United States Postal Service

441 reviews

7310 Menchaca Rd, Austin, TX 78745




United States Postal Service is a Post office located at 7310 Menchaca Rd, Austin, TX 78745. It has received 441 reviews with an average rating of 2.1 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of United States Postal Service: 7310 Menchaca Rd, Austin, TX 78745

  • United States Postal Service has 2.1 stars from 441 reviews

  • Post office

  • "If it was possible to give zero stars, I would"

    "This place is the absolute worst! Of all the places I have been in my life, this place is by far the most miserable"

    "Horrible experience dealing with this location"

    "I work at this post office"

    "Cannot believe I have to leave a review like this about a post office but here it goes"


  • Dieter Geithner

If it was possible to give zero stars, I would. We somehow forgot to get the mail for an amount of time long enough for our box in the "neighborhood" mailbox to get full. When we did check it, all we found was a note (form) saying that we'd need to go to the Mockingbird Station to get our mail. because the box was full. Fair enough. My bad. You can't imagine my elation when I walked Mockingbird Station and there was no line at the counter. I've been going to this post office for more than 15 years, and I've never seen this. There were two counter clerks just waiting to serve me. I've never gotten to the counter in less than 15 minutes. Ever. It was going to be different today. However, my delight was soon shattered. After approaching the clerk and telling her what had happened, she somewhat snarkily glanced at her coworker, then back at me. "Dutch door!" she barked. I replied "Huh?" "Dutch door!", she repeated and pointed over to a line of people. on the other side of the entrance into the counter area. "Oh" was all I could respond. I slowly shuffled my way toward the line, about 7 people long. The line moved painfully slowly, but after about 20 minutes, I finally got to the door and waited for it to be pulled in and opened, so I could once again interact with be face-to-face with another unhappy, disgruntled postal worker. But that was not to be the case. When the door swung open, it was the same lady from the counter. I re-explained who I was and why I was there. After plucking my drivers license from my outstretched arm, the door was shut quickly, with purpose. Just moments later I was reunited with my mail and my drivers license. I somehow muttered “Thank you” in what was either an instinctive reaction of politeness that my mother had instilled in me years ago or a pathetic acknowledgement of the sorrow that this poor woman was suffering in a job that it’s perfectly clear that she hates. I'm certain that she will muddle through her job until such time as she can start collecting her very lucrative USPS pension, which can’t (hopefully) be very far away. I have never received anything close to good service at this post office. It’s terrible. The only thing that I can think of to explain the level of service here is that they took everyone who failed at their job from every post office in Austin and sent them here. “Hey - If your performance doesn’t improve, we’re gonna transfer you down to Mockingbird!” That said, we have a wonderful letter carrier in our neighborhood. If everyone at Mockingbird had taken a lesson from out letter carrier, service there would be stellar. But they didn’t. And won't. Apparently, it’s easier to be angry, bossy, rude, and somewhat passive aggressive than provide good customer service. And it seems like the new workers there learn how it’s “supposed” to be from the workers that have been there a while. The service is so bad at this post office that if there was a way to do it, I’d cancel my service with the post office. I hate you, Mockingbird Station.

  • Elijah Watson

This place is the absolute worst! Of all the places I have been in my life, this place is by far the most miserable. They refuse to answer the phone. I have tried calling at all times of the day, sometimes over 30 times in a row, and on different phone numbers. They know the phone is disabled and do not care. This forces you to visit the location in person for any issue no matter how small or easily resolvable. Once you step inside, you will notice a very long line spanning almost all the available space. Many people will see the line and immediately leave, wisely realizing nothing is worth the dreadful experience that awaits them inside. If you dare to join the poor souls waiting in line, you will quickly realize how incredibly slow the line moves. The few workers at this horribly understaffed location clearly realize there is no incentive to work efficiently. Be prepared to watch them spend 15 minutes or more checking a single mailbox. Sometimes, they will even abandon the service window for extended periods of time on a whim. If you are tenacious enough to spend hours of your life waiting through the line, you will eventually have the misfortune of interacting with one of the workers directly. It's hard to say whether their smug sarcasm, unwarranted condescension, or overall incompetence will make the strongest impression. Rest assured though that they will be completely unwilling to help, and completely unprepared to do so even if they wanted to. It seems their only strategy is to frustrate you into giving up. This location is beyond irredeemable. The only small improvement that seems feasible at this point is engraving "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here" over the doorway so future victims know what to expect. It is my opinion that nothing, no matter how valuable, no matter how important, is worth slowly but surely sacrificing your soul as you wither away in this cursed post office.

