life

  • Eren Yeager

i have never had a worse time at a school. the teachers are TOO bossy and they should work in a government building not in a school. not to mention the teachers can and WILL embarrass you in class in front of all your friends. also this

  • Renovation Restore

My kids hate this school. Which is sad because my kids are good students and good kids. I loved my middle school teachers and school when I grew up elsewhere. The education at McClure is below par I know since the kids are not being

  • Charles Douglas III

Great neighborhood school with parks, shops and a community center nearby. Small school with small class sizes and innovative teaching techniques. Great local community for a kid to learn independence.

  • Lydia Singletary

at mclure I lerned who too spel and mad manee frends? thuh teechars ar Nyce too me too. I loaf maclure and sad thes is mie lest yeer. Shotot too ms murree and ms meilk

  • Old Mold

Say bye bye to phones next thing you know there going full Amish nothing that requires electricity even the lights because light is offensive

  • G3be

Very great school has great teachers and after school learning programs that are very beneficial...sike boi u thot

  • Jake Gallagher

Honestly everyone here is a little piece of crap. Honestly should've gone to Hamilton.

  • Christine Gray

I went to McClure in the 1980s and hated it but now my kids go there and I love it.

  • Natalie

well I would not send my kids here the dress codes are very high on girls

  • lisset herzam

This place could be better, but it actually isn’t so bad

  • Bailey Garman

Garbage school for garbage people.

  • The Lyle

Screw the haters. ‘04 fo’ sure.

  • Heyehheythere

This school is **cking cancer

  • STB vlogs

Sucks, is a very bad school.

  • Tess Petrillo

teachers make weird noises

  • Uthot

this schools succcksss

  • Wm. R. Woodland


  • Adrian Rattray

(Dramatic sighing)

  • Abdy Serder

My kids are happy

  • Alex McKnight

no thank you

  • 우마미와사비


  • Sofia Elenga


  • Maxwell Carreiro
  • Phantom Clan
  • ben finkelstein
  • Jenny Mastrobattista
  • Ethan Hickey
  • Milo Ophoven
  • Kuemm .-.
  • Anna
  • Olivia Zittel
  • fen
  • Katelyn Williams
  • Triet Lam
  • Joey Martin
  • Harrison Edwards
  • Harper Buti-full
  • Henry Berta
  • Cassidy Sylves
  • Tai Julius
  • Monkey Shadow Films

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