Last reviews

CARE Hospitals, Banjara Hills | Best Hospital in Hyderabad

Srinivas Juttukonda

Dear Sir I'm J Srinivas Baba underwent CABG operation at your Care Banjara Hills branch on 3rd November 2023. After that during my stay in CTICCU I was given Phisio Therappy sessions by Dr Ansar, who is very soft and genuine during his sessions practised me very efficiently. This I am saying because I am a Physically Handicapped person able to walk with much strain with walker now able to walk without walker. This made me very much happy, a marvelous job by a physio therapist. I consider him to be one of the best Phisio Thereapist.



治療食といいつつ 一般食である 外来党の出入り口が コロナ対応緩すぎてびっくり コロナ発生しても おかしくないレベル 実際コロナ発生したけど5月19日 3階で発生して 3階で抑えきれなくて そもそも3階の時点で 保健所に連絡したん?な件 患者だけが3階に出禁濃厚接触者扱いで 退院できても 重度心身障碍者の私は リハビリも お風呂でいさーびすも訪問マッサージも 訪問歯科も中止な件

Bow Meow - The Pet Point. The Best Pet Clinic, Grooming & Store in BTM Layout

Satyanarayan Roy

I have not visited many pet stores till yet, because everything is available here at Bow Meow store located at Chocolate factory road, opposite to swaraj super market. They don't sell unnecessary accessories to the end users or customer by insteadusing influencing words rather they advice friendly suggestions wrt to pet health if only customer comes up with the queries. Incase the product is not available, respecting the customer needs, they arrange the product n do the free home delivery in the locality within committed time. I have visited once and till now i m continuing because the behaviour of the owner n co-workers in the Bow Meow store is extremely good. The food stuffs available are for all types of breed-dogs n cats. The price and quality of the product is genuine. Hope my words will b helpful to all the visitors.

Moovers Chicago - Chicago Moving Company and Local Movers

Morgan DeSelm

I recently used Moovers Chicago for a move from a 3rd floor walk-up to a condo building with an elevator, and had a great experience. Moses helped me quickly book and confirm the move, and clearly answered all of my questions on logistics and pricing. The pricing was fair and without any surprises. The day of the move team - Jorge, Carnell, and Felipe - were very efficient but careful with our items. Our move came in faster than estimated with no items broken or damaged at all. Overall we had a seamless moving experience, and the Moovers team was great!

Nantes Camping

hugo _s29

Vraiment déçu ! Nous étions déjà venus il y a 2 ans, mais la qualité s’est vraiment détériorée. Les volets et moustiquaires étaient cassés, il fallait forcer pour fermer certaines portes coulissantes en entier (elles se bloquaient au milieu). Les plants dans les « cercles » dans la terrasse, ce n’est pas une bonne idée : nous avons dû aller manger sur la pelouse car le plant au milieu de la terrasse empêchait la table de passer, sans que l’on arrive dans un autre plant… Les éléments basiques de sécurité ne sont pas là : ils avaient « perdu » la clé de la trousse de secours depuis plus d’une semaine (de ce que le personnel nous a dit). Le gardien est venu nous demander de faire moins de bruit pendant notre repas de famille, alors que nous ne faisions que parler (pas si fort que ça), et qu’il n’était même pas minuit, il avait apparemment reçu plusieurs appels du même emplacement. Je ne recommande pas d’aller dans ce camping, vous y serez déçu
Type de voyage
Groupe de voy.
Chambres : 1
Service : 1
Emplacement : 3

San Diego Air & Space Museum

Mariah H.

Great museum! Lots of wonderful information and little hidden gems. A LOT of planes! If you go too fast, you'll miss them, look up! The 4-D tour was really cool, and the gentlemen there are packed with knowledge and can tell you a lot! Can't wait for the additional exhibit they're adding to it!
Visited on
Wait time
No wait
Reservation recommended
Price for adult entry

Galeria Avenida

Tomasz Śmiegelsky

Dzień dobry Pani dyrektor Awenidy jestem częstym qosciem w waszym centrum handlowym ale to co dzisaj zrobila wasza ochrona szt 4 jeden nawet przybieql ze szlifierka i metrowymi nożycami do metalu a pozostali 3 napadli na klienta kawiarni Sowa który zamówił zapłacił qrzecznie usiadł przy stoliku zaczol spożywać posiłek a oni nad nim pastwili się przez ok pół godziny dosłownie pol qodziny pochowali leqitymacje slozbowe do kieszeni i z potem na czole i podnieceniem bo byli we czterech A POWÓD CZŁOWIEK Z PODRÓŻY WSZEDL Z ROWREM KTÓRY NIKOMU NIE PRZESZKADZAŁ ZENADA WSTYD



