Bronte College

87 reviews

88 Bronte College Ct, Mississauga, ON L5B 1M9, Canada



Bronte College is a High school located at 88 Bronte College Ct, Mississauga, ON L5B 1M9, Canada. It has received 87 reviews with an average rating of 3.0 stars.



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Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of Bronte College: 88 Bronte College Ct, Mississauga, ON L5B 1M9, Canada

  • Bronte College has 3.0 stars from 87 reviews

  • High school

  • "I used to work for Bronte College and I had a horrible experience"

    "Hello to whoever is reading the Bronte College review on Google, I'm writing this review because I am so confused by how much exaggerated reviews I have read about their time at Bronte"

    "Go here if you are a foreign student with rich parents to help you get into a Canadian university"

    "I have been studying in this school for an entire year and here is what I want to tell you about this school"

    "This upcoming September will be my third year in Bronte College"


  • mark ryder

I used to work for Bronte College and I had a horrible experience. I worked for Bronte College as a Summer Camp Counselor for one week before getting fired for swearing. Yes, I was fired from a job for swearing. This was not a breach of any contract I had signed. I can honestly say that I was relieved when I was fired. This was the most disorganized and poorly run organizations I have ever had the displeasure of working for. Part of the job of a counselor was picking up international students at the airport; the admin would tell us a few hours before the plane was set to land that we had to pick up students. The admin was so disorganized that one time the admin failed to check the status of a plane and a student was left at the airport for more than 2 hours waiting for the admin to realize that they had landed. Moreover, I had to work more than 20 hours one day due to the lack of communication between the admin and myself - I had to drive back and forth from the College to the airport and pick up several students because the admin had failed to inform me of the times students were set to land. As for the disgusting slop that Bronte College calls 'food' it was horrendous. The first day me and the counselors were served food from the cafe none of us could bring ourselves to finish it. Me and the other counselors resolved to buy our own food rather than force this slop down our throats. The College says that they are introducing a new menu, they have been saying that every since I worked for them 2 years ago. The food is not visually appealing and is even worse when you eat it. Every student and employee I talked to hated the food and was one of the biggest complaints I heard. As for the whole question of diversity at Bronte College they will tell you that they accept students from 42 different countries. It may well be true that in their entire history that they have had students come from 42 different countries but I can tell you that the vast majority of the students are Chinese. Which is fine, but stop telling lies about your diversity. As for the accommodations, they are reminiscent of prison cells. Hard concrete walls, a hard bed, and a few drawers to put your clothes in. The showers were shared by at least 10 people and were poorly cleaned. The administration is only in it for the money; I understand that it is a for-profit venture but that does not give the admin the right to exploit parents. Not only does the admin milk as much money as they possibly can out of parents but the education they provide their students is abysmal. Several of the teachers I knew told me that this was their first teaching position. The students hated class and did not learn anything from them. I would not recommend Bronte College to anyone. RUN AWAY!

  • Thanh Nguyen

Hello to whoever is reading the Bronte College review on Google, I'm writing this review because I am so confused by how much exaggerated reviews I have read about their time at Bronte. If you want to hear my opinion and a most current review of Bronte College, I am here to give you the most recent and probably least biased review about my time here in Bronte College. First off as a International student who is studying here, it is such an exaggerated thing to say that 90% student are Chinese. What about the Nigerian, what about other student like Vietnamese, Indian, Japanese, Indonesian, Thai, Korean, Turkish, Russian, Pakistan, Mexican and so much more; are we invisible. The reason why there are a lot of Chinese students here because China is a country that is known for having the world largest population. Plus this is one of the cheapest school that have the resident option for sure there gonna be a lot of Chinese student want to study here. Next with the food, I have 3 year experiences of eating food here in Bronte. And I am proud to say that the food have improved so much in the past few year. From chicken and rice slowly change to spaghetti and meat ball, from disgusting risotto to deliciously crispy fish and chip. Bronte food have never seen a better day, honestly it's not as good as it sound but trust me those small changes do matter. If you don't feel like the food is suitable for you just ask the food committee, they are hired to make sure that the food will always get better for the student enjoyment. It never hurt too ask the staff of Bronte, just know that it will change slowly. About the rice, well because their are a lot of country that eat rice with every meal so that is why it there; basically to fill you up. Overall Bronte may have a lot of issues inside of the school, whether it make anyone felt mad and unfair. But all of those mistake can be fixed if you are willing to accept that Bronte is trying everyday to change. So if you feel like you want to study in Canada or to be specific Bronte College, just know that after a rain come a rainbow; that any sad, misunderstood, unfairness moments here in Bronte cannot be compare to the knowledge, the friend, the good time you have here. I enjoy my time here at Bronte College