  • Brent Lewis

Horrible experience dealing with this location. A package (unbeknownst to us) required a signature and we missed it so they left a note. We went to the USPS website and selected that we would pick up the package from the post office the next day instead. So we arrive at the post office, go to the weird door with the completely closed window (why isn't it glass so they could see that people are there?) and push the little unlabeled black button that we assume is the bell (it makes no noise, no sign or anything around it). The hours for that window on Saturdays are 8:30am to 2:30pm, so someone should be there right? We wait another 20 minutes, pushing the black button a couple more times, meanwhile a huge line forms behind us of unlucky people also trying to pick up packages. Eventually, the guy at the counter tells us that nobody is even working that "window" and that we should get in the different but also huge line for regular service. No sign or anything was posted out front saying it was not in service. Come on. So we wait another 30 minutes in this new line, at which point a new person comes out and starts taking random people to pick up their packages, including people that had just walked in the door. Thanks a lot, very unfair. Finally we get up to the counter, ask for our package, and THEY TELL US IT WAS OUT FOR REDELIVERY?!?!?! We show them our confirmation email stating we would pick it up at the post office, and all the guy can do is shrug and say sorry. He can't tell us anything about where it is, when it might be there, or really anything about anything that would be useful to us. Separately we needed international stamps from the kiosk, and it kept asking for a PIN on my credit card, which obviously doesn't make sense and therefore didn't work at all. Luckily I had a debit card, but still... Avoid if possible. Just use UPS or FedEx. Buy stamps online.

  • Tyler Jones

I work at this post office. I'm seeing lots of complaints about people calling and employees not answering the phones. This will, unfortunately, not change, as we have a very limited amount of people at any given time dealing with myriad things and do not have the proper staffing to help every individual call made to the station. I'm not condoning this, but an unanswered call should come as no surprise to anyone because of various staffing issues. If you have an inquiry or any sort of problem that needs an immediate answer, you would be better helped by coming to the post office, which brings me to... The Dutch door. At any given time, we have only one person working the door. We appreciate your patience as we try to help you retrieve your package, certified letters, vacation hold pickups, inquiries about why you're not receiving mail, etc. Again, this relates to staffing within the post office. The clerks at the window are instructed to remain at the window unless told otherwise to provide service to customers at the window. We also have clerks in the back of the station that are scanning packages for the next business day. If able, they can assist the clerk at the Dutch door. I, and other clerks, recognize your frustration. I am not sure who I would suggest speaking to in order to bolster staffing at the post office. I will say, though, that this will not improve in the following couple months as the holiday season begins. So, brace yourselves for a long, stressful season...

  • LaVita e Bella

Cannot believe I have to leave a review like this about a post office but here it goes. LIVED in south Austin off Onion creek parkway & have had to report missing packages twice that had tracking and said they left it in Additional locked mailboxes yet no key was left & also the box was not occupied when I had regular carrier check the following day. About a month ago I had a huge box crammed in my very small apt mailbox. Not even sure how they got it in there or why they would not use the large locked boxes & just leave me a key to get it but I had to cut this package open and remove the contents and then force the now tattered box out just to clear my mailbox.Seriously, what a disaster. Then now I have moved and put my mail on hold 5 days ago until I could go in this week with my new address & I see on my "informed mail" notice online that they have delivered a package of my work contracts with very sensitive information to my old address despite my mail being on hold. Since a new occupant is now there, My apartments cannot check for me & I just have to wait to see if returned. I am literally furious and have been hanging on line to make a complaint for almost an hour thus far. I am always respectful to USPS as I know they have alot on their plate but honestly, this location by far is the most incompetent I have seen. So when I need my packages, they don't show up and when I ask you to hold, you deliver?? Such a massive disappointment!

  • Sean Lane

Good luck ever dropping off any prepaid packages after hours. The drop box is always full and your package WILL be damaged if you are the last one in. The least they could do is have TWO drop boxes for the amount of people this one post office serves. They don’t even empty the thing while employees are working either, you have to just leave it in the huge pile of packages on the desk no one gets to assuming you get there during banking hours. Oy! No one really does their job with any efficiency. The lines are long all hours of the day, so good luck trying to do much of anything in person. And as of Jan. 22nd 2022 you can no longer even access the lobby after 7 anymore so good luck if you unfortunately pay for a PO Box and check your mail any time after that. This has been my post office for a decade and every year it’s worse. It needs to be split with a different new location. Or just tear it down and make it huge. This is what happens when the United States post office is run in late stage capitalism. You get a place where everyone is overworked and no expense or investment is ever made to make the “business” run properly. Just a rush to the bottom to work at a bare minimum. The post office needs to be government run again. It will probably still not be great but it would be better than this dump. Plus you could actually call the police on homeless people sleeping in there because it would no longer be private property.

  • Douglas Lyon

On 8/03/2018 at 12:45 pm, I went to the mockingbird station zip 78745, to drop off a letter in one of the two large outside drop boxes. What I found was two completely filled boxes. I could not go inside to make a complaint because I had my dog with me. So I tried calling them on there phone number listed 512 It rang for about 8 minutes then gave me a busy signal. Then I tried the 800 number waited about 2 minutes to listen to everything I didn’t need but left my number so they /computer said I would be called back in one hour and 11 minutes. I have a hard time understanding how these two drop could possibly completely full, however due to there very low rating 1star, there supervision has to be lacking. I assume the Shute could be filled with letters now allowing mail to drop in the box or poorly trained personal when they open up the back of the drop box to retrieve mail at 5pm, never check the Shute to insure mail will pas freely to the bottom on the box. Needless to say I am still awaiting for my call back. Seems like someone needs to do a walk around and check drop boxes and employees to insure they have everything they need to do there job and are not sleeping. This action by supervision may bring there star rating up to 1.5 stars. Like the old man said anything is better than nothing at all and the benefits they receive a 5star rating! WHAT HAPPENED TO CUSTOMER SERVICE!!

