Musée de la Musique - Mouassine

307 reviews

Rue Mouassine, Marrakesh 40000, Morocco



Musée de la Musique - Mouassine is a Art museum located at Rue Mouassine, Marrakesh 40000, Morocco. It has received 307 reviews with an average rating of 4.5 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of Musée de la Musique - Mouassine: Rue Mouassine, Marrakesh 40000, Morocco

  • Musée de la Musique - Mouassine has 4.5 stars from 307 reviews

  • Art museum

  • "A beautiful place worth visiting يقع المنزل في حي المواسين الذي كان موضوع تطور هام في فترة السعديين (القرن السادس عشر وأوائل القرن السابع عشر)"

    "This was an incredible place to visit"

    "Belle initiative que ce musée dedié à la musique traditionnelle Marocaine et ses influences berbères, africaines, andalouses et juives, mêlant exposition d'instruments de musique traditionnelle et vidéos pour se projeter plus concrètement sur les styles musicaux, au travers de différentes salles thématiques ! Le lieu est de plus un riad superbe et le propriétaire est accueillant ! Il y a apparemment également des soirées musicales organisées 3 fois par semaine mais à mon grand regret je n'ai pas pu tester Je recommande cette visite à la fois pour en savoir plus sur la culture marocaine et comme une pause bien méritée de l'animation de Marrakech !
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    "Small museum, but I really enjoyed it"

    "We went there for a traditional Berber music performance which itself lasted about 45 minutes"


  • yassine hadda

A beautiful place worth visiting يقع المنزل في حي المواسين الذي كان موضوع تطور هام في فترة السعديين (القرن السادس عشر وأوائل القرن السابع عشر). في ستينيات القرن السادس عشر، أمر السلطان مولاي عبد الله الغالب بنقل الجالية اليهودية، التي كانت تحتل هذه المنطقة حتى ذلك الحين، إلى حي الملاح الجديد بجوار قصبة المدينة.هذه الأرض الجديدة المحررة التي أعيد تطويرها لاحقًا إلى أحياء «نموذجية» جديدة تتمحور حول مسجد المواسين والمجمع الديني المشيد حديثًا (بالإضافة إلى مسجد باب دكالة إلى الغرب). أغرى هذا عددًا كبيرًا نسبيًا من العائلات البرجوازية أو الأرستقراطية لبناء مساكنهم هنا، :420-421 مما أدى إلى تركيز المباني التي تعود إلى فترة السعديين في هذه المنطقة. وتشمل الأمثلة على هذه المنازل عهد السعديين، دار الشريفة، ودار المصلوحيين. تم تحويل بعض هذه المنازل اليوم إلى مقاهٍ ومطاعم وفنادق. يقع المبنى الذي يشغله متحف المواسين اليوم بجوار الزاوية الجنوبية الشرقية لمسجد المواسين، على طول شارع درب الحمام (الذي سمي على اسم حمام المسجد). يتكون من منزل سكني يضم دويرية، وهو عبارة عن منزل صغير أو شقة في الطابق العلوي كانت تستخدم لاستقبال الضيوف، وغالبًا ما تكون مدمجة في رياض أو قصر أكبر.:379 تم بناؤه من قبل عائلة أرستقراطية شريفة في ستينيات القرن الخامس عشر، في الوقت الذي تم فيه إنشاء هذا الحي من قبل السعديين. ومع ذلك، يبدو أن بعض الزخارف الشمسية المرسومة في المنزل تعود إلى عهد السلطان العلوي اللاحق مولاي إسماعيل في أواخر القرن السابع عشر أو أوائل القرن الثامن عشر. في الآونة الأخيرة، سكن المنزل عائلة الملاخ المحلية (التي تضم الرسام عبد الحي ملخ) منذ عام 1954 على الأقل قبل أن يشتريه باتريك ماناكه (Patrick Manac’h) وحميد ميجاني (Hamid Megani) سنة 2012، مؤسسا متحف آخر في المدينة، هو دار الصورة بمراكش. على الرغم من أن بعض الأبواب والأسقف الخشبية القديمة كانت مرئية، فقد اشتبه مناكه في أن الجدران الأصلية للمنزل قد تكون مخفية تحت طبقات الجص الأخيرة، وقام بمساعدة كزافييه سالمون، أمين متحف اللوفر، بالتحقيق في الأمر. أجروا اختبارات واكتشفوا أنه تحت الطبقات السميكة من الجص الأبيض الحديث كان الجص الأصلي ذو الأساس الوردي من الجبس للدويرية التاريخية. بمساعدة سالمون وخبراء آخرين، تم تعيين فريق من الحرفيين لإزالة الجص الحديث بعناية واستعادة الزخرفة الأصلية بصعوبة.حتى بعض الألوان الأصلية تم الحفاظ عليها :280 تم افتتاح المنزل التاريخي كمتحف ومكان ثقافي في عام 2014، وفي عام 2019 أصبح أيضًا متحفًا للموسيقى المغربية، بالإضافة إلى استضافة العروض الموسيقية المنتظمة.
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  • John Hopkinson