天然石の店とコストコがメインです 土日は、、早めに行かないと駐車場が(^_^;)空になってるのに 満車です! ピザの食べ放題の店 確か、、サニー?だったかな? 子供とか居たら連れてってあげると良いかもですね、、、 オーダーでピザを作ってもらえます! リ○○ファンに似てますが、、選ぶ項目が違って楽しいかもです

Danaher Drive Medical Centre

Joey Attard

Seen 3 different doctors here over the past 2 weeks first one was useless gave me something he shouldn’t have without an examination second was again useless the third one actually examined me Now I’m in hospital on emergency surgery list Have been going here for years will never step foot back in. If you are a doctor see to your patient not give them pills without examination and send them on there way I’m so angry! Not to mention the wasted money on meds.



牙痛,不想像白痴一樣忍痛到天亮,所以上網查一下24小時藥局,買了一盒止痛藥才一百元,吃了緩解疼痛安穩睡到天亮。當時夜間3~4點去買,藥師真的很辛苦,還細心訊問 ,我也順便和他聊了一下,他說有些客人買止痛藥還要求要拆盒賣,要求買一顆,只想花5元,10元解決問題,我只笑笑回應藥師你辛苦了!我只能說貧窮不可怕,可怕的是無知和無賴!

Höfe am Brühl

Mel R

Parken für 2€ je Stunde, Toilette gesperrt, wegen Umbau zu Sanifair (demnächst dann für 70Cent zu haben), Beschilderung zum WC fehlerhaft, Fahrstuhl außer Betrieb, dadurch ewige Wartezeit davor. Auf Sanifair freue ich mich demnächst am meisten. Ich esse und trinke in einem der Restaurants und muss danach für die Notdurft bezahlen, den Coupon aber nur mit Mindestumsatz in manchen Geschäften einlösen. Das wird toll. Dann gehe ich lieber in die nahe Innenstadt, dort darf man in der Regel als Gast die Sanitäranlagen benutzen und das Flair ist besser. Die Deko-Elemente sind seit der Eröffnung teilweise außer Betrieb genommen oder umfunktioniert. Alles in allem war es zu Beginn ein schönes Center im Zentrum, inzwischen meide ich es lieber. Die meisten Geschäfte gibts in der näheren Umgebung eh auch nochmal…

Crush Restaurante Mérida

Víctor Martín

Adicto a sus no alitas, todo riquísimo, pero con eso se salen! Además el ambiente y l@s camarer@s super amables. Por las noches suelen tener shows o conciertos, fui un día y tenían un concurso de Dracs, genial.
Comí allí
Tipo de comida
Precio por persona
100-200 $
Comida: 5
Servicio: 5
Ambiente: 5
Comida vegetariana
All is vegan (love)

মেরিটাইম মিউজিয়াম

Sakib Chowdhury

nice place. specially safe for children. here, children can run in a field. good restaurant service but very high price. ticket price was affordable.
কবে গিয়েছিলেন
সরকারি ছুটি
কতক্ষণ অপেক্ষা করেছিলেন
অপেক্ষা করতে হয় না
রিজার্ভ করতে বলা হচ্ছে

Post and Communications Museum

Salman Morid

واقعا حرف نداشت، وقتی وارد میشی به این مکان متوجه میشی پست و ارتباطات در طول تمام این سالها چه فراز و نشیب هایی را طی کرده، چه عده ی زیادی که بدون چشم داشت در این راه زحمت های زیادی کشیدن و حتی خیلی از آنها جان خود را فدا کردن، تا امروز ما بتونیم به راحتی از آن استفاده کنیم... از تمامی کسانی که در حفظ و نگهداری این مکان خارق العاده تلاش میکنن صمیمانه قدردانی میکنم. از تمامی عزیزان میخوام با اومدن به این مکان از زحمات آنها تشکر و حمایتشان کنیم، راستی خودکار یادتون نره اینجا کلی دفتر هست که باید داخلش یادگاری بنویسی. البته خودشون خودکار میذارن، امیدوارم روزی بیاد که دیگه هیچ مراجعه کننده ای خودکارها رو بر نداره... لطفا خانواده هایی که با بچه به این مکان میرن بهشون یاد بدن که موزه جای بازی و دست زدن به وسایل نیست. سلامت و خرم باشید.