  • Caitlin Covington

If I could give them less than one star I would. I do not write reviews- I am not that person, but for this place I will. In July I applied to get my mailbox keys changed and they told me it would take 2-3 weeks. So I waited. And called as they told me I should- of course no one ever answered. And I waited. And I called. Finally, after a month and half I just walked in to ask after them. Guy at the desk kinda laughs at me for waiting so long and then proceeds to look for it only to tell me they don't have it. Can't find my key anywhere. He tells me he'll leave a message for the maintenance guy and have him call me the next day. Two weeks later I still have not been called. So I show up again, and they still cannot find my key and SURPRISE the maintenance guy is out until next week- but he will surely do it then. Went by the following week and no one has any idea what I'm talking about. The staff scoff at me like I didn't ACTUALLY file to have my keys changed because I don't have the slip of paper the guy took from me the first time I came in to claim my keys. So I have to sign up to have my keys changed AGAIN. I am still waiting on them. I'm going to be going in every day until I get them though. Just terrible customer service.

  • Denis Leining

This office has to be the model for the new USPS under DeJoy. Make it so awful that people will scream for private industry to take over. I would give this location zero stars if it were possible. Customer service doesn't exist. I asked for them to hold my mail, have confirmed with informed delivery that a package was specifically held per my request, only to be told that I have no mail or packages for over 1 week when I show up to collect them. The woman who operates the Dutch door is incredibly rude. She literally laughed in my face when I asked if she knew when the key for my cluster box would be ready (after she was the one who told me to return in 5 days to get it. This was day 10.) She didn't offer expedited key service because the man in front of me paid $20 to have his key made in a week. It was 2 weeks gone and still no key. They had to refund him. My replacement driver's license is sitting with all my mail somewhere between my mail box and the post office, but no one knows exactly where. Also, be prepared to carve out at LEAST one hour if you need any kind of service involving an employee. Dutch door requests take 15 min to resolve at MINIMUM and if you have 4 or more people in front of you in line...yep.

  • Tiffany Mathews

If I could give them zero stars, then I would. The post office left 2 slips on 11/14 stating item couldn't fit in mailbox and no secure location. I put in a request asking for the item to be left on the front porch. I was finally able to make it to the post office after work. I waited in line for 30+ minutes only to learn that my package was returned to sender on 11/26. The staff inside was nice, but mail carrier service needs improvement. ----- Update 12/9/23 They've done it again! I ordered a package that UPS delivered to USPS. Per the tracking information, USPS received my package on 12/5/23. Delivery was attempted/ reattempted on 12/6/23. My package was returned to sender on 12/7/23. I checked my mail on 12/5 and 12/6. I didn't receive a slip for attempted delivery on 12/6 nor was my package in my mailbox/waiting at my door. I'm perplexed as to why USPS would claim that they attempted delivery once and return my package the next day. That's not standard at any other post office that I've gone to. Thank God I didn't have lifesaving medication or pertinent legal documents in the package that was supposed to be delivered. This location needs a complete overhaul.

  • Tye Thompson

I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND handling your postal services here. I stood in a line for over 30 minutes, when the staff member finally assist me I informed him the key to my PO BOX would not fit. He left to find assistance with my problem, return 10 minutes later & told me they are closing & redirected me to a longer line. Once I was redirected to another line I repeated my story to another employee, informing him the key did not fit the box. Emil,another staff member, interrupted my conversation with the employee whom was assisting me & stated “turn the key around” I informed him “I tried that” Emil then repeated to me, “we’ll go try it again”. He was rude, distasteful, and belligerent. More than one customer complained on this Emil guy that same day. Not all the staff members are like this, some of them go out their ways to make sure to ensure all your needs are met. But one bad apple can spoil the bunch. **PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE WHEN DEALING WITH A PLACE LIKE THIS.** Your wait time will always be 20-45 minutes. They are extremely short staffed.

  • Lauren Campbell

I feel for the employees at this location. They can only do so much and I know they deal with a lot of frustrated people. That said, my mailbox has been broken for a YEAR and I am at my wits end. I have submitted multiple tickets to get it fixed. Nothing has changed. My single box is broken in a cluster mailbox, and so I fear it will literally never get fixed, and I am so, so tired of coming here to pick up my mail. I call and I get the runaround every single time with their automated recording (no options for what I actually need and I cannot get in touch with a live person). When I go to pick up my mail, it's usually an extremely long line. Occasionally, when I know for a fact I have mail, the worker will come back and say I do not. They have a horrible system for sorting. Someone once came back and said "oh you should have told me your box was broken, those are in a different spot." How does that make sense?? I am waiting on a check that I know was mailed weeks ago, and I just went to the post office and ... "no mail."