This was an incredible place to visit. It was recommended by a friend. I am a musician so it kind of makes sense that i'd visit a music museum BUT this is so much more than a music museum! There is a great section on the music of Africa in general to the rich variety of music from Morocco more specifically. It's very well done and as it was quiet I was allowed to try out some of the instruments for myself! It is a fantastic restoration of a medieval Riad, possibly one of the finest architectural things I've seen in the whole of Marrakech. It was also the birth place of famous Moroccan artist Mellakh, the first floor is dedicated to his life and work and there are some pieces on display. There is also the restoration of the typical reception rooms of a wealthy family's Riad several hundred years ago. The restoration is exquisite and very true to the original scheme of the house. I went onto the roof top terrace for the view and a Frenchman started taking to me. Turns out he was the owner of the museum and also the owner of the nearby Mansion de la Photographie. He was a friendly and fascinating character who had a real passion for preserving and promoting Moroccan heritage, it was an honour to meet him. Finally, the guy on the entrance who's name say escapes me, was very friendly too and as it was quiet gave me a guided tour of the ground floor. I cannot recommend this museum enough. It definitely needs to be shouted about more and needs to be seen and enjoyed by more people - tell all of your friends! John, Newcastle UK
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  • Jessica O

Belle initiative que ce musée dedié à la musique traditionnelle Marocaine et ses influences berbères, africaines, andalouses et juives, mêlant exposition d'instruments de musique traditionnelle et vidéos pour se projeter plus concrètement sur les styles musicaux, au travers de différentes salles thématiques ! Le lieu est de plus un riad superbe et le propriétaire est accueillant ! Il y a apparemment également des soirées musicales organisées 3 fois par semaine mais à mon grand regret je n'ai pas pu tester Je recommande cette visite à la fois pour en savoir plus sur la culture marocaine et comme une pause bien méritée de l'animation de Marrakech !
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  • Eric Langenberg

Small museum, but I really enjoyed it. Musical instruments and photos from Africa and Morocco, and some great videos. I especially appreciated the videos of communal music of villages in the Atlas mountains, which I probably spent half an hour watching. Very interesting thing to watch that I don't think I could've seen any other way. In addition the guy working there was really nice and chatted with me a while. The building was beautiful -- especially the space upstairs where they give performances. And it was also the former home of a Moroccan artist, who there's some info on as well as paintings. 40 dirham.

  • Zhao Ma

We went there for a traditional Berber music performance which itself lasted about 45 minutes. The three musicians were really great and the building was beautiful. After the show we were invited to their beautiful rooftop patio for mint tea and traditional cookies. It was a great way to experience something different! The only thing was that their land line did not work, so we couldn’t call to book the show. Instead, we walked there the evening before and booked directly in person. But it was definitely worth it :-)
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  • Ted

A great oasis in a busy part of the old city. Entrance is to the north through a series of twisting alleyways. Quiet space. Well curated displays. Friendly staff. Rooftop cafe is a great relief from the huddle and bustle from the Médina. I visited twice. Once for the museum, the second time for a live concert. The concert was one of the highlights of my trip which was traditional Moroccan lite and drum accompanied with some lovely singing. Small crowd in one of the rooms with excellent acoustics. The concert lasted 45 minutes and was mesmerising. Tea and cookies after the concert on the terrace.

