Bar 藏 /Bar Hide is a Bar located at 320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, 320台灣桃園市中壢區民權路三光路. It has received 348 reviews with an average rating of 4.7 stars.
Monday | 7PM-2AM |
Tuesday | 7PM-2AM |
Wednesday | 7PM-2AM |
Thursday | 7PM-2AM |
Friday | 7PM-2AM |
Saturday | 7PM-2AM |
Sunday | 7PM-2AM |
The address of Bar 藏 /Bar Hide: 320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, 320台灣桃園市中壢區民權路三光路
Bar 藏 /Bar Hide has 4.7 stars from 348 reviews
"A Great Contrast in Thinking"
"An amazing bar and definitely foreigner friendly! The bartenders are amazing and treat you well regardless of what language you speak"
"一進門就被氣氛所驚艷,很有進入到上世紀歐州酒吧 因為聽說酒調得很不錯慕名而來,這邊是全客製化,會問不管是調性 口感 香味 基底等依照喜好調出適合你的酒 第一杯依照喜好調出來也非常棒,但就是可預測(畢竟我去每家酒吧需求都一樣) 第二杯就想說來突破一下好了,跟Bar tender 說就是偏酸酒感重 第二杯杯我一喝直接說: 「我超怕威士忌味,但這杯是我喝過最好喝的威士忌基底調酒!!」 只能說這家調酒功力真的是不錯,尤其是可以把本來比較不喜歡的味道調和出不同風味,過去去過一些名店但調出一堆感冒藥水我想也是大家上酒吧最怕的事 推推這家 酒真的不錯 值得一訪再訪! Ps "
"Rather than asking what one would like to drink, at Hide Bar they ask "how are you feeling?" "What flavors do you like or dislike" and they take care of everything else"
"特別的地方大概是在飯店對面的公園裡,以及是無酒單點酒,所以只能依照自己想喝的口感下去跟調酒師陳述,再來就是看調酒師有沒有慧根,能不能調出你口中所陳述的調酒了,因為無菜單所以就無從得知價格,點了兩杯調酒,結帳時$880,有點訝異!! 因為兩小杯不到50CC的調酒要880,不知道貴的點在哪?室內非常暗,座位也不大,大概就適合跟朋友來嚐顯一下,沒菜單、酒單所以也不知道有沒有炸物,服務人員也沒有多做介紹,調酒也沒有我想像中好喝,就是買了一個經驗!!現場只能付現金,無法使用信用卡或是其他任何支付方式,所以記得錢要帶夠!! 好奇的人可以去嘗試嘗試"
A Great Contrast in Thinking. This taiwan night lounge (opens at roughly 6:30pm) has gone in a flavorful, western-inspired approach to Asian cuisine. The food is not so vegetarian forward but looks amazing—you can’t always avoid savory meats in Asia on business. The dry Thai noodles were like eating pad Thai ceviche garnished with a half salad with vinegar sauce; the cold noodle onion contrast to the warm fried shrimp was okay. The Bar Master Duncan supports a fun menu of drinks with seeming odd flair. Some approach highlights the stark contrast to muted spicy flavors of the Taiwan people, and leave you begging for relief from the bright, sharp citrus of the Cariparinha, which uses a cirtrus-inspired rum from Brazil. The reason I’m reviewing for English speakers is you need to go try the drink Mirage. I believe it’s roughly 3 parts oolong tea, teaspoon of matcha powder (and some on the rim), 1 part gin, and 1/2 part yuzu. I could be wrong—Duncan agreed on this but who knows? It’s downright stunning. Like drinking tea but suddenly you’re making designs on how to present this to your fiancé upon your return to home. For a break on the norm, across from the Kuva hotel, it’s a bit pricey for Taiwan norm but worth a getaway. Plan a reservation if you want a table—families celebrate here as a norm and the owner/staff are close with locals. If you’re in ones or twos the bar is fine. The place is small next to a near park. A night market is just across the park for a nice before and after experience. Bring cash for the night. One person, 2 drafts, 4 drinks 1 ‘cheap’ food +140NT tip is 1900. Night market is 100% cash only. Don’t be shy in speaking English just be friendly and especially compliment Duncan’s hair! Jon
An amazing bar and definitely foreigner friendly! The bartenders are amazing and treat you well regardless of what language you speak. Their cocktails are also amazing too, customising a cocktail to whatever you want is a skill that they’ve honed perfectly. Along with that their snacks are also amazing goes perfectly with the drinks. Overall an amazing all female owned bar/speakeasy, a great experience that everybody should experience once.