  • Teresa Phillips

So, I just finished sending a late Christmas package which went fine as far as the person helping me doing their job well. But, the other Male employee there and the woman he was helping laughed when (I think his name was James who was great helping me and others) the guy helping me wasn't ablee to hear me asking if he was 'hanging in ok' multiple times. I know he knows ASL from helping someone before me who's hearing impaired and I know how hard it is for the hearing impaired right now not being able to read lips especially since my partner is partially deaf from the army. I felt bad I couldn't accommodate him better and I talked too fast when I pulled my mask off but I'm infuriated with the other employee and the customer laughing and the employee stating "he's usually better" despite my expressing that I'm not mad and I know it's hard these days. This kind of ableism and discrimination is unacceptable.

  • Travis Francis

There is a 99% chance that they will not answer your call, no matter what time of day it is. However, the lack of phone etiquette is overshadowed by their helpfulness in person. I had a package attempted to be delivered outside of the promised time window on Monday. The delivery showed up early and I put in a request online to get it redelivered the next day. It didn't show up. After the numerous phone call attempts, I drove over to this USPS on Wednesday. I was able to be seen right away at the counter, and told them the situation. They looked through their internal tracking to see what happened, and then looked through their stock to find the package. They brought it out to me, and it turns out it was on a different shelf, which was annoying for me that they just internally misplaced it. At least I got it within 5-10 minutes of showing up, and they were helpful and apologetic.

  • Josh Hardin

My ex-roommate brought 3 letters to this location after they sat in the mailbox with my forwarding address on them for 3 days without being picked up. One of them was the most recent stimulus check. A week later, one of the letters arrived and not the other two, the stimulus not being one of them. Me being stuck in Arizona unable to go in to try and find out what could have happened, I’ve spent the last week calling up to about 100 times, only once did someone answer and they just said “hello” then put me on hold before I could say anything and without an explanation from them. This is an extremely serious issue and they are actively choosing to ignore the phone. Now I don’t know if my stimulus is lost or if they didn’t send it for lack This has been one of the most frustrating and upsetting experience of my life. I’d appreciate it if you’d reach out to me and fix this.

  • Ernesto Ortiz

Terrible. Just terrible. The line for the pick-up window moves so slow, about one person gets helped every 15 minutes or so. The incompetence is overwhelming. I had a failed delivery on a Saturday due to no one being home, no problem. The slip they left said to pick up at post office on the following Monday. Too easy. I show up, wait for about an hour because there are about three or four people ahead of me. I was told it went back out for delivery. I was peeved at at my wasted time but was relieved to be getting the package. And what happens? No delivery. I return to the post office on Tuesday to report what has happened and collect my package. Surely it is waiting for me, right? Wrong, it's back out for another fake delivery attempt. And I had to wait about an hour and a half this time to be told that. Absolute garbage. I'd give them a -1 star if I could.

  • Claya Dollison

The lines are usually so long. I've gone here with my infant and had to wait 45 minutes to pick up a mail hold. When I first moved, I waited nearly 2 months for a key to the box. Each time I went to pick up, I provided my information and it would take a lot of time, but I would get my mail. Then one day, out of the blue, a guy told me I was supposed to have a form that was never issued to me, in order to prove who I was and pickup. He was actually the same guy who initially set up my mail hold and ordered the keys. It seems he didn't even know the rules his self. Then, I found out they never checked on my keys when I was there, but the keys had been sitting there for weeks. There was no communication. No apology about failing to take that one step and check when I had requested. It's never a good experience, but not many post offices really are.

  • Leap Ashitaka

This place is a complete nightmare. 15 people waiting in line for “customer service” or held mail pickup. 0-2 people in line for retail at any given time. I asked the retail employees if they could help with the long line since there was no one helping and the line was growing. They told me their job is retail and they “had retail customers”. I turned around to give the zero people in the retail line a long look. When I turned back around to see what the USPS person was referring to, she said “we do have customers right now”. What?!? Where?? I went back to the customer service line and three minutes later, after no one else showed up for retail, the person slowly meandered over and helped. I get that the USPS is understaffed and struggling as an underfunded government service but this above and beyond ridiculous.

  • Mills Rodgers

I want to shout out Amanda! She went far above and beyond to correct a mistake by a mail carrier. I have informed delivery, so I know when packages have been delivered. Well, I received an email saying a very important package I was waiting on had been placed in my mailbox. I go to the mailbox and it’s not there, despite it saying it had been delivered. I went to the post office right before it closed and explained this to Amanda. She checked in the back to see if the package was at the post office and it wasn’t. She then said that she would actually go to my apartment complex’s mailboxes and look for the package. When she did that, she was able to locate that the package had been placed in someone else’s mailbox. I truly appreciated her doing this because it was a very important package. She was a lifesaver!!!

  • Leslie Jaramillo

My mailbox was broken into so all my mail is currently being held at the post office. I show up early because after 1 p.m. this place is busy. I came in around 830 a.m. and was greeted by a very nice gentleman working the passport station he had such a great smile he asked me what I needed and he guided me to this window where I could get my mail from. I rang the bell and this girl opened it as if I had inconveniently interrupted her morning. I said, "I'm here to pick up my mail" She interrupted me and said, I need your ID and rolled her eyes. Then said, you live here? And rolled her eyes. I said, yes I do. She said, is your mail being held here again, and rolled her eyes. I said, yes!! And rolled my eyes. Ugh. The attitude and lack of social skills led me to give this place 2 stars. Being kind goes a long way.