  • André Gomes

O Museu da Música localiza-se numa antiga habitação do século XVII, no interior da Medina de Marraquexe. Nele podemos ver a construção e decoração características utilizadas na dinastia saadi e na arte islâmica: inscrições kufir, madeira e pedra trabalhada. Podemos ainda contemplar uma exposição de instrumentos musicais marroquinos, berberes e da África subsaariana. O melhor de tudo tem de ser reservado previamente: os concertos de música tradicional às segundas, quartas e sextas-feiras. Preço: 40 dh. Vale muito a pena.

  • Damian Tapley

This is the best museum that I could find in the medina. 40 mad to enter. Well worth the visit, even for the views up on the terrace - and for the architecture of the building it is in. The displays are pretty helpful because many have audio or video showing the instruments in use, as well as a map where in Morocco each tradition is from. There is a cafe at the top with good refreshment choices and several Moroccan meals.
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  • Vicky and Snickers Anderson

The museum of music highlights the heritage of music past and present here in Marrakesh , Morocco. Pictures and instructions decorate an old restored 16-17 century no lemans home. We attended a lecture of the restoration by our host and workers. Then enjoyed Moroccan artists performing on historical musical instruments. Afterwards we enjoyed conversation with other guests, our host with mint tea and cookies
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  • David Campelo

Geography and history connect Morocco as much with Al-Andalus as Africa. This exhibition presents musical instruments, documents, prints, which enable us to better understand the diversity of African music. There are mainly 4 categories of instruments: aerophones (vibration of air), membranophones (vibration of a stretched membrane), cordophones (vibration of strings) and idiophones (vibration or quick movement of the instrument itself). Entry fee: 40dh

  • Bruno Dantas

Incredible experience. Patrick Manach is the host who explains why he started this museum and tells a little bit about its story. On Monday and Friday nights, there’s a “soirée musicale” (make sure to check the schedule online or by WhatsApp), where you watch musicians playing for 30-40min then go for tea and dessert on their rooftop for only MAD 100. Worth the visit!
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  • Eric Guillaume

Un havre de paix dans le souk. Ce petit musée perdu dans le tumulte de la médina montre une ancienne façon de vivre des marocains et quelques œuvres de peintres. Personnellement si l'endroit est intéressant, c'est la terrasse où l'on peut manger qui est le joyau de ce lieu. Dans un calme étonnant, on a mangé un tajine de poulet et une salade d'aubergines servies par un jeune homme aussi discret qu'efficace. A recommander chaudement.

  • Badr Soussi

Très beau et riche musée, culture musicale très variées prix un tout petit peu élevé. Seul problème est de s'y rendre, manque de plaques de signalisations (j'ai dû demander aux habitants de la zone à deux reprises de me montrer le chemin) à part cela tout est correct Je recommande fortement de le visiter.
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  • James Wallis

HIDDEN GEM IN MARRAKECH! Great interactive museum. But the cafe on the terrace was unbelievably good. We had an amazing starter and the best tajine that we’ve had in Marrakech. Amazing value for money and family run. Can’t thank them enough for a great experience. You HAVE to visit, even if it’s just for food!
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  • Ele Be

La expo no es muy allá pero la disfruté. El edificio precioso y el personal encantador. Tiene terraza para comer o beber algo a precios razonables y es muy bonita, para huir de la locura del centro. Estuve 2 veces. Todo muy cuidado y limpio. Lo recomiendo, merece la pena visitarlo y aprovechar para descansar
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  • Thanh Nguyen Kim