De Koning Groningen


I contacted this shop to order a special product and the email support tried everything for me to get the order done and replied quickly! Unfortunately it did not work out, but against financial interests they recommended a solution to make me happy and advised to order abroad. Truly a great business putting the client first. Great customer service and a shop worth going to for all other things. Thank you.


inazuma leg

小さめの店舗です。 1階は挨拶も無く活気なし。 2階は挨拶もあり問題ありません。 オーディオ等ジャンク山積みです。 重ねて雑に陳列されており、傷が多くなっているかと思います。 値段は高いのでこのように山積みなのでしょう。 見るのは楽しいが買うかというと見た目の状態が悪いし、高い。 値段の見直しを求めます。

Children's Museum of Atlanta

Andrew Dyer, Jr.

My nephew is 4 years old and he and my sis and bro are in town from Dallas. The Children’s Museum is the perfect place for children to learn and explore! It was great for my own inner child to watch and collaboratively play with him. Will definitely bring him back for more time exploring!
Visited on
Public holiday
Wait time
No wait
Reservation recommended
Price for adult entry

JA静岡厚生連 遠州病院


妻が原因不明の痛みが長く続いていた際に こちらに通院しましたが、こちらで受けた検査では何ら異常が見られず 最終的に精神科の受診を勧められました。 精神科には行かず、別の医院(膠原病の専門医)で詳しく検査をしてもらい 関節リウマチに罹患していることが判明し 現在もそちらで治療中です。 仮にも総合病院なのに、高額の検査で 関節リウマチということもわからず 挙げ句の果てに精神科を勧めるという行為に 強い憤りを感じるとともに 病院の大きさと信頼度は必ずしも比例しないということを実感しました。

Hotel Finn

Tomas Nybondas

Todella siisti hotelli AIVAN Helsingin ydinkeskustassa. Kaikki kaupungin palvelut ja liikkeet ovat kävelymatkan päässä! Huoneet ovat siistejä, sängyt hyvät. Kahvia, kaakaota ja teetä saa tehdä itse huoneessa olevalla vedenkeittimellä ja vastaanotosta saatavilla juomajauheilla. Ravintolaa hotellissa ei ole, mutta se ei ole puute, sillä niitä on todella monta hotellin välittömässä läheisyydessä. Aamupalan voi syödä myös lähistön kahviloissa tai ravintoloissa. Huoneissa on pieni jääkaappi esim. iltapalan/aamupalan säilyttämistä varten. Liikenteen ja ravintoloiden äänet eivät kuulu huoneisiin. Hintataso ydinkeskustan hotelliksi todella halpa!
Matkan tyyppi
Huoneet: 5
Palvelu: 5
Sijainti: 5

Powai Medical and Dental Centre

Dr.Vedangi Mohite

यह विशेष रूप से बच्चों के लिए एक बेहतरीन क्लिनिक है और बहुत मिलनसार डॉक्टर है। वह अपने सभी रोगियों के साथ अद्भुत व्यवहार करते हैं और उनका उपचार भी बहुत अच्छी तरह से योजनाबद्ध है। संपूर्ण एक्वेरियम थीम बच्चों के लिए बहुत मनोरंजक है।