  • Lauren Phagan

Claimed to have left two notices of “attempted delivery” from a package from the Ukraine. How was I supposed to know a delivery was attempted without a receipt or paper notifying me? This item was sent back to sender. I am unfortunately out of $200 because I did not claim this package. I did go to the closest USPS and was able to ask a postal worker if they had tracking information on this package. They replied that it was returned to sender due to not being claimed. I asked what a receipt of attempt to deliver looks like so I can search my walkway, yard or street for the notice(s). They could not provide me that information either. I asked them if they had time stamps of when they came by. They did not have that as well. This was a super fun experience.

  • M D

Our cluster boxes in shady hollow have been broken for 3 weeks. The post office is in no rush to fix instead they make the customer come to the post office on mockingbird and wait in long line to get mail which actually is easier for them than delivering your mail. Shame on them. My tax dollars pay their salaries. Can’t even fix a lock on a cluster box timely and efficiently. Wish fed ex or ups could take over mail service and show them how to run a business.in addition they refuse to deliver my priority packages to my door instead they claim I requested hold at post office which is bull. This is 4th week of continued incompetence and laziness by the post office but they don’t care.

  • Juana Santoyo

It should be a cero , this place was the best post office that i can trust with my mail , but i got to the point that is intolerable the employees just send you from one window to the next no one can give you an answer i send a packet on octuber 26 to be deliver on the next day i pay almost 30 dlls and a month later still no answers of where is that package i dont want the money back all i need is that package to be deliver and they just keep saying o we dont know and i know that it will never be deliver bcz once they scanned i can make a claim ,, , this is they way they force us to use other companies and pay more ,, so disappointed

  • Michele Janowski

Mail not being delivered for a week. I have informed delivery and shows what should be delivered. When I asked the post person “it’s a system error, while streets aren’t getting mail”. He said he would “ask his supervisor Edgar. Edgar’s reply, “we didn’t deliver mail On Thursday because of the ice”. On Sat still o mail, when I asked the post person about it… “ I can only deliver what they give me”. But about 5 mi items later I hear mail being dropped in the mail box ( he had already delivered my side of the street. Don’t answer the phone, if you file an online complaint, “stock answer given” Wish I could give it a negative 5 stars!!

  • Dave

Hands down the worst post office I have ever dealt with. They literally took my money for a lock replacement and never followed through. I now haven’t seen any of my mail in months. It has gotten to the point that I don’t even know which mail box is mine anymore. This post office has caused more problems for me than anywhere I’ve ever been. Instead of putting a cluster of boxes for each property, they throw every ones mail in the neighborhood together. Because it’s a lower income street they treat us as such. Go to another option at all costs cuz these people don’t care how they mess up your life through their job.

  • Stephanie F.

Very disappointed in the customer service with USPS in general but especially this location. They delivered a package to my old address in Austin..even though I had successfully completed a change of address request to my new address in KS. I have called USPS customer support and this specific location over and over again and still over a month later do not have the package. They have not once answered the phone at this location and I have waited on the phone for HOURS to get to an operator at the customer service number. Unfortunately since I am not in the area I can't physically go to the station.

  • fusckion

Even during their craziest season, I’ve always had a friendly experience with these heroes! Long lines do not have to mean grouchy interactions; I do not know how they do it, but they make it work! Will you have to wait in line to mail your package? More than likely. Will the wait be longer than expected? In a holiday rush, most definitely. Is the underpaid public postal service working their tails off and deserving of our empathy and gratitude? I should say so! Thank you to this post office and all service jobs just trying to get through their holiday season without being yelled at.

  • Larry Larson

This issue pertains to just working smarter. Let's not get into head count shortage. Got to speed up service at dutch door. Depending who's servicing door makes world of difference in speed. This looks to be a training problem or lack of common sense. You simply cannot be 3rd person in line and wait 25 minutes. Person serving door has to take multiple requests at a time. Service at this location has never been what you would say a good experience but now it's just poor. Customer service issues shouldn't be allowed to just manifest. This location allows that.

  • Christopher Chamberland

I went to get the keys to my mailbox, for whatever reason, the houses don't have mailboxes. They gave me the keys but didn't tell me where my mailbox is, and told me to call a number. The employee was also extremely rude, and seemed like she didn't want to answer any of my questions. It's been 2 weeks, I've been calling every day and still I don't know where my mailbox is. I'm over 2 weeks behind on my mail!!! and these clowns won't answer the phone or tell me where my mailbox is. This is absolute insanity, the worst service from USPS I have ever seen.

  • Nicholas Ducote

This is the WORST post office I've ever been around. I wish I could give them no stars. I've have never received my mail since moving to Austin. This post office has willingly sent back almost every package I've ever ordered. Birthday's, Christmas, and my work have been ruined singlehandedly by these people. They were told to leave our packages at our apartment complex if a mailbox has been damaged. But no, they hold the package for an hour and then mark it back to sender. When we bring this issue up, they shrug it off and say sorry. Truly awful.