That museum is such a gem! All musical instruments are housed in such a colourful house (quite different from others of overwhelmingly detailed carvings). And don't miss the terrace cafe on top. The view from that terrace is the best among all we have seen in Marrakesh!
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  • Eihab Al-Nakib

Beautiful surprise! Especially if you are into music, I have seen some instruments that I have never seen in my life. You can also spend few peaceful hours in the Caffè and work on your laptop. The roof views are amazing, 40 Dirhams, very affordable!
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  • Jacobo

Gran descubrimiento, así como la exposición no es gran cosa y se puede omitir perfectamente, la casa es digna de ver, y aún más su terraza. No hay mucha gente y es perfecto para desconectar del ajetreo de loz zocos y buscar algo de tranquilidad
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  • Clara Belda

Una joya en medio de la Medina, un pequeño museo en una casa auténtica y divinamente restaurada, donde vas adentrándose en pequeñas salas, sus terrazas.... Un placentero lugar donde tomar un té o comer tajine o couscous en medio de cantos de pájaros y tranquilidad ❤️ una joya descubierta por casualidad que vale la pena visitar....

  • Ludovica Fiore

Museo molto carino incastonato tra le vie della città. Il personale è stato molto gentile e parla inglese e francese, un po’ di italiano. Il The alla menta bevuto sulla terrazza del museo era molto buono e i prezzi in linea con quelli della città.
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  • Patricia Adkins

Great museum. It's not free, but very affordable at $4 USD. Lots of videos which really bring the music to life. I would also take a moment to watch the video about the restoration of the building, which clearly took a lot of time, love and care. They do concerts there, but the day we visited tickets were sold out.

  • Elena Khvalova

Музей даёт полностью окунуться в атмосферу музыкального Марокко с разными стилями, можно услышать разную музыку. Музей на нескольких этажах, уютный, наверху трасса, где можно попить кофе. Рекомендую обязательно к посещению.
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  • S T

Lovely museum for only 30dhs with detailed information (in English!!). The alley leading to it is pretty sketchy but don't be confused like I was. During the time of my visit, there was a rug exhibition. The man at the front desk was super welcoming, and kindly explained the history of the place to me.

  • Mathilde van Dongen

This museum was such an unexpected treat! It is hidden away a bit, you have to walk away from the souks to smaller alley, once inside you are in a beautiful restored building and some interesting facts about the history and culture around music in Morocco. The terrace is absolutely gorgeous!

  • Büşra Lastikçi Işıktekin

Yöresel müzik aletleri ve müziğin yerel halkın hayatındaki yeri, müziğe dair ritüellerin anlatıldığı bir müze. Müzeye giderken karanlık ve dolambaçlı yollardan geçebilirsiniz, korkmayın doğru yoldasınız.
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  • Fei Liu

Highly recommend to visit so you are more familiar with all the music playing at the market square. The kids loved dancing to the rhythm while reading about it. Beautiful residence as well.
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  • Thierry Soldà

La musique et les instruments sont très peu présents mais l'ensemble architectural et sa restauration valent le déplacement. Ainsi que la terrasse où il fait bon se désaltérer ou se restaurer
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  • Pol Fontanals

Ojalá haber encontrado antes este lugar. Exposición muy interesante sobre distintos estilos musicales y culturas de Marruecos. Además el edificio es precioso y está muy bien conservado. La gente que lo lleva es un amor y algunos dias tocan y cantan en el mismo museo.

  • criss budău

Such an interesting museum!! So many beautiful instruments around it's nice to look at them and just imagine how they were created so many years ago
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  • Sandra Heller Nadif

Joli petit musée. Intéressant de voir la richesse des différentes musiques et corporations au Maroc. Cadre magnifique et café sur la terrasse ombragée pour finir la visite.
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  • Gerard Curtis

Loads to see Got a mini lecture and a show for only 40Dh extra Lecturer and musicians were superb. Lecture given in English for us - Has card machine Worth it!
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لست متأكّدًا

  • אלכס אלברט

A great museum, telling tge story of Moroccan music inside the beautiful building. 3 days a week they have a concert at 6pm, followed by tea and cookies on tge terrace.
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  • Jean-Denis Lesage

Musée très petit. J'ai des doutes qu'un expert scientifique ait validé l'exposition et les explications avant le concert. On est très proche d'un musée uniquement pour les touristes étrangers.
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  • Yvan Volochine

Wonderful restored house with some interesting paintings in it. I loved the mix of modern art and traditional architecture. The owner Patrick and his staff are very welcoming. Missed the concerts though so I'll have to go back. Highly recommended.