Airport shuttle serviceTire shopLocal government officeSynagogueRussian Orthodox churchGeorgian restaurantRailroad companyAccountantLaundromatSkin care clinicFederal courthouseSubway stationTropical fish storeMiddle schoolLegal servicesArt museumMovie rental kioskTransit stopSpa and health clubEmbassyChurch of ChristPlumberJewelerChristian churchInnHookah storePizza restaurantStorage facilityOffice space rental agencySchoolMassage therapistSelf-storage facilityHigh schoolSpaGymMedical CenterRestaurantBeer storeBankruptcy attorneyRoofing contractorCosmetic dentistWarehouseGrocery storeEmergency veterinarian serviceHistory museumElectricianFuneral homeDiscount supermarketWine storeEspresso barNight clubVaporizer storeWildlife parkDistrict councilAppliance storeChauffeur serviceTravel agencyBeauty salonBoot repair shopChildrens libraryAutomobile storage facilityInsurance companyHamburger restaurantTrucking companyLaser hair removal serviceSushi restaurantCasinoLocksmithTraffic police stationAuto parts storeFitness centerHealth food restaurantKitchen supply storeFast food restaurantAuto glass shopJanitorial serviceParking garageUniversity libraryComic book storeCity HallKindergartenBoat storage facilityHair removal serviceCity courthouseOffice furniture storeShoe storeBar & grillRV parkPrimary schoolCity tax officeTobacco shopTaxi serviceBus stationBuddhist templeGift shopCafeMuseumFacial spaFamily practice physicianPhysical therapistReal estate agencyHair salonStadiumMoverAirline ticket agencyHome goods storeShipping companyPolice stationBoot storePainterForeign consulateMeal deliveryDry cleanerDivorce lawyerPolice departmentSelf service car washTrain stationBaptist churchPentecostal churchHotelSports clubHome improvement storeKey duplication serviceAuto body shopAuto repair shopE-commerce serviceChinese restaurantTruck repair shopBankBathroom supply storeUsed car dealerElementary schoolCounty government officeAnimal hospitalCar inspection stationPublic libraryHypermarketLaundryMexican restaurantAmerican restaurantShopping mallAttorneyReligious organizationFreight forwarding serviceInsurance brokerVariety storeAdult entertainment storeDental clinicLiquor storeBook storeHeliportMobile home parkVeterinary careBakeryWater parkHealth spaPrivate educational institutionNon-denominational churchMovie rental storeWomen's clothing storeDoctorClothing storeSaunaFinancial institutionPastry shopCarpet cleaning serviceHookah barElectronics storePersonal injury attorneyHindu templeBagel shopMagistrates' courtMotor vehicle dealerCriminal justice attorneyBicycle ShopTour agencyDrug storeCemeteryBeauty supply storeLibraryPizza deliveryOrthopedic shoe storeCampgroundDelivery RestaurantVeterinary pharmacyButcher shopCorporate officeAmusement parkParkVeterinarianRegional government officeEvangelical churchZooAuto brokerMoving and storage serviceFire stationCourt of ArbitrationCar rental agencyFurniture storeMosqueSoup restaurantSporting goods storeSupermarketTour operatorElectrical installation serviceBookkeeping serviceAmusement centerCosmetics storeChildrens storeBed & breakfastPharmacyBus stopSandwich shopTax preparation servicePet storeDVD storeKitchen furniture storeArt galleryAquariumInternet shopJewelry designerGeneral practitionerThai massage therapistParkingTransportation serviceNail salonDentistBarber shopFloristGovernment officeAuto insurance agencyCity parkChurchBicycle repair shopBus companyOrthodox synagogueDistrict courtState government officeBoutiqueTransport interchangeStationery storeVisa and passport officeMedical spaCourthouseDoor shopPlace of worshipConvenience storeCar dealerInsurance agencyMedical clinicPubLaundry serviceTourist attractionCatholic churchSightseeing tour agencyGas stationLaw firmSports complexBarChicken restaurantDo-it-yourself shopCar rentalJewelry storeGeneral hospitalCharter schoolATMAccounting firmReal estate consultantGymnasium schoolGeneral storeAmusement park rideOrthodox churchInternational airportPost officeSouvenir storeCommercial real estate agencyCertified public accountantParking lotStorePet supply storeShort term apartment rental agencyPediatric dentistNon-profit organizationHairdresserCounty courtLight rail stationComputer storeMemorial parkKaraoke barUniversityState policeCity government officeHospitalDollar storeTransit stationMovie theaterMilitary cemeteryMusic schoolCoffee shopPublic parking spaceUsed book storeInternistFree parking lotMotelChildren's clothing storeLoungePawn shopHostelPhysical therapy clinicItalian restaurantPublic universityReform synagogueHardware storeCostume jewelry shopTakeout RestaurantCocktail barRecords storage facilityGuest houseMen's clothing storeElectrical supply storeMassage spaFamily restaurantSports barBuilding materials storePolicePlumbing supply storeAirportCollegeCar repair and maintenance serviceDay spaTheme parkChildren's amusement centerEmergency locksmith serviceDepartment storeAquarium shopLocal history museumTram stopCell phone storeTaxicab StandPrivate universityBowling alleyReal estate agentCar washWork clothes store