  • Ashley M Croswell

Been in line 45 minutes.....to pick up a package. Yep. Still in line as I write this review. Like some post-modern dystopian sadism, the workers open the Dutch door window for 1 person at a time, look at the line of people who have been waiting centuries for the smallest thing, and then close it in our faces without explanation. Everyone is impatient. No one in their lives has time for this. Everyone is furious. The postal office workers take pleasure in this cruelty. "How much longer?" we scream internally, collectively, as we die inside.

  • Danielle Fewings

BEYOND dissatisfied with this post office. I have scheduled pickups from my location on a daily basis, yet we are skipped on an average of 3 out of 5 times a week. I have emailed, called and left notes for the post office yet there is no resolution. On the days they DO pickup, our bags holding the packages are taken and not given back. Additionally their bulk pickup is a joke. There is no such thing and when you ask for bulk pickup at their location they tell you to leave the packages on the ground. I am beyond frustrated.

  • Hope Henry

If I could give negative stars, I absolutely would. HORRIBLE service. I have had multiple bad experiences, including not picking up the phone, ignoring me when I show up to to ask someone how to get my package that was delivered incorrectly, and now TWO packages with expedited shopping sitting at their office without being scanned/sent out for delivery for 4-5 days. At the rate that they are running the business, USPS might as well shut this place down because it doesn’t seem to be a functioning business anyways.

  • Ralph Tyndall

I do empathize with many of the other reviewers here complaining about how busy this post office is and how it is very unlikely your phone call will be answered. However that being said, once you get here the employees are very helpful. They are doing their best to keep the line moving as quickly as possible. I had a passport appointment with Susan today and she provided excellent service. She made the application process effortless and made sure I was knowledgeable about every step. Give this lady a raise!

  • Hayden Aquilon

I went to get my keys for my office and they said they would take 4 to 6 weeks to get there. I said that’s fine is there anything I can do to expedite this process? They said I could pay $25 to get my keys in 1 to 3 days as this was obviously time sensitive. I go back on day four to go get them and they still aren’t there and they won’t give me back my money that I paid to get them rushed. Why provide a “rush” service in the first place? That’s what happens when you let government run a business. Oh well.

  • Veronica Penaloza Wolfermann

Innovative postal office: I can’t believe I am saying this about a government office, but they had a Self-service digital booth that I have not seen before (and I go often to the USPS). You can pay with a credit card there and literally not interact with anyone. A total gem! They also had a passport application booth and they take your photo directly there. They use better cameras than CVS and honestly I will come here next time. Ps: be careful bc sometimes they don’t have printing paper for the labels.

  • J Pagan

I love all the one star reviews! It makes it easy for me to get in and out of this post office. First people need to understand that they open at 8:30 am and sometimes they may be about 5 minutes late opening the gate...also, there is usually only one clerk to serve who is waiting at opening and then another clerk comes on at around 30 minutes later. I’ve used this post office for years and noticed they get very busy when the roads of Austin backup...Love this post office and the clerks are great too.

  • Dani

Please teach your employee at the Dutch Door about the USPS Package Intercept® process, she had no clue what I was talking about and actually thought I was just going to go away without having her check to see if my package was there. Yes, my package was there, I paid to have the package intercepted during transit at the Mockingbird Post Office location. The employees need to know this information to avoid having customers leave their packages behind when the packages are actually there.

  • Brittany Black

I feel so bad for the people who work here. They have ONE PERSON managing customer inquiries and package pick up. The few times I've been there, entitled customers yell at the workers. I also heard another employee say he was given his instructions and could not help the single worker. What. The. Heck. I was told 2-3 weeks for my mailbox key but it's be much longer than that. Because they only have the one person, I have to wait at least an hour. At least it's clean? ‍♀️

  • Blaise Finnegan

They don’t answer their phones. SMH I have a very expensive package needing a signature. I live in an apt with a very safe locker system that you have to sign for. The usps carrier keeps on trying to deliver during the work week and business hours. I’ve submitted the notice to deliver to our lockers and they keep on trying to deliver to my apartment door. This expensive piece of art is now being returned to sender and who knows how that will work out. Worst service ever.

  • Tripp

This review isn’t about this post office specifically, but about USPS as a whole. You suck. You suck so hard. 95% of your employees no nothing about what they are doing. After waiting for 5 hours to speak to someone, the lady literally just repeated what my tracking said and told me to have a nice day. Pathetic, ignorant, ridiculous, uninformed, horrible customer service, bad attitudes. No wonder Americans hate all government entities and offices. Because you all suck.

  • A B

In case you come to this post office, it's more confusing than the DMV. Here's where you go: far left line is mailing packages out, Passport services, monetary transactions. The "Dutch Door" Services line which is slightly left (see door that says Please Ring Bell for Assistance) is for non monetary transactions such as certified mail/package holds, vacation holds etc. Straight ahead is the self service area. PLAN ON WAITING HERE FOREVER WHEN YOU ARRIVE!