  • Nocte Malum

Go here if you are a foreign student with rich parents to help you get into a Canadian university. You will need the money, there are a lot of extra costs on top of the tuition and boarding. Like making you take courses you don't have to, and not enough food, so you have to go buy your own. The food is terrible and mostly oily sauce on rice with almost no vegetables. Imagine teens complaining about no vegetables. Not exactly the kitchen staff's fault, they have a small budget, and are seriously understaffed. Because they are understaffed the pop machine gives people stomach aches because it's never cleaned. And if the food is so good, how come the bosses in the suits get different food from the cafeteria? The guidance counselors and the principal are outright liars. The principal made promises before we signed up when we were visiting, and then a year later, she said she never said what she said in front of me and my parents. That ended up costing us thousands of dollars. My parents are still upset with her and my dad wanted to yell at her at my graduation but my mom made him not. It's all Chinese students, that only speak Mandarin. So if you don't, too bad for you. The only other group are Nigerians. And lots of my Nigerian friends there failed their courses because the guidance counselors put them in courses that were way ahead of them. So not fair, they fail a bunch of course and have to pay to take them again. The teachers get paid very little here so the better teachers always leave as soon as they get better offers. My friend's at MacLachlan and Appleby have awesome teachers that have been at the school for a while. But at Bronte they are mostly new or really, like really old shouldn't be working anymore people. When I was there 2 of my favorite teachers left (English and science). If you don't believe me, just hang out near the school after school is over and ask them. I'm sure it's still the same. I only graduated recently.

  • Ilya Sereb

I have been studying in this school for an entire year and here is what I want to tell you about this school. Education is decent, teachers are qualified and responsible, they now how to deal with ESL students, and do their work properly. But all time they spend on Chinese people, majority of those are very slow and lessons start being exhausting. Living conditions are not really good. They gave each student room 2x3 meters, where it's difficult to put your extra stuff. The table for studying is set up though. Washrooms and showers are for everyone use. Sometimes I found weird staff and sometimes disgusting stuff, teenagers have a lot of stupidity. Food in cafeteria is bad. You can get your food once, if you are still hungry you can eat rice. After a week I started to hate it, for Chinese people it was amazing. Live in residence is very boring. They make activities very rarely and only when principle or head of residence life asks them. They are extremely strict. Dating the girl or boy in school usually prosecuted, you can't visit each other's rooms, so about your son or daughter having a children you shouldn't worry. If you got cough doing something that you should not be doing or it your action is against school policy - you will be fined. Fine starts from $5 for being late, $10 for detentions and more than $100 for suspensions. One time I got a suspension for being bold, what I misunderstood, but didn't do anything, because otherwise I would be kicked out of school. That's how it works. So if you are ready to pay for your child, be ready to pay a lot. In closing this opinion review want to say that there are a lot of Chinese people (around 80%), they are rich and ready to pay that. Everything that I wrote above happened to me and I guarantee that it's the facts. Please be careful sending your son or daughter in this school.

  • Vanessa Joseph

This upcoming September will be my third year in Bronte College. The day I arrived Bronte, I was very nervous and tried my best to avoid people because I was scared that they would think I was different and strange. The funny thing was that we were all so different and unique in our own ways with the various traditions, ethnicities, beliefs, etc. So far, Bronte has taught me how to be independent. For those of you coming into Bronte and had previously needed your parents/guardians to do your work for you; news flash, you will learn everything you need to know in school. Although curfew is set at 10pm which is very early, there is quite a lot of freedom in Bronte. We are allowed to go out on our own without supervision which is essential in growing teenagers. If a child is smothered and doesn't have access to a little freedom, that is when they rebel. I highly suggests that curfew should be increased a bit, at least in the weekend. The food quality has increased quite a bit since I got here. The rations are still small but they have added a few different options (thanks to the Food Committee). Despite all the challenges, Bronte has acted as an opportunity to better discover yourself, explore, respect, and live in peace with people of different cultures, race and beliefs.