  • Simon

Look for signs to 'Musée de Musique' to find this small museum with a really lovely ambiance. The exhibits are mostly about African music plus a bit of history of the building, not a must see but we spent a very pleasant half an hour or so here.

  • 勃鸡下山

It's a very interesting museum combined with music, plastic art, renovation of old building and culture. Location is a bit hard to find, but worthy for visit!
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  • Nikolas Belalis

There are 3 different small exhibitions in this museum. One part of it holds some photos of the photographer Charles Henneghien, which show how life used to be in Morocco during past decades. On the second part there is the workshop of …

  • wayne heppenstall

Stunning building and museum. Difficult to find for sure but worth the effort. The building is worth viewing alone. Only 30dh. Cafe and terrace as well
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  • frédéric maige

Dans un dédale,une très très belle surprise,calme, très intéressant,et beau, belle terrasse panoramique avec possibilité de manger ou boire un verre.
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  • Antonio Coelho

Instalado numa casa do séc. 17-18, bem recuperada em 2015, que só por si, merece ser visitada. Quanto ao museu em si, mostra fotografias históricas de Marrakech, peças decorativas e do dia a dia. Neste aspeto, não entusiasmante!

  • Sandy Brimblecombe

Interesting museum and fantastic lunch served on the terrace. So tasty, some of the best food we've eaten. Great service too.
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Belle exposition d’instruments marocains et africains N’hésitez pas à réserver trois soirs par semaine concert privé Thé et pâtisseries marocaines à la fin du spectacle sur le toit terrasse. Prix correct

  • Barbara Venetikidou

Absolutely amazing! A museum made with love and care which gives all the needed information about the traditional music of Morocco over its history! Do not miss a concert of traditional music of Morocco!

  • Charles Gacem

Excellent accueil. A noter une restauration impeccable avec des tarifs très raisonnables.Aucune hésitation, allez y !!!
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  • Eduard Mihail

Excellent place, wonderful atmosphere. It's a must see in Marrakech. Thanks a lot Mr. P. It was a honor to meet you. PS. The museum is always open, do not trust the people who tell you that is closed.

  • John Cafferkey

Great museum charting the history of Morocco via musical influences. For me this place helped me make sense of some of the many cultural influences that make Marrakesh such an incredible place.

  • Patricia Vincent

Espaço simples e muito acolhedor, tem um bar no terraço e podemos apreciar a calma e silêncio que não existe nas ruas da Medina. Recomendo para quem tem gosto pela história da musica africana.

  • Mark El-Hajj

Attended a Berber music concert, it was simply amazing! It cost 50 dirhams for visiting the museum and attending the music concert. You should definitely try to attend of the music concerts!

  • Isabelle Moutault

Un musée situé au fond d'un derb dans lequel il faut pas craindre de s'aventurer. Vraiment à découvrir tant pour sa collection d'instruments que pour son architecture sans oublier l'accueil.

  • Bruno Tailly

Good museum, showing more about musical instruments from Africa. Not busy. They have live music sessions 3 times per week at 6pm.
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  • alessandra caprini

È un luogo magico, dove scoprire la Cultura musicale nordafricana, lo spirito autentico della Marrakech del Secolo XVI, il restauro di questa magnifica Dar è stato condotto con estremo …

  • Victor Ramírez

Interesante lugar algo escondido entre las callejuelas de la Medina. La rehabilitación o el mantenimiento del edificio está genial, parece que aún fuera una casa típica Marroquí habitada

  • bernard guetta

Beau musée de l'art berbère. Ce lieu est magnifiquement restauré avec des plafonds sublimes. Se marie très bien avec le musée de la photographie auquel il est apparenté. Vaut le détour

  • Julien Trompat

Magnifique expérience lors d'une soirée musicale dans le cadre des nuits du ramadan. Je recommande chaudement ces soirées, fréquentées aussi bien par les touristes que les Marrakchis.