  • Daniel Fithian

Absolute worst post office I have been to. My mail box unit was vandalized and mail cannot be delivered to it (which won’t be fixed for a least 6 months.) To receive mail I have to go stand in their Dutch door line which is always at least 3-4 hours long. I have been unable to receive mail for over a month. Great job government run post service! Really wish I had other options. This post office is the epitome of why USPS is a failing venture.

  • John

Came by at 9:50 AM on a Saturday to expect a huge line but instead, there was just two people in front of me. I paid for my package and was out within 10 minutes. Also if there is a long line, use the kiosk! It looks intimidating but it's so easy. It has a ruler along the edges of the kiosk to measure your package. You just input the values, the shipping address and it gives you a label. You can then just leave it on the counter and leave!

  • Janie Rios

I go on a daily bases for work to pick up mail. The lady at the door is so rude and very unprofessional towards her customers. I always see the way she mistreats customers when I go. Bad enough we wait patiently until it’s our turn due to the lack of staff there. If you don’t like your job then move along and find another don’t be so ugly to people who looking for your assistance. Pulling things out peoples hands is RUDE.

  • Amber Tacy

The tall guy with white hair is incredibly rude and condescending. I was spoken down to and belittled while trying to retrieve a package. I walked away shaking with anger, I’ve never had an experience like that with any of the other employees at this post office. This guy should not be interacting with patrons if he doesn’t have the customer service skills.

  • Nicole Grossberg

Wow! What a refreshing postal experience. Though there was only one person ahead of me, when I got to the counter, the woman apologized for my long wait. I was assisted with what I needed for my recent move and with stamps. The woman helping me was patient, kind, and efficient. And she was careful not to touch the belongings of mine that she needed to see.

  • William Smith

If screwing with the us mail is a federal offense all these people should be in jail. US Post Office Mockingbird Station Manchaca (yes, that’s the way I want to spell it) Edit:since this review they seem to be making a better effort. Will know come Christmas time if they only have one clerk and 57 customers in line out to the street as usual. Oct2023

  • Casie Warnke

Susan who works here is amazing. We were nervous about getting our passport paperwork/money order correct and sent out on time and she took us in with a smile on her face and walked us through the entire process. We were not expecting that at all. Completely made our days. Best post office experience I have ever had thanks to Susan.

  • Hai Im Cele

Extreamly not helpful! I showed them my tracking number and they told me it was sent third party and either lost or destroyed!! The manager was extremely condescending saying it was my fault for having wrong address after showing what the delivery service put it was sent there. Horrible service EVERY TIME! HIRE NEW YOUNGER PEOPLE

  • Annie Madison

Dropped off package at the counter where normally prepaid labeled boxes are dropped off and they scan them later if u don't want to wait on the line but the sunglasses never made it to the receiver! Pretty sure the person who supposed to scan boxes stole my sunglasses. So now every time I ship something I wait on the long line...

  • Kimberly Sabo

Trying to get the locks changed on my mailbox. I have spoke with 3 different people and received 3 different stories. How am I suppose to get this problem fixed when the representatives don't know how to solve the problem? I have been working on this problem for months and have made 0 progress towards the solution. Someone help

  • Travis Faulstich

Went in on Wednesday to get a replacement mail key. Service was fast and friendly. I was told to com Saturday and they would have my mail there for pickup. Not only did they have my mail bundled up nicely. My keys were already ready! I go to a lot of post offices for my job and this is definitely one of the best one out there.

  • Yanni Yanni

Here I go again! Another package I've waited on for a month that says it was delivered but it's nowhere in sight. No one answers the phone so I have to get a ride over there, wait in a long line for them to tell me they can't find it etc. Etc. Etc. What is the alternative?! Nothing! Stop ordering stuff that is shipped by USPS?

  • Lauren Leon

Been dealing with a super frustrating mail situation and I was told by an associate to come at 7:00am to catch a package before it hit the truck since my apartment doesn’t accept packages anymore. Came at 7:00 and was just told “we don’t open until 8:30” and looked at like a lunatic then they slammed the door. Waste of time.

  • Lou Averbach

They marked my package as "undeliverable." They had full access to the property and access to package lockers. They then swore up and down I would be contacted to come pick up the package, but then they didn't take any action. Cost me a week delay on one job and a cancellation on another. If I could give 0 stars, I would.

  • Desiree Kyoni

Wait wasn't too bad considering it's a big city and it's holiday shipping prime time, but bring a book. That being said, some people were standing in the wrong line. Need more indication of self-service line and regular line. Also, Ron was super helpful and patient, and service was fast once you actually got to the desk.

  • Chelsea Christ

Justin helped me today with a new passport photo for my passport renewal. Even with having a line of people and a broken AC in their office, he was incredibly helpful, patient, and so nice. I left surprised how pleasant the whole experience was. I really appreciated it. Thank you Justin!

  • Kayla Chester

In case anyone was wondering, it’s still a s*%# show here. Zero organization and a lack of staff. I get that covid probably decreased their number of employees like everywhere else, but good lord. I’ve never had a good experience at this post office in the 7 years I’ve lived here.

  • David R

Often over crowded and over staffed. The Dutch for service is slow and could have no one answer for over 15 minutes. The self service bin fills up too quick come holidays and is just a pure representation of a business that should fail or be completely overhauled.