一進門就被氣氛所驚艷,很有進入到上世紀歐州酒吧 因為聽說酒調得很不錯慕名而來,這邊是全客製化,會問不管是調性 口感 香味 基底等依照喜好調出適合你的酒 第一杯依照喜好調出來也非常棒,但就是可預測(畢竟我去每家酒吧需求都一樣) 第二杯就想說來突破一下好了,跟Bar tender 說就是偏酸酒感重 第二杯杯我一喝直接說: 「我超怕威士忌味,但這杯是我喝過最好喝的威士忌基底調酒!!」 只能說這家調酒功力真的是不錯,尤其是可以把本來比較不喜歡的味道調和出不同風味,過去去過一些名店但調出一堆感冒藥水我想也是大家上酒吧最怕的事 推推這家 酒真的不錯 值得一訪再訪! Ps .女友的兩杯 即使不是我的喜歡比例,但喝起來也都非常棒
Rather than asking what one would like to drink, at Hide Bar they ask "how are you feeling?" "What flavors do you like or dislike" and they take care of everything else. STRONGLY recommend this place. After finding the secretive entrance, is how to get across? Try now to ring the bell
特別的地方大概是在飯店對面的公園裡,以及是無酒單點酒,所以只能依照自己想喝的口感下去跟調酒師陳述,再來就是看調酒師有沒有慧根,能不能調出你口中所陳述的調酒了,因為無菜單所以就無從得知價格,點了兩杯調酒,結帳時$880,有點訝異!! 因為兩小杯不到50CC的調酒要880,不知道貴的點在哪?室內非常暗,座位也不大,大概就適合跟朋友來嚐顯一下,沒菜單、酒單所以也不知道有沒有炸物,服務人員也沒有多做介紹,調酒也沒有我想像中好喝,就是買了一個經驗!!現場只能付現金,無法使用信用卡或是其他任何支付方式,所以記得錢要帶夠!! 好奇的人可以去嘗試嘗試
躲在公園一角的小小酒吧 不知道的人感覺不太找得到 沒有酒單~ 氣氛讓人放鬆 一坐下先來了一杯水跟一盤堅果 堅果的盤子有隻小鳥蠻可愛的 接下來給了一條熱毛巾擦手 很特別的服務! 第一杯-SideCar 白蘭地 柑橘味道 有符合我要的酒感重偏酸不挑基酒 第二杯-Old Fashion 直接點我最常喝的一杯調酒 好喝 以上 第三杯-?特調 想要再重一點的酒感不用酸甜 來了一杯帶泥煤味的什麼15年的威士忌(忘了 加上金巴利 沒有記得很清楚 有點像藥草味 感覺有點像在吃藥 但味道的尾勁是好喝的 蠻有趣的一杯酒 3杯酒一共1320 供參考
The bar is like it’s name that is hiding behind moat. Cocktails are delicious and the bartender knows how to reinvent a classic cocktail well. Had an Whisky Sour made of Scotch, totally amazed me. Wish I had more time to stay for longer.
隱身在公園內的小酒吧!沒有菜單的調酒,但需求和製作的內容落差頗大,價格也是一種「感覺」就是貴的感覺!特色就是位子很小、還有牆角一個很憋屈的座位,動線設計容納不了這麼多人,就不要硬收客人!感覺不是很自在 high ball真的是淡到不行也是開眼界了,一分錢沒有反應在一分貨!價格是台北萬豪高空bar的價格,品質特色調酒見仁見智!連「裝飾」都沒有,或是酒杯賣點也都沒有…送來是蠻傻眼的,適合盤子朋友聊天,情侶約會就非常不推薦了
A little difficult to find. Love their wood decoration! Classic cocktail and creative cocktail were awesome! Nice music, food and unique counter of a bar. Bartenders were friendly and talkative.
跨年來訪時,向服務生點餐紅蘿蔔味調酒,但服務生告知當天僅提供菜單上飲品。 但約兩小時後,服務生突然端上一杯紅蘿蔔原汁給我們,給予我們極大驚喜。 小包廂十分隱密,適合朋友聚會的同時享受隱私。遇上節日時店家也會準備活動,氣氛很好,非常值得推薦,若有機會會再次拜訪。
観光で近くのホテルに宿泊していた際に通りがかりで入店しました。 外観も内装もオシャレで、清潔感のあるとても店員さんも優しく、美味しい料理の多いお店でした。 次も台湾に来た際には立ち寄りたいと思います!ありがとうございました^_^
Gin tonic (Bombay sapphire) Long Island ice tea Martini (Golden) Side car (Martell NCF) #cocktail #barhide #gintonic #martini #longislandicetea #sidecar @ Bar 藏/Bar Hide
The first impressed me is that you have to ring the bell and their will be person open the secret door for you and also secret drinks.. Won't forget. Amazing!
隨口跟店員提要紅蘿蔔汁調酒,結果店員真的拿出了一杯純紅蘿蔔汁,不給五星說不過去。 店員都很會帶氣氛,非常歡樂,極力推薦節慶時來現場一起歡慶 <3
Always feel chill when I am here. And wine is absolutely wonderful.
同业们都因为Ramos gin fizz而讨厌你吼
Great place for cocktails
A hideout for you soul
不知道在跩3洨= =
859 reviews
No. 1號, Lane 9, Zhongning St, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 330
317 reviews
320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, Datong Rd, 18號Da Tong Road 18, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City