  • Ludovic FARNAULT

Un magnifique endroit, qui est en train de s''agrandir, ne pas oublier de passer par le musée de la photo, qui mériterait une annexe au musée Mouassine, tant la collection est riche.

  • Jo N

Beautiful setting for a well-curated and informative museum. And even better, I stayed for an evening concert which was excellent. We were all clapping and foot tapping by the end.

  • Oliver Lawrence

Nice museum with the music of Morocco displayed and sampled by region with lots of instruments.
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أيام الأسبوع
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يُفضَّل الحجز

  • A. Jesse

Entspannter Ort. Das Museum ist sehr überschaubar aber die Ausstellungstücke sind gut beschrieben. Auf der Dachterrasse kann man gemütlich einen Tee oder was anderes trinken.

  • Agnieszka Bialon

Another gem to be visited. Hidden away and not published enough, amazingly beautiful
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أيام الأسبوع
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يُفضَّل الحجز

  • Adrian Gil

Aunque es difícil llegar, es un sitio estupendo y mucha calidad en las explicaciones.
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  • Ahmed Charkaoui

Un local transfermé en musée qui contient surtout des photos et tres peu d'instrument
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أيام الأسبوع
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يُفضَّل الحجز

  • Ouakouri TV

Excellent welcome in a wonderful museum, the place contains important pieces of various arts (photography, painting, carpets, ...) I would recommend visiting it.

  • Ralph McEntagart

Tucked away and often overlooked this was one of my favorites. Fascinating, inexpensive and with the quietest and most pleasant roof terrace I visited

  • George Hulm

Was lovely, we especially enjoyed our quiet meal on the terrace at the end of the tour.
زرته في
أيام الأسبوع
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بلا انتظار

  • Mary Fogarty

An interesting mixture of art and history and a jewel of architecture in its Douiria, an exquisite little apartment dating from the Saadian era

  • Rui Pedro Leite

Wonderful experience, beautiful building, great music and nice staff. Can't recommend this experience enough, 100% not a tourist trap.

  • Bianka T

Very nice museum where you can play the instruments. They also do concert nights and have a beautiful terrace. Much recommended

  • Jan-Thijs Koster

Lovely museum, a perfect excuse to escape the busy Marrakech medina. There is a small coffee café on the roof terrace.

  • Peter Schalk

Lovely museum dedicated to music, in a beautiful building. Wonderful very quiet rooftop terras. Worth a visit!

  • Noémie Roques

Très beau lieu et très belle exposition. Le personnel est très sympathique et la terrasse très apaisante

  • عمر البختي

مكان مناسب للجميع ..بشرط احترام بعض التقاليد الإسلامية ..والله الموفق إلى الصواب ...والسﻻم ...

  • Joan Cano Cespedes

Es un edificio que vale mucho la pena visitar, ya que es una casa en medio de la Medina

  • Josefa Suarez

Little bit hidden, but beautiful old house whith a nice beautiful rooftop

  • Juniper C

非常漂亮的博物馆,在一个小巷子里,巷子门口有工作人员带你进去。我爱这个漂亮房子!!露台也很雅致,能看到雪山,还有可爱的小猫 …

  • Maryon Djavadi

La sceno est pas fantastique mais les lieux sont exceptionnels

  • Jm Ac

Recomendable de ver ,mejor que otros museos más anunciados

  • Matthieu Leon

Beau musée. Jolie peinture. Maison bien restaurée.

  • Léopold Fauvel

Un peu chère je trouve mais l’intérieur est joli .

  • Noureddine Fenouri

من أهم متاحف مدينة مراكش

  • Youssef El adnani

ممتاز جدا

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