  • Ross Holtkamp

My mail is never delivered on Saturdays, packages and envelopes. On top of not being delivered they put it on hold at the post office and make me come into the post office. Which I can't come by on week days due to my job, and that affects my side business.

  • sam heath

If I could give zero stars I would. We have been paying for premium mail forwarding service and have yet to receive a single box of our mail. I have called the post office around 50 times and no one will answer. This is very frustrating. Come on USPS!

  • Cole Dockter

Not sure why this location gets such a bad rap. Stepphun was very friendly and took care of my oddball request during peak lunch hours, which didn't seem to be too busy. Wouldn't hesitate to use this location for future mail/package drop off.

  • stephanie

This location is probably the worst I've been to in Austin. I order/pay $25 for my mailbox key and employee states I'll get my key in 3 days but when I return in 5 days my order was never placed. This wasn't found out until after waiting in

  • Sarah Kelley

I went to pick up my post office key last week and was seen pretty quickly. The employee collected my information and gave me a sheet of paper with post office contact info and an estimated time my key would be ready...2-3 weeks. She said

  • Alyssa Smith

Susan is the SWEETEST and most patient USPS employee I have ever met. I had the wrong boxes, she gave suggestions on how to make it lower priced for me, and was so kind the entire time. I live in Hyde park and I always avoid going to that

  • Cory U.

Horribly slow employees. Have to pick up my Rx from here via the "quick service" window every month and it typically takes me 30 minutes if there isn't a long line, 45+ minutes if there isn't. As I type this I've been here for a half hour

  • Jeff Harlan

Worst, most under-staffed and least-helpful location I've ever been forced to have as my mail station. They DO NOT answer the phone. It goes to voicemail. They only have ONE PERSON to help with the line for packages that THEY MISHANDLED.

  • Melissa Burst

They don't answer the phone and the lines are too long with only two people working. They don't multi-task well. Too many people get to the front of the line and don't have their packages ready and then sit there writing long letters and

  • Thomas B

Even though you can tell things are hectic, it felt like the one of the employees behind the dutch door (i wish i caught her name) really made a mindful effort the find my package which i accidently mailed to my old apartment. She wrote

  • Caitlin O'Brien

Although the line was long (there were only two workers), I think it was because it was the end of the month and people were trying to get bills paid, etc. The workers were nice and very helpful once I finally got to speak with them.

  • Ruth Lawson

Mockingbird station on Menchaca is awful or it’s just my inept postal deliver worker. They keep sending packages back saying I refused them! And they never answer the phone and the USPS site is unable to send an e-mail.

  • Nikko Galvez

Jessica at the package assistance and interception window helped get my package to me when it was said to be sent back to the sender. Also thank you to the two gentlemen at the front desks that redirected me to her!

  • KB. TV

The pick up lines here are long I waiting an hour to get my package, it seems like no one is attending the line because we’re in line at a door with no window! Feels like no one notices your waiting there !

  • Christopher Sheldon

This location isn’t always great, but certain employees definitely make it more tolerable. When people choose to go above and beyond, it counts. I was helped by Tyler earlier, and he was absolutely stellar!

  • jdmacnab

Left a redelivery note in our post box for a package that needed to be signed, they never came to the door so not sure how they planned on having it signed. We can’t now get the package redelivered

  • Erik Larson

A pleasant surprise today here. We have had plenty of long lines and overworked staff at other locations. However, the line was short (at 1pm on a Tues) and the staff was super friendly.

  • Bruno

Before Covid and during covid, this post office was awful! Rude and slow employees. But now they are fully staffed and the new people are fast and very friendly :)

  • Elisa Hashemian

I would like to thank Justin for helping me so efficiently. USPS deserve recognition for having excellent staff like Justin at the Mockingbird Station

  • Misis Boyer

I recommend this place for applying passport. Fast and friendly service. Justin was very kind and patient taking photo of our son. Thank you Justin.!

  • Kara Teninja

The clerks were very helpful and calm considering the amount of customers they have during the holiday season. This post office deserves more stars.

  • Payton Gordon

Rob who handled my passport renewal was excellent. Lightyears better than all previous experiences I’ve had trying to get this done.

  • Judy

If I could give it a zero, I would. The employees at this usps don’t really seem to care about the quality of their services.

  • Jean-Claude Gazzaneo

Had a great experience today where all the people there were very helpful and kind. Thank you for all of your services …

  • Lauren Cole

The line can be long sometimes but not always, but there’s plenty of staff so it moves fast, and the workers are very kind.

  • Pedro Aguirre

Do not used USPS to shipped international. They lie to you, packages never arrived on time. Avoid using USPS

  • Andrew Clements

They lost a $200 non refundable item of mine. What was the point in $28 shipping as well? Completely a joke.

  • Michael Cosper

Why is my mail being put into my mailbox after ten PM? disgraceful service, next call is the Dogget.

  • randy stout

I used the self serve kiosk at this location before they were open at 8:30 am. Super easy and fast.

  • Stephanie Valor

I’ve been sending out packages with them for 3 years and have never had a problem.

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