  • Young Incognito

Listen. I am here to make so demands! 1. Free drinks. I aint paying 40k a year for no free drink. This is crazy. 2. Let the students use the gym. Paying 40 K a year to not be using the gym. Man that is messed. This is school is so bad and all they want is your money. 3.They also need faster WiFi really, all the time it takes 3 minutes to load a website, in my house it take 1 millisecond to load a game! 4.They also need cleaner washrooms I come in there and it smells like somebody went at the toilet, and just had diarrhea . 5.For day students most of us live far and its very hard to come ion time so we should not get penalized each time. For example I had friend who got late once then he got detention and payed 10$. How and why, this school tries there best to get money! Please change these things it would be such a great school!

  • lilwaterski

1. First of all to start with why are students forced to pay a ridiculous amount of money just for the drinks at lunch time. Also on the topic of lunch time why tf can I not go in the gym at lunch time to play with my friends, why is it only at the end of the day where I can play in the gym. 2. I do not understand this rule that is restricting us from using headphones, earphones or whatever in the class even while the teacher is not teaching. I'm sure that many of us are fine with not using headphones or earphones in the hallway but some of us are better off using it in class because it helps us stay on task and focus. I will be keeping my 1 star review on this page until further adjustments take place Sincerely, Anonymous guy

  • WY S

Bronte has provided me with great memories for my first boarding experience in Canada. Although I only stayed there for a very short term, I made lots of friends from many other countries. I got to involve myself in many exciting activities particularly those related to sports. The residence dons that I had during my stay there were amazing as well. I particularly liked the fact that there will always be someone in the library who could always give a helping hand when I needed it with my assignments and courses. The Physics and Chemistry teacher that I had were also very experienced and helpful. Overall, it was a real awesome experience. :)

  • Hello World

I spent three years at Bronte College, and my experience was absolutely amazing. All the teachers worked hard to provide us with the best education and make us better people every day. If you see bad reviews, ignore them. As with any school, Bronte still had uncultured and naughty students who regularly broke the rules and found it hard to live in human society. And they never represent the reputation of this school. Minus one star because the cafeteria food was sometimes so oily :) P/s: Special thanks to Dr. Gouda, Ms. Cyr, Ms. Mukherjee and Ms. McGinnis; you have changed my mindset and my life ^^

  • エンドウシンヤ

Such as an awesome school in Ontario. Healthy meal, well-versed teachers, nice residence like a hotel room. I'd recommend for every students who think about study abroad to Canada. I hope my comments will help you guys. 生徒のほとんどがシナ人(オーナーも)で高い授業料、食費の割に一切のサポートはありません。教師たちは4時以内に全員きっかり家に帰ります。食堂と食事は比べるなら牛丼屋チェーン店のの三分の一のクオリティすらありません。さらに聞いた話によると、あまりにも杜撰な環境がシナ人の生徒から保護者達に伝わり、ネットで噂になり、仲介会社や学校への保護者からの苦情や状況説明を要するが殺到し、ついにはブロンテと留学生関係の契約を結んでいる大手のシナの学校と関係も悪化し契約を打ち切られ来年度から経営不振は待ったなしといったところです。もともと利益目的で運営していたので学力の向上や英語の上達には向いている学校とは言えません。 最後に長くなりましたが私がこの学校で実際に体験した経験がこれから留学を考えている皆さんに伝えられたらと願います。

  • Jesus López

I went to Bronte in 2001. It was not really a good experience for me, i lived 2 months inside the school and it was a nightmare, i have to move to an apartment with my brother because we couldnt live any other day inside the school, everything was dirty, small rooms, one shower for 10 people, i dont have anything against chinese people but they are not too hygiene as other cultures. The school was too dirty and almost all the spaces stinks. I really made friends in there, but definely i will never recommend and send anybody in there, i think there are better options.

  • Diana Odunze

Bronte College is not a dull place. I have never seen a school which offers such amazing activities. Being in residence myself I know that they take care of us very well and go beyond to ensure our happiness. We go ice skating, roller skating, they even offer trips around Canada. I am enjoying my experience and think people should stop worrying about things that they never stop improving.

  • Yiwei Yuan

A tuition fee of 41,000 Canadian dollars a year. Doing mistakes in school will not be educated and will only be fined. Are you sure that this is a school is not a business organization? Lunch and dinner is less pathetic. Low scores of terror, is not the teacher wanna fail you then you can then pay a year's tuition again ?This is a terrible place.

  • Cheung Bryan

Studying at Bronte college, one thing that amazes me the most is the food quality that always above my expectation. Studies have shown that increasing the nutritional quality of school meals appears to be a promising, cost-effective way to improve student learning. That’s why I love this school.

  • Gisele Pooja

In my opinion, the food at Bronte is excellent. There is a variety of tasty food to cater every dietry needs. The wide range of food is very nutritious and culturally diverse, which provides a sense of belonging to each ethnic background represented in Bronte College.

  • Kaz Ya

自分はこの学校に四年間通っていますが、他の人たちみたいに学校がなくなれば良いだとか、転校したいと思ったことはありません。学校を追い出されて文句を言ってる人もいるようですが、問題を起こさなければ退学になんてさせられません。ルールを破って罰金を食らって文句を言う人もいます。ですが、ちゃんと守っていれば何も問題ないはずです。 親元を離れて暮らす事になるので寮生活が初めての人にとっては、こちらの生活に慣れるのが大変だと思います。しかし、それは普通のことで学校が悪いわけではありません。 今ではこの学校に来て良かったと心から思います。

  • Pechow Zheng

Awesome campus for students to learn things and discover their interests. Also surprising to find out it is a great place to work. As a graduated student and an intern co-op, I give it positive recommendation!

  • Immanuela Okeke

This is my first year at Bronte. So far, there have always been a multitude of choices from which the students can choose from. The food is multicultural and the chefs are very experienced and kind.

  • Aditya Mehrotra

It was a great experience, I made a lot of friends that I have kept for 5 years. The teachers were great and the hot lunch food was delicious. Overall it was a refreshing experience, Thank you.

  • KY L

老師很親切,課程和課外活動都很豐富。每晚7-9pm有補習班輔導學生。學習環境愉快!校舍外觀和設備比較舊,但宿舍和浴室今年有重新裝修! 要說學校缺點便是食物方面,沒有什麼營養可言!!早餐和午餐都只能吃一次,晚餐就可以再次添補,但食物的味道很差,份量亦很少!每次都不能飽肚。希望學校能改善伙食方面的問題!提升食物味道和營養,讓學生有更好的營養。

  • Tyler

teachers are nice, good study environment, it's just a bit small with only two floors, but oh well, it got its own gym, library, cs lab and cafe, pretty good!

  • Billy Tran

In the ok range. Very old. No Heater in the winter for 2 weeks. Wifi curfew... ehh. Food is not so good. Friends are nice. Quite expensive

  • Kenzaki Takeru

School policy with no backpack , extremely slow internet , resident lose electricity everyday , laudry dryer never make the cloth dry.

  • Jackson Press

Bronte College has a great location and amazing amenities for students, the full staff cafeteria offers delicious cultural food

  • Nicholas McManus

I attended Bronte College from 2009-2011, and I had the time of my life living in residence. Mr. Bangma is a terrific teacher.

  • Leo Li

I try to contact the school from email, didn't get an answer. Please provide a valid email address on your website. thanks,

  • Nathan Choi

Resident is small and the internet really slow. This school just want to make money off from international students.

  • Junjie Xu

It's not perfect, but not bad. I graduated from Bronte 5 years ago and still missing Dr.Gouda.

  • google user

The owners of the school are not educators, they are money grabbers.

  • Papuan Channel

Memiliki byk t4 santai yg nyaman dan humian yg bagus. Mantap!!

  • Garfield Wu

Nice place. Students are polite. Cafeteria is great!

  • Mỹ Hạnh Nguyễn

i love this school ít so kool best ever

  • F ily

The one and only good school in GTA

  • Tokey Li

The tale of wrost food in the world

  • Andrew Wang

WiFi sucks , locked everything

  • Weihang Li

Please upgrade the wifi !!!!!!

  • Adeyemi Adebare

Good high school to attend

  • IK Ediae

Great School

  • Yusuph Abubakar Abhoo

Good school

  • Keith Wang

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